Infanticídio feminino e mortalidade materna, assassinato em massa de mulheres e deficientes, um genocídio por responsabilidade do governo


“O fenômeno do infanticídio feminino é tão antigo em muitas culturas, e foi provavelmente responsável por milhões de mortes seletivas de gênero ao longo da história. Continua, hoje, a ser uma preocupação fundamental em um número de paises do “Terceiro Mundo”, nomeadamente os dois países mais populosos do planeta, China e Índia. Em todos os casos, especificamente o infanticídio feminino reflete o baixo estatuto concedido às mulheres em muitas partes do mundo, e é sem dúvida a manifestação mais brutal e destruidora do viés anti-feminino que permeia as sociedades “patriarcais”. Ela está intimamente ligada aos fenômenos de abortos seletivos, que visa fetos do sexo feminino quase exclusivamente, e negligência a saude de crianças do sexo feminino.” 

“O infanticídio feminino é a morte intencional de bebês do sexo feminino, devido à preferência por bebês do sexo masculino e do baixo valor da pessoa associada com o nascimento de fêmeas.” (Marina Porras, “o infanticídio feminino e o Feticide”.). O FETICIDIO deve ser visto como um subconjunto do fenômeno mais amplo do infanticídio, que também tem como alvo a morte de crianças física ou mentalmente DEFICIENTES, e os machos infantis (ao lado do sexo feminino infantil ou, ocasionalmente, em um gênero seletivo base). Tal como acontece com a MORTALIDADE MATERNA. Alguns contestam a atribuição de infanticídio ou o infanticídio feminino para a categoria de “genocídio” ou, como aqui, “generocídio”.

“No entanto, o argumento apresentado no estudo de caso sobre a categoria MORTALIDADE MATERNA se aplica neste  caso como a seguinte evidencia: governos e outros atores podem ser tão culpados e responsaveis pelo assassinato em massa por negligência, falta de assistencia ‘a saude ou  incentivo tácito ao aborto, como assassinato direto de  mulheres, gestantes, fetos e crianças nascidas.”


Aqui no Brasil estamos a ver o governo, de Lula explicitamente desde 2005, e Dilma desde ministra da Casa Civil, com divulgaçoes na midia, vendendo a ideia fraudulenta      de que a mulher brasileira é a favor do aborto.                              


O PNDH-3 PREVE A LIBERAÇÃO DE CRIMES, fim do Estado de Direito.

Antes do segundo turno das eleições presidenciais de 2010, o governo lula na trama internacional do aborto, publicou em 04/10/2010, no Diário Oficial da União,  seção III, página 88, o Termo de Cooperação do Governo do Brasil com a Fundação Oswaldo Cruz para despenalizar (retirar a pena legal do crime) o aborto:




Além disso, o DECRETO 7.037, DE 21 DE DEZEMBRO DE 2009, do Presidente Lula E da Casa Civil durante o exercício de Dilma Rousseff atualizado pelo Decreto nº 7.177, em 12 de maio de 2010, ainda durante o 1º turno das eleições de 2010, dispõe sobre matérias da Constituição de competência privativa da União para legislar. Sendo assim, não passa de um texto político de intenções, mas que esta sendo posto em pratica por PT e Dilma. Isso é ditadura civil.


 – aborto, exclusão do direito à vida do ser humano concebido, como determina a diretriz 9, objetivo estratégico III, ação programática g): “apoiar a aprovação do projeto de lei que descriminaliza o aborto.

Diante desses programas, diretrizes e objetivos estratégicos, justiça sumaria, implementações, financiamentos e desqualificação de crimes contra a vida humana por causa da idade da vitima e/ou condição de saúde e deficiencia, o ato de questionar será considerado como transgressão infratora do INCONSTITUCIONAL PNDH-3, O DECRETO que é a VIOLAÇÃO dos Direitos Humanos. A pessoa que não aceitar o PNDH-3 será punida com desaprovações, privações de benefícios, e uma justiça ágil e eficiente para viabilizar execuções sumárias.


Feministas brasileiras representam interesses estrangeiros, não a mulher brasileira


Infanticídio feminino e mortalidade materna, assassinato em massa de mulheres e deficientes, um genocídio por responsabilidade do governo

 Case Study: Female Infanticide  

(1) India
(2) China


The phenomenon of female infanticide is as old as many cultures, and has likely accounted for millions of gender-selective deaths throughout history. It remains a critical concern in a number of “Third World” countries today, notably the two most populous countries on earth, China and India. In all cases, specifically female infanticide reflects the low status accorded to women in most parts of the world; it is arguably the most brutal and destructive manifestation of the anti-female bias that pervades “patriarchal” societies. It is closely linked to the phenomena of sex-selective abortion, which targets female fetuses almost exclusively, and neglect of girl children.

The background

“Female infanticide is the intentional killing of baby girls due to the preference for male babies and from the low value associated with the birth of females.” (Marina Porras, “Female Infanticide and Foeticide”.) It should be seen as a subset of the broader phenomenon of infanticide, which has also targeted the physically or mentally handicapped, and infant males (alongside infant females or, occasionally, on a gender-selective basis). As with maternal mortality, some would dispute the assigning of infanticide or female infanticide to the category of “genocide” or, as here, “gendercide.” Nonetheless, the argument advanced in the maternal mortality case-study holds true in this case as well: governments and other actors can be just as guilty of mass killing by neglect or tacit encouragement, as by direct murder. R.J. Rummel buttresses this view, referring to infanticide as

another type of government killing whose victims may total millions … In many cultures, government permitted, if not encouraged, the killing of handicapped or female infants or otherwise unwanted children. In the Greece of 200 B.C., for example, the murder of female infants was so common that among 6,000 families living in Delphi no more than 1 percent had two daughters. Among 79 families, nearly as many had one child as two. Among all there were only 28 daughters to 118 sons. … But classical Greece was not unusual. In eighty-four societies spanning the Renaissance to our time, “defective” children have been killed in one-third of them. In India, for example, because of Hindu beliefs and the rigid caste system, young girls were murdered as a matter of course. When demographic statistics were first collected in the nineteenth century, it was discovered that in “some villages, no girl babies were found at all; in a total of thirty others, there were 343 boys to 54 girls. … [I]n Bombay, the number of girls alive in 1834 was 603.”

Rummel adds: “Instances of infanticide … are usually singular events; they do not happen en masse. But the accumulation of such officially sanctioned or demanded murders comprises, in effect, serial massacre. Since such practices were so pervasive in some cultures, I suspect that the death toll from infanticide must exceed that from mass sacrifice and perhaps even outright mass murder.” (Rummel, Death by Government, pp. 65-66.)

Focus (1): India

As John-Thor Dahlburg points out, “in rural India, the centuries-old practice of female infanticide can still be considered a wise course of action.” (Dahlburg, “Where killing baby girls ‘is no big sin’,” The Los Angeles Times [in The Toronto Star, February 28, 1994.]) According to census statistics, “From 972 females for every 1,000 males in 1901 … the gender imbalance has tilted to 929 females per 1,000 males. … In the nearly 300 poor hamlets of the Usilampatti area of Tamil Nadu [state], as many as 196 girls died under suspicious circumstances [in 1993] … Some were fed dry, unhulled rice that punctured their windpipes, or were made to swallow poisonous powdered fertilizer. Others were smothered with a wet towel, strangled or allowed to starve to death.” Dahlburg profiles one disturbing case from Tamil Nadu:

Lakshmi already had one daughter, so when she gave birth to a second girl, she killed her. For the three days of her second child’s short life, Lakshmi admits, she refused to nurse her. To silence the infant’s famished cries, the impoverished village woman squeezed the milky sap from an oleander shrub, mixed it with castor oil, and forced the poisonous potion down the newborn’s throat. The baby bled from the nose, then died soon afterward. Female neighbors buried her in a small hole near Lakshmi’s square thatched hut of sunbaked mud. They sympathized with Lakshmi, and in the same circumstances, some would probably have done what she did. For despite the risk of execution by hanging and about 16 months of a much-ballyhooed government scheme to assist families with daughters, in some hamlets of … Tamil Nadu, murdering girls is still sometimes believed to be a wiser course than raising them. “A daughter is always liabilities. How can I bring up a second?” Lakshmi, 28, answered firmly when asked by a visitor how she could have taken her own child’s life eight years ago. “Instead of her suffering the way I do, I thought it was better to get rid of her.” (All quotes from Dahlburg, “Where killing baby girls ‘is no big sin’.”)

A study of Tamil Nadu by the Community Service Guild of Madras similarly found that “female infanticide is rampant” in the state, though only among Hindu (rather than Moslem or Christian) families. “Of the 1,250 families covered by the study, 740 had only one girl child and 249 agreed directly that they had done away with the unwanted girl child. More than 213 of the families had more than one male child whereas half the respondents had only one daughter.” (Malavika Karlekar, “The girl child in India: does she have any rights?,” Canadian Woman Studies, March 1995.)

The bias against females in India is related to the fact that “Sons are called upon to provide the income; they are the ones who do most of the work in the fields. In this way sons are looked to as a type of insurance. With this perspective, it becomes clearer that the high value given to males decreases the value given to females.” (Marina Porras, “Female Infanticide and Foeticide”.) The problem is also intimately tied to the institution of dowry, in which the family of a prospective bride must pay enormous sums of money to the family in which the woman will live after marriage. Though formally outlawed, the institution is still pervasive. “The combination of dowry and wedding expenses usually add up to more than a million rupees ([US] $35,000). In India the average civil servant earns about 100,000 rupees ($3,500) a year. Given these figures combined with the low status of women, it seems not so illogical that the poorer Indian families would want only male children.” (Porras, “Female Infanticide and Foeticide”.) Murders of women whose families are deemed to have paid insufficient dowry have become increasingly common, and receive separate case-study treatment on this site.

India is also the heartland of sex-selective abortion. Amniocentesis was introduced in 1974 “to ascertain birth defects in a sample population,” but “was quickly appropriated by medical entrepreneurs. A spate of sex-selective abortions followed.” (Karlekar, “The girl child in India.”) Karlekar points out that “those women who undergo sex determination tests and abort on knowing that the foetus is female are actively taking a decision against equality and the right to life for girls. In many cases, of course, the women are not independent agents but merely victims of a dominant family ideology based on preference for male children.”

Dahlburg notes that “In Jaipur, capital of the western state of Rajasthan, prenatal sex determination tests result in an estimated 3,500 abortions of female fetuses annually,” according to a medical-college study. (Dahlburg, “Where killing baby girls ‘is no big sin’.”) Most strikingly, according to UNICEF, “A report from Bombay in 1984 on abortions after prenatal sex determination stated that 7,999 out of 8,000 of the aborted fetuses were females. Sex determination has become a lucrative business.” (Zeng Yi et al., “Causes and Implications of the Recent Increase in the Reported Sex Ratio at Birth in China,” Population and Development Review, 19: 2 [June 1993], p. 297.)

Deficits in nutrition and health-care also overwhelmingly target female children. Karlekar cites research

indicat[ing] a definite bias in feeding boys milk and milk products and eggs … In Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh [states], it is usual for girls and women to eat less than men and boys and to have their meal after the men and boys had finished eating. Greater mobility outside the home provides boys with the opportunity to eat sweets and fruit from saved-up pocket money or from money given to buy articles for food consumption. In case of illness, it is usually boys who have preference in health care. … More is spent on clothing for boys than for girls[,] which also affects morbidity. (Karlekar, “The girl child in India.”)

Sunita Kishor reports “another disturbing finding,” namely “that, despite the increased ability to command essential food and medical resources associated with development, female children [in India] do not improve their survival chances relative to male children with gains in development. Relatively high levels of agricultural development decrease the life chances of females while leaving males’ life chances unaffected; urbanization increases the life chances of males more than females. … Clearly, gender-based discrimination in the allocation of resources persists and even increases, even when availability of resources is not a constraint.” (Kishor, “‘May God Give Sons to All’: Gender and Child Mortality in India,” American Sociological Review, 58: 2 [April 1993], p. 262.)

Indian state governments have sometimes taken measures to diminish the slaughter of infant girls and abortions of female fetuses. “The leaders of Tamil Nadu are holding out a tempting carrot to couples in the state with one or two daughters and no sons: if one parent undergoes sterilization, the government will give the family [U.S.] \\$160 in aid per child. The money will be paid in instalments as the girl goes through school. She will also get a small gold ring and on her 20th birthday, a lump sum of $650 to serve as her dowry or defray the expenses of higher education. Four thousand families enrolled in the first year,” with 6,000 to 8,000 expected to join annually (as of 1994) (Dahlburg, “Where killing baby girls ‘is no big sin’.”) Such programs have, however, barely begun to address the scale of the catastrophe.

Focus (2): China

“A tradition of infanticide and abandonment, especially of females, existed in China before the foundation of the People’s Republic in 1949,” note Zeng et al.. (“Causes and Implications,” p. 294.) According to Ansley J. Coale and Judith Banister, “A missionary (and naturalist) observer in [China in] the late nineteenth century interviewed 40 women over age 50 who reported having borne 183 sons and 175 daughters, of whom 126 sons but only 53 daughters survived to age 10; by their account, the women had destroyed 78 of their daughters.” (Coale and Banister, “Five Decades of Missing Females in China,” Demography, 31: 3 [August 1994], p. 472.)

According to Zeng et al., “The practice was largely forsaken in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s.” (Zeng et al., “Causes and Implications,” p. 294.) Coale and Banister likewise acknowledge a “decline of excess female mortality after the establishment of the People’s Republic … assisted by the action of a strong government, which tried to modify this custom as well as other traditional practices that it viewed as harmful.” (Coale and Banister, “Five Decades,” p. 472.) But the number of “missing” women showed a sharp upward trend in the 1980s, linked by almost all scholars to the “one-child policy” introduced by the Chinese government in 1979 to control spiralling population growth. Couples are penalized by wage-cuts and reduced access to social services when children are born “outside the plan.” Johansson and Nygren found that while “sex ratios [were] generally within or fairly near the expected range of 105 to 106 boys per 100 girls for live births within the plan … they are, in contrast, clearly far above normal for children born outside the plan, even as high as 115 to 118 for 1984-87. That the phenomenon of missing girls in China in the 1980s is related to the government’s population policy is thus conclusively shown.” (Sten Johansson and Ola Nygren, “The Missing Girls of China: A New Demographic Account,” Population and Development Review, 17: 1 [March 1991], pp. 40-41.)

The Chinese government appeared to recognize the linkage by allowing families in rural areas (where anti-female bias is stronger) a second child if the first was a girl. Nonetheless, in September 1997, the World Health Organization’s Regional Committee for the Western Pacific issued a report claiming that “more than 50 million women were estimated to be ‘missing’ in China because of the institutionalized killing and neglect of girls due to Beijing’s population control program that limits parents to one child.” (See Joseph Farah, “Cover-up of China’s gender-cide”, Western Journalism Center/FreeRepublic, September 29, 1997.) Farah referred to the gendercide as “the biggest single holocaust in human history.”

According to Peter Stockland, “Years of population engineering, including virtual extermination of ‘surplus’ baby girls, has created a nightmarish imbalance in China’s male and female populations.” (Stockland, “China’s baby-slaughter overlooked,” The Calgary Sun, June 11, 1997.) In 1999, Jonathan Manthorpe reported a study by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, claiming that “the imbalance between the sexes is now so distorted that there are 111 million men in China — more than three times the population of Canada — who will not be able to find a wife.” As a result, the kidnapping and slave-trading of women has increased: “Since 1990, say official Chinese figures, 64,000 women — 8,000 a year on average — have been rescued by authorities from forced ‘marriages’. The number who have not been saved can only be guessed at. … The thirst for women is so acute that the slave trader gangs are even reaching outside China to find merchandise. There are regular reports of women being abducted in such places as northern Vietnam to feed the demand in China.” (Jonathan Manthorpe, “China battles slave trading in women: Female infanticide fuels a brisk trade in wives,” The Vancouver Sun, January 11, 1999.)

Since the first allegations of widespread female infanticide in China connected to the government’s “one-child” policy, controversy has raged over the number of deaths that can be ascribed to infanticide as opposed to other causes. Zeng et al. argued in 1993 that “underreporting of female births, an increase in prenatal sex identification by ultrasound and other diagnostic methods for the illegal purpose of gender-specific birth control, and [only] very low-level incidence of female infanticide are the causes of the increase in the reported sex ratio at birth in China.” (Zeng et al., “Causes and Implications,” p. 285.) They add: “Underreporting of female births accounts for about 43 percent to 75 percent of the difference between the reported sex ratio at birth during the second half of the 1980s and the normal value of the true sex ratio at birth” (p. 289). The authors contended that “sex-differential underreporting of births and induced abortion after prenatal sex determination together explain almost all of the increase in the reported sex ratio at birth during the late 1980s,” and thus “the omission … of victims of female infanticide cannot be a significant factor.” Moreover, “Both the social and administrative structure and the close bond among neighbors in China make it difficult to conceal a serious crime such as infanticide,” while additionally “Infanticide is not a cost-effective method of sex selection. The psychological and moral costs are so high that people are unlikely to take such a step except under extreme circumstances” (p. 295). They stress, however, that “even small numbers of cases of female infanticide, abandonment, and neglect are a serious violation of the fundamental human rights of women and children” (p. 296). (2002 update: A recent article by John Gittings of the UK Guardian cites national census results released in May 2002 that show that “more than 116 male births were recorded for every 100 female births,” but claims the cause is overwhelmingly sex-selective abortion: “Female infanticide, notorious in China’s past as a primitive method of sex selection, is now thought to be infrequent.” See Gittings, “Growing Sex Imbalance Shocks China”, The Guardian, May 13, 2002.)

In a similar vein, in April 2000, The New York Times reported that “many ‘illegal’ children are born in secret, their births never officially registered.” And “as more women move around the country to work, it is increasingly hard to monitor pregnancies … Unannnounced spot checks by the State Statistics Bureau have discovered undercounts of up to 40 percent in some villages, Chinese demographers say.” (See Elisabeth Rosenthal, “China’s Widely Flouted One-Child Policy Undercuts Its Census”, The New York Times, April 14, 2000.)

Johansson and Nygren attracted considerable notice with a somewhat different claim: “that adoptions (which often go unreported) account for a large proportion of the missing girls. … If adopted children are added to the live births … the sex ratio at birth becomes much closer to normal for most years in the 1980s. … Adding the adopted children to live births reduces the number of missing girls by about half.” (Johansson and Nygren, “The Missing Girls of China,” pp. 43, 46.) They add (p. 50): “That female infanticide does occur on some scale is evidenced by reports in the Chinese press, but the available statistical evidence does not help us to determine whether it takes place on a large or a small scale.”

Even if millions of Chinese infant girls are unregistered rather than directly murdered, however, the pattern of discrimination is one that will severely reduce their opportunities in life. “If parents do hide the birth of a baby girl, she will go unregistered and therefore will not have any legal existence. The child may have difficulty receiving medical attention, going to school, and [accessing] other state services.” (Porras, “Female Infanticide and Foeticide”.)

Likewise, if a Chinese infant girl is turned over for adoption rather than being killed, she risks being placed in one of the notorious “Dying Rooms” unveiled in a British TV documentary. Chinese state orphanages have come in for heavy criticism as a result of the degrading and unsanitary conditions that usually pervade them. In one orphanage, documentary producer Brian Woods found that “every single baby … was a girl, and as we moved on this pattern was repeated. The only boys were mentally or physically disabled. 95% of the babies we saw were able-bodied girls. We also discovered that, although they are described as orphans, very few of them actually are; the overwhelming majority do have parents, but their parents have abandoned them, simply because they were born the wrong sex.” Woods estimated that “up to a million baby girls every year” were victims of this “mass desertion,” deriving from “the complex collision of [China’s] notorious One Child Policy and its traditional preference for sons.” (See Brian Woods, “The Dying Rooms Trust”.)

The phenomenon of neglect of girl children is also dramatically evident in China. According to the World Health Organization, “In many cases, mothers are more likely to bring their male children to health centers — particularly to private physicians — and they may be treated at an earlier stage of disease than girls.” (Cited in Farah, “Cover-up of China’s gender-cide”.)

The Chinese government has taken some energetic steps to combat the practice of female infanticide and sex-selective abortion of female fetuses. It “has employed the Marriage Law and Women’s Protection Law which both prohibit female infanticide. The Women’s Protection Law also prohibits discrimination against ‘women who give birth to female babies.’ … The Maternal Health Care Law of 1994 ‘strictly prohibits’ the use of technology to identify the gender of a fetus.” However, “although the government has outlawed the use of ultrasound machines, physicians continue to use them to determine the gender of fetuses, especially in rural areas.” (Porras, “Female Infanticide and Foeticide”.)

How many die?

Gendercide Watch is aware of no overall statistics on the numbers of girls who die annually from infanticide. Calculations are further clouded by the unreliability and ambiguity of much of the data. Nonetheless, a minimum estimate would place the casualties in the the hundreds of thousands, especially when one takes into consideration that the phenomenon is most prevalent in the world’s two most populous countries. Sex-selective abortions likely account for an even higher number of “missing” girls.

Who is responsible?

As already noted, female infanticide reflects the low status accorded to women in many societies around the world. The “burden” of taking a woman into the family accounts for the high dowry rates in India which, in turn, have led to an epidemic female infanticide. Typical also is China, where

culture dictates that when a girl marries she leaves her family and becomes part of her husband’s family. For this reason Chinese peasants have for many centuries wanted a son to ensure there is someone to look after them in their old age — having a boy child is the best pension a Chinese peasant can get. Baby girls are even called “maggots in the rice” … (“The Dying Rooms Trust”)

Infanticide is a crime overwhelmingly committed by women, both in the Third and First Worlds. (This contrasts markedly with “infanticide in nonhuman primates,” which “is carried out primarily by migrant males who are unrelated to the infant or its parents and is a manifestation of reproductive competition among males.” [Glenn Hausfater, “Infanticide: Comparative and Evolutionary Perspectives,” Current Anthropology, 25: 4 (1984), p. 501.] It also serves as a reminder that gendercide may be implemented by those of the same gender.) In India, according to John-Thor Dahlburg, “many births take place in isolated villages, with only female friends and the midwife present. If a child dies, the women can always blame natural causes.” (Dahlburg, “Where killing baby girls ‘is no big sin’.”) In the United States, “every year hundreds of women commit neonaticide [the killing of newborns] … Prosecutors sometimes don’t prosecute; juries rarely convict; those found guilty almost never go to jail. Barbara Kirwin, a forensic psychologist, reports that in nearly 300 cases of women charged with neonaticide in the United States and Britain, no woman spent more than a night in jail.” Much of “the leniency shown to neonaticidal mothers” reflects the fact that they are standardly “young, poor, unmarried and socially isolated,” although it is notable that similar leniency is rarely extended to young, poor, and socially isolated male murderers. (Steven Pinker, “Why They Kill Their Newborns”, The New York Times, November 2, 1997.)

A number of strategies have been proposed and implemented to try to address the problem of female infanticide, along with the related phenomena of sex-selective abortion and abandonment and neglect of girl children. Zeng et al.‘s prescriptions for Chinese policymakers can easily be generalized to other countries where female infanticide is rife:

The principle of equality between men and women should be more widely promoted through the news media to change the attitude of son preference and improve the awareness of the general public on this issue; the principle should also be reflected in specific social and economic policies to protect the basic rights of women and children, especially female children. … Government regulations prohibiting the use of prenatal sex identification techniques for nonmedical purposes should be strictly enforced, and violators should be punished accordingly. The laws that punish people who commit infanticide, abandonment, and neglect of female children, and the laws and regulations on the protection of women and children[,] should be strictly enforced. The campaigns to protect women and children from being kidnapped or sold into servitude should be effectively strengthened. Family planning programs should focus on effective public education, good counseling and service delivery, and the fully voluntary participation of the community and individuals to increase contraceptive prevalence, reduce unplanned pregnancies, and minimize the need for an induced abortion. (Zeng, et al., p. 298.)

All Girls Allowed – China Gendercide

Esta é a realidade do controle populacional na China. milhões de bebés mortos por ano, crianças meninas são abandonadas, mulheres grávidas são levadas ‘a força pela policia de aborto coercitivo, morrem as mães por falta de atendimento ‘a saúde inclusive após o aborto provocado pela policia. Hoje a população da China tem – 27 milhoes de homens a mais do que mulheres por causa do generocidio; –  abandono; – suicidio; – trafico de crianças, pois meninas são mortas; – meninas, vitimas do programa governamental do one-child policy .

Tráfico, assassinato e abandono dos bebés devem ser reconhecidos como violações dos direitos humanos. Em vez disso, as injustiças são comuns e ninguém se surpreende com a sua ocorrência regular. Os relógios do mundo andam sem examinar como a crise demográfica da China e dos direitos humanos, estao a piorar rapida e gravemente. Para entender melhor o problema, verifique as páginas cuidadosamente com as pesquisas estatísticas nos links abaixo. Todas as estatísticas dizem respeito especificamente à China, e são tomadas a partir de fontes altamente confiáveis, que são citadas.”


All Girls Allowed – China Gendercide


All Girls Allowed


Statistics About Gender Imbalance in China

All Girls Allowed

Killing, trafficking and abandonment of baby girls should be recognized as human rights atrocities. Instead,  the injustices are commonplace and no one is surprised by their regular occurrence.  The world watches as China’s demographic crisis and human rights record rapidly worsen.  To better understand the problem, check out the thoroughly researched statistics pages linked below.  All statistics pertain specifically to China and are taken from highly reliable sources, which are cited within.
Read more:

Statistics About Gender Imbalance in China

Statistics About China’s One-Child Policy superior do formulário

Parte inferior do formulário

Gender Imbalance in China

Gender Imbalance in China Statistics

Statistics About Gender Imbalance in China

(Click here to return to “Statistics About China’s One-Child Policy”)

Gender Imbalance Statistics

Sex ratios are presented as the number of boys per 100 girls.  The biologically natural sex ratio is 105, which means that 105 boys are born for every 100 girls.  That figure is also represented as 105:100.

Gendercide in China

The term “gendercide” was coined by American feminist Mary Anne Warren.[i]

While some researchers have suggested that Hepatitis is responsible for the high sex ratio, this is not supported by the evidence.  Looking at the 2000 census data, if a second child is a male it will arrive, on average, 4 months later than a second born female.  This delay in birth indicates that there is human intervention, abortions or infanticide, taking place before the birth of a male second child.[ii]

In 2005, there were 32 million more men than women under 20 in China.[iii]

In 2007, the national government estimated that China has 37 million more males than females.  By 2020, the Chinese government estimates that there will be at least 30 million men of marriageable age that may be unable to find a spouse.[iv]

In 2005, more than 1.1 million excess births of boys occurred.[v]

According to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, “the gender imbalance has been growing wider year after year.”[vi]

The most normal sex ratios are seen where the One-Child Policy is most permissive.[vii]

The One-Child Policy seems to be causally linked to the increased sex ratio in China. Mothers who face stricter restrictions and higher fines are more likely to have a son once they are facing possible punishment.  One example is the birth rates of women who have had a single daughter.  The sex ratio of children born after this first daughter changes based on the policy being enforced, with the mothers in the one child area being 3 percentage points more likely to have a son.[viii]

China alone stands to have as many unmarried young men—“bare branches”, as they are known—as the entire population of young men in America.  At present, there are 40 million American men under 20.  In 2020, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences estimates that there will be 40 million more Chinese men than women in that same age group.[ix]

Chinese men are already having trouble finding brides, with 88% of all single Chinese between 35 and 39 being male. In this same age group one finds that 99% of females are married.[x]

For reference, there are a total of 37.3 million people who live in California and 25.1 million who live in Texas.[xi]

Dudley Poston, a Professor of Sociology at Texas A&M University, estimates that if China’s sex ratio holds steady there will be a projected 55 million extra males by 2020.  Unfortunately, even if it improved to almost natural levels by 2020 there will still be an excess of 51 million males.[xii]

It’s been projected that in 2013 one in ten Chinese men will not have a female counterpart, and by the late 2020s one in five Chinese men will be without a female counterpart.[xiii]

The total U.S. population is just over 300 million.  There are over 100 million “missing” girls in the world, of which about half would have been born in China.[xiv]

In fact, some experts estimate that if the gender ratio in Asia had stayed at the natural level (105:100) for the past few decades the continent would have 163 million more women.[xv]

Sex selective abortion accounts for almost all the excess males.[xvi]

An ultrasound, which can identify the gender of an unborn fetus, costs $12 in China.[xvii]

Avraham Ebenstein, an economist, found that when making decisions about sex selection, Chinese families viewed a first-born son to have a worth of about 1.85 years of income, while the first-born girl held a value of only about 0.43 years of income.[xviii]

In 2006, the National People’s Congress Standing Committee considered, but did not pass, a proposed amendment that would have criminalized sex-selective abortion by banning the use of ultrasound for gender identification.  Only five provinces have passed similar measures, and the government has yet to take any action at the national level.[xix]

In 2007 China Daily reported, “although sex selection is banned by the Population and Family Planning Law and the Law on Maternal and Infant Health, there are currently no provisions on the applicable punishment for such acts.”[xx]

Contrary to common thought, sex ratio at birth has a positive correlation with education, possibly because well-educated women choose (or are forced) to have less children, and therefore are will to have sex selective abortions earlier on than their rural counterparts.  Another possibility is that better educated mothers have more access to, and ability to pay for, sex determination (ultrasounds).[xxi]

In Suining city, people will pay ultrasound technicians up to $150 in bribes to determine the gender of their fetus, which is only one-tenth of the fine they would have to pay for having a child without a birth permit.[xxii]

Gendercide in China and other countries has far reaching consequences; the United Nations Development Programme is estimating that the global sex ratio at birth has risen from 105:100, in the period between 1975 and 1980, to 107:100 in the period between 2005 and 2010.[xxiii]

Sex Ratio vs. GDP per Capita: China, 1953-2005 (boys per 100 girls)[xxiv]

National Sex Ratios in China

Sex Ratios at birth over time in China:[xxv]

106:100 in 1979 (106 boys for every 100 girls)

111:100 in 1988

117:100 in 2001

120:100 in 2005

According to the US Congressional-Executive Commission on China, as of January, 2010, the average male-to-female sex ratio for the infant-to-four-year-old age group in China is 123.26 males for every 100 females (123.26:100).[xxvi]

Six provinces have sex ratios of over 130:100 in the 1-4 age group.[xxvii]

Two provinces, Jiangxi and Henan, have ratios of over 140:100 in the 1-4 age group.[xxviii]

Four provinces—Anhui, Guangdong, Hunan, and Hainan—have ratios of over 130:100 in the 1-4 age group.[xxix]

Seven provinces have ratios between 120:100 and 129:100 in the 1-4 age group.[xxx]

Sex ratios are highest in the age group of 1-4 years and in rural areas, which will likely increase social tensions as millions of men are unable to find brides.[xxxi]

Only two provinces, Tibet and Xinjiang, had sex ratios within normal limits across the age range.  These two provinces are largely inhabited by minority ethnic groups and have more lenient family planning laws.[xxxii]

Between 1986 and 2005 there was an increase in excess males at birth in all provinces except Xinjiang.[xxxiii]

The total sex ratio at birth is over 130:100 in three provinces (Shaanxi, Anhui, and Jiangxi) and over 120:100 in 14 provinces.[xxxiv]

As an example, in 2007, Lianyungang city had a gender ratio of 163:100 for children under 5.[xxxv]

Another city, Suining city, had a birth ratio of 152:100 in 2007.[xxxvi]

There is a gradient between urban (115:100), town (120:100), and rural (123:100) sex ratios at birth.[xxxvii]

Wealthier and more educated provinces, where traditional preference for sons is changing, produced medium sex ratios.  A study in 2001 showed that more than 50% of women of reproductive age in wealthier provinces express no preference for a son.[xxxviii]

The provinces with the highest sex ratios are clustered together in the central-southern region.[xxxix]

Recently, an economist suggested combating the unbalanced sex ratios by giving families with only daughters a subsidy worth one year of income.  He projected that doing so would decrease the number of missing girls by 67%. Another solution he put forward was to implement a three child policy, which he says would reduce the number of missing girls by 56%.[xl]

Sex Ratios for 2nd and 3rd Children in China

The sex ratio at birth for first children is slightly high in cities and towns but was within normal limits in rural areas; however, the ratio rose very steeply for second or more children in cities (138:100), towns (137:100), and rural areas (146:100).[xli]

There were very high sex ratios for second children in Anhui (190:100) and Jiangsu (192:100).[xlii]

For third births, the sex ratio rose to over 200:100 in four provinces.[xliii]

In Beijing, among third children, almost three baby boys are born for every baby girl (almost 300:100).[xliv]

The sex ratio increased steadily from 108:100 for those born between 1985 and 1989 to 124:100 for those born between 2000 and 2004.[xlv]

In rural areas, sex ratios rose steeply for second order births, where it reached 146:100. Nine provinces had ratios of over 160:100 for second order births.[xlvi]

In 2000, at least half of the female fetuses that would have been a second order, or higher, daughter were aborted.[xlvii]

Conservatively, between 1990 and 2000, 5.9 million girls went missing, with the increased first and second birth sex ratio responsible for 97% of those girls.[xlviii]

One particular variant of the one child policy, which allows a second child if the first is a girl, leads to the highest sex ratios.[xlix]

China’s Sex Ratios in the 1-4 age group by Province (# of boys born for every 100 girls)[l]

Male Crime Statistics in China

China’s crime rate has nearly doubled in the last 20 years.[li]

Incidents of social unrest have risen from about 40,000 in 2001 to over 90,000 in 2009.[lii]

It was found that sex ratios and crime rate were connected, with just a one percent increase in sex ratio leading to a five percent increase in crime rate.[liii]

These incidents of social unrest are becoming larger, more violent, more likely to cross provincial borders, and more diverse in terms of participants and grievances.[liv]

A study concluded that increased sex ratios are correlated with increased bride abduction, trafficking of women, rape and prostitution.[lv]

Unmarried men between the ages of 24 and 35 are also found to be three times more likely to murder than their married counterparts.[lvi]

High male sex ratios can lead to more authoritarian forms of government in an effort to crack down on crime.[lvii]

High male sex ratios also lead to a lower rate of female literacy and workforce participation.[lviii]

Unmarried men in China are almost always poor and uneducated, 74% don’t have a high school diploma.  This number increases in the rural areas of China to 97%, with 40% or rural bachelors also being illiterate.[lix]

The tensions associated with so many bachelors in China’s big cities might tempt its future leaders to mobilize this excess manpower and go pick a fight, or invade another country. China is already co-opting poor unmarried young men into the People’s Liberation Army and the paramilitary People’s Armed Police.[lx]

According to German scholar Gunnar Heinsohn, European imperial expansion after 1500 was the result of a male “youth bulge.”  Japan’s imperial expansion after 1914 was the result of a similar male youth bulge.  During the Cold War, it was male youth-bulge countries—Algeria, El Salvador, and Lebanon—that saw the worst civil wars and revolutions.  Heinsohn has also linked the recent rise of Islamist extremism in countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan to an Islamic male youth bulge.[lxi]

Political scientists Valerie Hudson and Andrea den Boer warn that China and India could be the next countries that, as a result of a surplus of men, will see increased violence and extremism.[lxii]

Niall Ferguson, Professor of History at Harvard University, argues that the surplus of men in China will lead to domestic instability or militaristic expansionism, or even imperialism.  This is all the more likely with the shrill nationalism already in Asia.[lxiii]

Previous societies with large numbers of unattached men have turned to a more authoritarian political system.[lxiv]

China’s gender imbalance is a powerful, driving force behind trafficking in women and sexual slavery, not only in China, but all over Asia.  According to a statement by the United States Department of State, “Women and children are trafficked into [China] from North Korea, Vietnam, Burma, Mongolia and Thailand.”  These women are trafficked into China and forced into marriages, employment, and sexual exploitation.[lxv]

Many unattached men migrate from rural areas to urban destinations, patronizing prostitutes there. In doing so, these men could turn China’s HIV epidemic – now confined to certain high-risk populations – into a more generalized one by creating “bridging” populations from high- to low-risk individuals. Such male bridging populations have fueled HIV epidemics in Cambodia and sub-Saharan Africa.[lxvi]

Women currently make up approximately 80% of an estimated 50,000 to 100,000 North Korean refugees in China, and of these women, an estimated 90% become victims of trafficking.[lxvii]

Chinese families’ preference for sons, and the growing gender imbalance, increasing numbers of male children are trafficked for adoption, and women and girls are trafficked for forced marriages and commercial sexual exploitation.

Article 240 of China’s Criminal Law defines the trafficking of persons as ‘‘abducting, kidnapping, buying, trafficking in, fetching, sending, or transferring a woman or child, for the purpose of selling the victim.’’ This definition does not automatically prohibit forms of trafficking such as forced adult and child labor, commercial sex trade of minors over 14 years old, or trafficking of men, which are covered under Article 3 of the UN TIP Protocol.[lxviii]

[i]Gendercide: The Implications of Sex Selection, by Mary Anne Warren, Published 1985

[ii]Avraham Ebenstein, “The ‘Missing Girls’ of China and the Unintended Consequences of the One Child Policy,” Journal of Human Resources 45.1 (2010): 87-115.

[iii]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211,

[iv]U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China, Annual Report 2008,

[v]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211,

[vi]The Economist, The war on baby girls:  Gendercide:  Killed, aborted or neglected, at least 100m girls have disappeared—and the number is rising, March 4, 2010

[vii]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211,

[viii]Avraham Ebenstein, “The ‘Missing Girls’ of China and the Unintended Consequences of the One Child Policy,” Journal of Human Resources 45.1 (2010): 87-115.

[ix]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211,, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences & U.S. Census

[x]Tucker, Joseph Da, et al. “Surplus men, sex work, and the spread of HIV in China.” AIDS 19.6 (2005): 539-547.,_sex_work,_and_the_spread_of_hiv_in.1.aspx

[xi]Dudley Poston, “Statement for Congressional Press Conference on the Issue of Gendercide and its Implications for Global Security,” All Girls Allowed, June 1, 2011.

[xii]Dudley Poston, “Statement for Congressional Press Conference on the Issue of Gendercide and its Implications for Global Security,” All Girls Allowed, June 1, 2011.

[xiii]Jiang Quanbao et al., “Son Preference and the Marriage Squeeze in China: An integrated Analysis of the First Marriage and the Remarriage Market,” in Watering the Neighbour’s Garden (Paris: CICRED, 2007).

[xiv]The Economist, The war on baby girls:  Gendercide:  Killed, aborted or neglected, at least 100m girls have disappeared—and the number is rising, March 4, 2010; U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China, Annual Report 2008,

[xv]Christophe Z. Guilmoto, “Sex Ratio Imbalance in Asia: Trends, Consequences, and Policy Responses” (paper presented at Fourth Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights, 2007)

[xvi]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211,

[xvii]The Economist, The war on baby girls:  Gendercide:  Killed, aborted or neglected, at least 100m girls have disappeared—and the number is rising, March 4, 2010

[xviii]Avraham Ebenstein, “Estimating a Dynamic Model of Sex Selection in China,” Demography, May 19, 2011. doi:10.1007/s13524-011-0030-7

[xix]U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China, Annual Report 2009,

[xx]U.S. State Department, U.S. Department of State 2010 Human Rights Report on China,

[xxi]Avraham Ebenstein, “Estimating a Dynamic Model of Sex Selection in China,” Demography, May 19, 2011. doi:10.1007/s13524-011-0030-7

[xxii]Hvistendahl, “Half the Sky.” Figures adjusted to 2011 currency rates.

[xxiii]Eberstadt, Nicholas. “A Global War Against Baby Girls: Sex-Selective Abortion Becomes a Worldwide Practice.”  American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, May 1, 2011.

[xxiv]Lavely, William. First Impressions of the 2000 Census of China; 2005 China One Percent Population Survey. Angus Maddison, “Per Capita GDP,” Historical Statistics for the World Economy:  1-2003 AD, table 3

[xxv]Kang C, Wang Y. Sex ratio at birth. In: Theses Collection of 2001 National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Survey. Beijing: China Population Publishing House, 2003:88-98. (referenced in NEJM)

[xxvi]U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China, Annual Report 2010

[xxvii]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211,

[xxviii]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211,

[xxix]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211,

[xxx]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211,

[xxxi]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211,

[xxxii]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211,

[xxxiii]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211,

[xxxiv]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211,

[xxxv]“China Warned on Gender Imbalance,” BBC, August 24, 2007,

[xxxvi]Mara Hvistendahl, Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys Over Girls, and the Consequences of a World Full of Men. New York: PublicAffairs, 2011.

[xxxvii]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211,

[xxxviii]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211,

[xxxix]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211,

[xl]Avraham Ebenstein, “Estimating a Dynamic Model of Sex Selection in China,” Demography, May 19, 2011. doi:10.1007/s13524-011-0030-7

[xli]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211,

[xlii]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211,

[xliii]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211,

[xliv]The Economist, The war on baby girls:  Gendercide:  Killed, aborted or neglected, at least 100m girls have disappeared—and the number is rising, March 4, 2010

[xlv]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211,

[xlvi]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211,

[xlvii]Eberstadt, Nicholas. “A Global War Against Baby Girls: Sex-Selective Abortion Becomes a Worldwide Practice.”  American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, May 1, 2011.

[xlviii]Avraham Ebenstein, “The ‘Missing Girls’ of China and the Unintended Consequences of the One Child Policy,” Journal of Human Resources 45.1 (2010): 87-115.

[xlix]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211,

[l]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211,

[li]The Economist, The war on baby girls:  Gendercide:  Killed, aborted or neglected, at least 100m girls have disappeared—and the number is rising, March 4, 2010

[lii]Foreign Affairs, China’s Dilemma: Social Change and Political Reform, George J. Gilboy and Eric Heginbotham, October 14, 2010

[liii]Lena Edlund et al., More Men, More Crime: Evidence from China’s One-Child Policy, Institute for the Study of Labor Discussion Paper Series (Bonn, Germany: 2007). Referenced in Mara Hvistendahl, Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys Over Girls, and the Consequences of a World Full of Men. New York: PublicAffairs, 2011, page 222.

[liv]Foreign Affairs, China’s Dilemma: Social Change and Political Reform, George J. Gilboy and Eric Heginbotham, October 14, 2010

[lv]“Sex ratios and crime: evidence from China’s one-child policy”, by Lena Edlund, Hongbin Li, Junjian Yi and Junsen Zhang. Institute for the Study of Labour, Bonn. Discussion Paper 3214; The Economist, The war on baby girls:  Gendercide:  Killed, aborted or neglected, at least 100m girls have disappeared—and the number is rising, March 4, 2010

[lvi]Robert Wright, The Moral Animal (New York: Vintage, 1994), 100.

[lvii]“Bare Branches”, by Valerie Hudson and Andrea den Boer. MIT Press, 2004; The Economist, The war on baby girls:  Gendercide:  Killed, aborted or neglected, at least 100m girls have disappeared—and the number is rising, March 4, 2010

[lviii]Valerie M. Hudson and Andrea M. den Boer, Bare Branches: The Security Implications of Asia’s Surplus Male Population (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2005), 203.

[lix]Tucker, Joseph Da, et al. “Surplus men, sex work, and the spread of HIV in China.” AIDS 19.6 (2005): 539-547.,_sex_work,_and_the_spread_of_hiv_in.1.aspx

[lx]New York Times, Dudley Poston & Peter Morrison, China: Bachelor Bomb, September 14, 2005

[lxi]Niall Ferguson, Professor of History at Harvard in Newsweek.  Men Without Women: The ominous rise of Asia’s bachelor generation. March 6, 2011.

[lxii]Niall Ferguson, Professor of History at Harvard in Newsweek.  Men Without Women: The ominous rise of Asia’s bachelor generation. March 6, 2011.

[lxiii]Niall Ferguson, Professor of History at Harvard in Newsweek.  Men Without Women: The ominous rise of Asia’s bachelor generation. March 6, 2011.

[lxiv]New York Times, Dudley Poston & Peter Morrison, China: Bachelor Bomb, September 14, 2005

[lxv]Lagon, Mark P. “Trafficking in China.” Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in

Persons, United States Department of State, Congressional Human Rights Caucus Briefing,

Washington, D.C. October 31, 2007; United States Department of State 2008 Human Rights

Report: China (released February 25, 2009), p. 18

[lxvi]New York Times, Dudley Poston & Peter Morrison, China: Bachelor Bomb, September 14, 2005

[lxvii]U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China, Annual Report 2010,

[lxviii]U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China, Annual Report 2010,

Articles on Gender Imbalance in China


Agencias governamentais e políticas de experimentos médicos em seres humanos – CIA Gone Wild

Estratégias história bizarra de LSD e  maconha – Agencias governamentais e políticas de experimentos médicos em seres humanos. Cidadãos inconscientes ou incapazes são os pobres, pessoas usadas em experiências que levam ao desenvolvimento de técnicas empregadas ainda hoje de controle da mente. Entre os detalhes revelados são os esforços para armar o LSD para em campo de batalha e testes injustos em civis inocentes, incluindo crianças. Experimentação científica e médica nas áreas de Controle da Mente, Operações Psicológicas, Interrogatório, Tortura, Psico-Armamento, armas Químicas e Biológicas para matar.  Os fatos sujos da história da CIA estratégias militares de 1950 e da Guerra Fria.

Hank Albarelli to speak in NYC!

I’m delighted to announce that Hank Albarelli will be speaking, and signing copies of his
staggering new book, A Terrible Mistake, at the McNally Jackson Bookstore on Monday,
May 10, at 7:00 p.m.
The store is at 52 Prince St., b/t Lafayette and Mulberry.
Be there or be square!
CIA Gone Wild

H. P. Albarelli’s True Thriller: A Terrible Mistake – The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments. A Runaway Best Seller

This book is like an ticking time bomb on the CIA. The CIA Used Innocent Men, Women and Children as Innocent Human Guinea Pigs in LSD Experiments? And Worse.

Taking on the CIA is not for the faint of heart. It takes toughness, tenacity, and an undisputed moral compass. It’s those core values that compelled Hank Albarelli Jr. to spend ten years uncovering the dark truths in his formidable expose: A Terrible Mistake – The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments.

This book reveals a rogue government agency whose defining characteristic is dirty, scorched-earth policies carried out at any cost. It brings to light of day important new information from the 1950′s heyday of Olson’s work, delving into military and CIA Cold War experimentation, information which Olson’s death was intended to bury. Unwitting citizens were the subjects of mind-control experiments which lead to the development of techniques still employed today at Black Sites around the world. Among the details revealed are efforts to weaponize LSD for battlefield use and unconscionable tests on innocent civilians, including children.

Albarelli takes the mystery out of the darkest corners in CIA’s history – and he relates the story with character, with conviction, and with the blinders off. This is a riveting read, his text, defiantly disturbing, his writing style passionately grounded in reality; the whole, mesmerizingly capable of big, smacking, rhetorical home runs.

The scenes in his book are filled with characters deep into intrigue, their identity always in flux, like floating human jello. And yet these people, some, we discover, still in power, have the ability to tear somebody in two like they were a slice of bread. The conclusions of his detective work fit together like sword and scabbard. The book reads like fiction, yet we are reminded over and over again that we are dealing with long-denied truths.

The hard dirty facts of the CIA’s history come alive as you obsessively turn the pages. You’re riveted as he explores 1950′s Military and CIA Cold War Scientific and Medical experimentation in the fields of Mind Control, Psychological Operations, Interrogation, Torture, Psycho-Weaponry, Chemical and Biological Assassination .

Albarelli has racked 10 years of rough mileage researching this book, culling over 100,000 pages of classified documents, his track record cratered with deliberate potholes created by the Manhattan district attorney’s office, which was also investigating the case, was nothing less than an exercise in squaring off with subterfuge.

I won’t reveal the mystery Albarelli solves, i.e., who killed Frank Olson and why, but the long build-up describing the various covert operations of the intelligence agencies, well-documented in the book, builds to a startling pay-off.

Albarelli gives his readers so much juicy information, a veritable tsunami of exposed secrets and incrementing evidence. He details a myriad of CIA drug experiments and exposes a large number of previously anonymous physicians and business officials who contracted with the agency. The experiments resulted in the deaths of a number of people, permanently destroying the minds of others and sending many more seeking medical help.

The human faces of evil come alive. We become acquainted with some of the Agency’s creepiest characters including: Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, head of the notorious MKULTRA program, whose mind control techniques included extensive use of LSD; the evil psychiatrist Dr. Harold Abramson; various Corsican mafia kingpins; and the ultimate spy, Pierre Lafitte who was not only ignominiously descended from the famous pirate captain, Jean Lafitte, he was also a paid CIA assassin, who just happened to be working as a bellman at the Statler Hotel the night Olson plunged to his death on a November night in 1953.

Frank Olson’s short descent from respected biochemist to an obituary footnote didn’t take long. But, there are no statute-of-limitations on murder.

What did Dr. Olson, a CIA scientist himself, do to deserve such a violent demise? After having been previously dosed with LSD, Olson crashed through a closed and shaded 10th story window of the Hotel Statler on 7th Ave in Manhattan. It was called a suicide. In the 1970′s Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld succeeded in blocking his family’s request for a new investigation into his death. Later, the Bush administration pushed for the legalization of some of the very torture techniques they had so successfully protected in the 1970′s.

Whose secrets were being protected?

Hank Albarelli’s chiller of a thriller “A Terrible Mistake, the Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments”, a 900+ page volume based on over 100,000 pages of documents and interviews show how Frank Olson was actually murdered.

Why? The CIA was hell-bent on perfecting mind control techniques, including the creation of a “truth drug,” for use in interrogation of captured enemy operatives and to root out “the enemies within”.

Beginning in the 1940s Project BLUEBIRD began. These experiments were used on American citizens held captive in mental hospitals, without informed consent. The CIA also birthed synthetic THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, used in Project MKULTRA using human beings as guinea pigs with LSD and hypnosis.

A TERRIBLE MISTAKE reads like a roadmap to the drug culture of the 1960s and beyond. This investigation of unprecedented depth, including numerous first hand interviews, links yesteryear’s electric KoolAid with today’s “shock doctrine.”

In 1995, when Albarelli began to seriously investigate the strange death of Dr. Olson, 42, little did he suspect his investigations would span over 10 years and take him down the rabbit hole of history into the CIA’s deep involvement with drugs. Encountering fierce opposition from varied and surprising forces, he persisted, learning for himself the harsh lessons one gains in the pursuit of truth.

The seemingly unrelated mysteries of Dr. Olson’s strange “suicide” in New York City in 1953 and the bizarre hallucinogenic outbreak in a small French village in August 1951 have independently provoked and perplexed serious investigators as related in countless accounts on the Internet and televised news features and documentaries for decades. While Olson’s death has long been suspect, little was offered in the way of real evidence, which now smacks of a classic government cover up which for years went undetected in the innocence of pre Vietnam 1950′s America. Now, Olson’s death can be definitively ruled a murder and the French outbreak explained as a sloppy military maneuver which resulted in the callous disregard of hundreds of innocent unwitting lives, some of whom took their own lives as an escape from the horror, others were doomed to a subsequent lifetime of insanity.
The shocks never stop.
In late 1953 a high-ranking official of the Sandoz Chemical Company meeting with a CIA official made a startling revelation, that the 1951 so-called ergot outbreak in the French town of Pont St. Esprit was actually the result of a planned and secret biochemical experiment which resulted in the deaths of five people and also caused 300 people to seek medical care or to be placed in insane asylums for treatment. At the outset of Albarelli’s investigation, the outbreak was but a minor footnote in the bizarre history of LSD, but over time, fueled by the receipt of several never-before viewed CIA and White House documents it became amply apparent that the two events were inextricably connected.

* The cursed bread of Pont-Saint-Esprit 50 years ago has turned out to have been a CIA mind control experiment.

It happened in 1951, a quiet little village in France become struck with a sudden wave of hallucinations and insanity. It had been believed for some time that the incident was caused by accidental bread poisoning but an investigative journalist now believes that it had actually been an intentional experiment conducted by the CIA during the cold war.

[hank Albarelli Did the CIA test LSD in the NYC Subway System 1

Hank Albarelli falar em NYC!
Estou muito feliz em anunciar que Hank Albarelli estará falando, e assinando cópias de seu novo livro surpreendente, um erro terrível, na Livraria McNally Jackson na segunda-feira, 10 de maio, às 19:00
A loja é de 52 Príncipe St., b / t Lafayette e Mulberry.

CIA Gone Wild

Suspense verdadeira HP Albarelli é: um terrível engano – O Assassinato de Frank Olson e secreto da CIA Experimentos Guerra Fria. Um best-seller
Este livro é como uma bomba-relógio na CIA. A CIA Usado Inocêncio Homens, mulheres e crianças como inocentes cobaias humanas em experiências de LSD? E pior. 

Assumindo a CIA não é para os fracos de coração. Leva resistência, tenacidade e uma bússola moral indiscutível. São esses valores essenciais que compeliu Hank Albarelli Jr. para passar 10 anos descobrir as verdades escuras em sua formidável expor: um erro terrível – O Assassinato de Frank Olson e secreto da CIA Experimentos Guerra Fria. Este livro revela uma agência do governo desonestos cuja característica principal é suja, de terra arrasada políticas levadas a cabo a qualquer custo. Ela traz à luz de informações importantes novo dia de 1950 auge do trabalho de Olson, investigando militares e experimentação Guerra Fria CIA, as informações que a morte de Olson foi destinado a enterrar. Cidadãos inconscientes foram os temas de controle da mente experiências que levam ao desenvolvimento de técnicas empregadas ainda hoje em Sites preto ao redor do mundo. Entre os detalhes revelados são os esforços para armar o LSD para uso no campo de batalha e testes injusto para os civis inocentes, incluindo crianças. Albarelli acaba com o mistério do cantos mais escuros da história da CIA – e ele relata a história com o personagem, com convicção, e com a venda dos olhos. Esta é uma leitura fascinante, seu texto, desafiadoramente perturbador, seu estilo de escrita apaixonadamente fundamentada na realidade, o todo, mesmerizingly capaz de grandes, batendo, home runs retórica. 

As cenas em seu livro é repleto de personagens profundamente na intriga, a sua identidade sempre em fluxo, como gelatina humana flutuante. E ainda assim essas pessoas, algumas, descobrimos, ainda no poder, têm a capacidade de rasgar alguém em dois como se fossem uma fatia de pão. As conclusões de seu trabalho de detetive se encaixam como espada e bainha. O livro lê-se como ficção, ainda somos lembrados de uma e outra vez que estamos lidando com uma longa negado verdades.                     

Os fatos sujos da história da CIA vir vivo como você obsessivamente virar as páginas. Você está rebitado como ele explora de 1950 militares e da CIA Guerra Fria experimentação científica e médica nas áreas de Controle da Mente, Operações Psicológicas, Interrogatório, Tortura, Psico-Armamento, Química e Biológica Assassination.

Albarelli acumulou 10 anos de quilometragem aproximada pesquisando este livro, o abate de mais de 100.000 páginas de documentos classificados, seu histórico de crateras de buracos deliberada criado pelo escritório do distrito de Manhattan advogado, que também estava investigando o caso, foi nada menos do que um exercício de quadratura fora com subterfúgio. 

Não vou revelar o mistério Albarelli resolve, ou seja, que matou Frank Olson e porquê, mas a longo build-up descrevendo as diversas operações secretas das agências de inteligência, bem documentado no livro, constrói um surpreendente pay-off.

Albarelli dá seus leitores tanta informação suculento, um verdadeiro tsunami de segredos expostos e as provas de incremento. Ele detalha uma miríade de experiências com drogas CIA e expõe um grande número de médicos anteriormente anônimo e funcionários de empresas que contratou com a agência. Os experimentos resultou na morte de um número de pessoas, destruindo permanentemente a mente dos outros e enviar muitos mais procuram ajuda médica.

Os rostos humanos do mal vir vivo. Nos familiarizamos com alguns dos mais arrepiantes personagens da Agência, incluindo: Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, chefe do programa MKULTRA notório, cuja mente técnicas de controle da mente incluíram o uso extensivo de LSD; o mal psiquiatra Dr. Harold Abramson; vários chefões da máfia da Córsega, e o máximo espião, Pierre Lafitte, que não foi apenas ignominiosamente desceu do famoso pirata capitão, Jean Lafitte, ele também era um assassino pago CIA, que passou a ser apenas trabalhando como carregador no Hotel Statler a Olson noite mergulhou para a morte em um novembro noite, em 1953.

Descida curta Frank Olson do bioquímico respeitada a uma nota obituário não demorou muito. Mas, não há lei-de-limitações em assassinato.
O que Dr. Olson, um cientista da CIA si mesmo, para merecer tal morte violenta? Depois de ter sido previamente tratados com LSD, Olson caiu através de uma janela história fechada e sombreada 10 do Statler Hotel no dia 7 de Ave, em Manhattan. Foi chamado um suicídio. Na década de 1970 Dick Cheney e Donald Rumsfeld conseguiu bloquear pedido de sua família para uma nova investigação sobre sua morte. Mais tarde, o governo Bush pressionou para a legalização de algumas das técnicas de tortura muito eles tinham tanto sucesso protegidos em 1970.
Cujos segredos foram sendo protegido?
Chiller Hank Albarelli de um thriller “um erro terrível, o assassinato de Frank Olson e secreto da CIA Experimentos Guerra Fria”, um 900 + volume de páginas com base em mais de 100.000 páginas de documentos e entrevistas mostram como Frank Olson foi realmente assassinado.

Por quê? A CIA foi que teimam em aperfeiçoar técnicas de controle mental, incluindo a criação de um “soro da verdade”, para uso em interrogatórios de agentes inimigos capturados e para acabar com “os inimigos de dentro”. Início na década de 1940 do Projeto BLUEBIRD começou. Estes experimentos foram usados ​​em cidadãos norte-americanos mantidos em cativeiro em hospitais psiquiátricos, sem o consentimento informado. A CIA também birthed THC sintético, o ingrediente ativo da maconha, usada em Projeto MKULTRA usando seres humanos como cobaias com LSD e hipnose. Um erro terrível lê como um roteiro para a cultura da droga dos anos 1960 e além. Esta investigação de profundidade sem precedentes, incluindo inúmeras entrevistas em primeira mão, Koolaid elétrica ligações de ontem com a de hoje “doutrina de choque” elétrico. Em 1995, quando começou a Albarelli investigar seriamente a estranha morte do Dr. Olson, 42 anos, ele pouco fez suspeitar de suas investigações atravessaria mais de 10 anos e levá-lo para baixo o coelho buraco da história em profundo envolvimento da CIA com drogas. Encontrando forte oposição das forças variada e surpreendente, ele persistiu, aprendendo por si mesmo as duras lições se ganha na busca da verdade.
Os mistérios aparentemente sem relação de “suicídio” Dr. Olson é estranho, em Nova York em 1953 eo surto alucinógeno bizarra em uma pequena aldeia francesa em agosto de 1951 tem provocado de forma independente e perplexos pesquisadores sérios como relacionados em inúmeros relatos na internet e reportagens na televisão e documentários durante décadas. Embora a morte de Olson tem sido suspeito, pouco foi oferecido na forma de evidência real, que agora cheira a uma capa clássica de governo que durante anos não foi detectada na inocência de pré Vietnam EUA em 1950. Agora, a morte de Olson podem ser definitivamente descartada um assassinato eo surto francês explicou como uma manobra malfeita militar que resultou no desprezo de centenas de inocentes vidas inconscientes, alguns dos quais tiraram suas próprias vidas como uma fuga do horror, outros foram condenados a uma vida posterior de insanidade. 

Os choques nunca parar.
Falecido em 1953 um funcionário de alto escalão da reunião Chemical Company Sandoz com um oficial da CIA fez uma revelação surpreendente, que o surto de 1951 ergot chamados na cidade francesa de St. Esprit Pont foi realmente o resultado de um bioquímico planejada e secreto experimento que resultou na morte de cinco pessoas e também causou 300 pessoas a procurar assistência médica ou para ser colocado em manicômios para o tratamento. No início da investigação Albarelli, o surto foi, mas nota menor na história bizarra de LSD, mas com o tempo, alimentado pelo recebimento de várias CIA nunca antes vistos e documentos da Casa Branca tornou-se amplamente evidente que os dois eventos estavam inextricavelmente conectado.
* O pão maldito de Pont-Saint-Esprit de 50 anos acabou por ter sido uma experiência CIA controle da mente. 

Foi o que aconteceu em 1951, uma aldeia pacata na França se feriu com uma onda repentina de alucinações e insanidade. Acreditava-se há algum tempo que o incidente foi causado por envenenamento acidental pão, mas um jornalista investigativo acredita agora que tinha sido realmente uma experiência intencional realizado pela CIA durante a Guerra Fria.
hank Albarelli Será que o teste LSD CIA no metrô de NYC um Sistema