A que interessa o aborto no Brasil e a deslavada má fé de quem acompanha os fins espúrios de um governo que usa da ilegalidade há 10 anos – parte 1


No Brasil, a “legalização” do aborto ocorrerá por negligência, no mínimo, e não por falta de recursos jurídicos para impedi-la, pois estes recursos não estão sendo usados intencionalmente.


Pergunta: o que é mesmo que o ufanismo “leigo” (?!!) comemorativo da direção de “Brasil sem aborto” estava considerando “mérito” ver como “atrasado” no julgamento da ADPF 54?


A que interessa o aborto no Brasil e a deslavada má fé de quem acompanha os fins espúrios de um governo que usa da ilegalidade há 10 anos – parte 1



—– Original Message —–


From: Celso Galli Coimbra
To: nao_ao_aborto@yahoogrupos.com.br
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 2:51 AM
Subject: [aborto_não] Re: BRASIL SEM ABORTO PREPARA 3ª MARCHA PELA VIDA E PELA PAZ – 30/08/09


Escrevi esta mensagem antes do falecimento do Min. M. Direito, o que sabia-se estava para ocorrer devido ao seu estado de saúde. Aliás, Lula, qdo escolheu aquele Min., sabia que ele tinha pouco tempo de vida. Outro, Eros Grau vai ser aposentado pela idade.

Os mais cotados para preenchimento destas vagas são o ex-procurador-geral da República, Antonio Fernando de Souza, o presidente do Superior Tribunal de Justiça, Cesar Asfor Rocha, e o advogado-geral da União, José Antônio Dias Toffoli (referido por mim na mensagem e preferido de lula).



Já houve mais uma decisão judicial de primeira instância no MS autorizando aborto de anencéfalo entre o dia 29 e hoje.
Pergunta: o que é mesmo que o ufanismo “leigo” (?!!) comemorativo da direção de “Brasil sem aborto” estava considerando “mérito” ver como “atrasado” no julgamento da ADPF 54?

Para legalizar o aborto no Brasil, o mais importante continua sendo a conduta “pró-vida” midiática desta ONG, que ainda se “surpreende” quando o Governo Federal retira-lhe recursos à última hora, deixando claro que teria sido “induzido a erro”.


Esta retirada de recursos com viés desmoralizador bem sucedido não era uma possibilidade e sim uma certeza.
Por que a Lenise se surpreendeu?


Por terem cometido um erro? Por achar que a “legalização” do aborto está dentro de um contexto “democrático” deste governicho?

Vão pedir ajuda cientifíca no exterior com o meio que trabalha conosco há bem mais de uma década e acham que isto não seria objeto de conhecimento e avaliação?


Caiu muito mal neste meio a maneira como esta ajuda foi solicitada, porque não passou despercebido a pessoas com larga experiência o que ela representava de fato.
Há vida inteligente dentro de “Brasil Sem Aborto” ou sim outros interesses inteligentes voltados para interesses pessoais de alguns?



O terceiro ano de existência de BSA [Brasil sem aborto] deve ser comemorativo de uma cooperação impar de bastidores e por omissões com tudo aquilo que é decisivo para o objetivo dos abortistas.


Celso Galli Coimbra
OABRS 11352
Celso Galli Coimbra
OABRS 11352

—– Original Message —–

From: Celso Galli Coimbra
To: nao_ao_aborto@yahoogrupos.com.br
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 4:48 PM
Subject: [aborto_não] Re: BRASIL SEM ABORTO PREPARA 3ª MARCHA PELA VIDA E PELA PAZ – 30/08/09


Resposta à mensagem que festeja o terceiro ano de Brasil Sem Aborto.

O PL 1135/91 sempre foi uma manobra diversionista muito bem usada pelos abortistas e melhor ainda digerida por muitos dos que se consideram pró-vida.

Objetivo: desviar as atenções dos erros sistemáticos do meio pró-vida que continuam sendo cometidos na via onde o aborto será “legalizado” no Brasil – dentro do Poder Judiciário, no STF.

Não se comunique aqui que os Ministros do STF estão sendo suscetíveis a influências pró-vida porque isto não é verdade, pelo contrário, este “tempo ganho” está servindo é para que seja posta em prática uma estratégia no Judiciário de “consolidação de bases”, onde se verifica que as primeiras e segundas instâncias do Judiciário Nacional passam a dar suporte ao STF com cada vez mais decisões em suas respectivas esferas autorizando aborto de anencéfalos.

Neste cenário de “ganho de tempo” festejado o que ocorre é que as decisões de juízes de primeira instância contra o aborto de anencéfalos, quando ocorrem, passam a ser objeto de reforma em segunda instância, como é fato sabido no meio judicial e que tem como último precedente decisão de Desembargador do TJRS mandando juíza de primeira instância autorizar aborto de anencéfalo que ela tinha negado. Isto passa despercebido para leigos em seu significado, mas não se pode admitir que eu esteja me dirigindo a leigos por mais de três anos.


A situação, ao contrário do que a mensagem pretende comunicar, não melhorou. Ela piorou e muito para a defesa da vida desde a concepção. Esqueceram o parecer decisivo do Ministério Público Federal favorável ao aborto de anencéfalos na ADPF 54 apresentado ao STF? Está quase tudo bem?


Enquanto isso, a presidência de Brasil Sem Aborto está procurando “apoio científico” no exterior (com emails em espanhol redigidos por terceiros, e sequer no idioma de seus destinatários) e continua, tanto “esquecendo” que o apoio científico de mesmo nível está dentro do Brasil, quanto o fato de que sem defesa jurídica à altura da situação que é essencialmente jurídica, de nada adiantará este suporte científico, pois lhe faltara na melhor das hipóteses o manejo jurídico que se faz imperativo dentro de um processo jurídico, perante um órgão jurisdicional. Está quase tudo bem pensar que o STF é um “laboratório científico” ou meio “acadêmico científico”?


Está quase tudo bem dar tempo para que mais um Ministro do STF possa ser nomeado por Lula, possivelmente seu cargo de confiança ex-dirigente da AGU?


No âmbito das audiências públicas da ADPF 54, a partir de setembro de 2008, houve sabotagem de uma defesa jurídica em precioso espaço de 15 minutos amplamente utilizado por assessora de confiança da Secretaria Especial de Nilcéia Freire (que já tínhamos deixado sem argumentos em programa de TV do STF), que estava acertada que seria feita por mim, mesmo que para ser lida por terceiros, onde as questões jurídicas que vão decidir este assunto seriam apontadas de forma mais clara do que realmente deseja o Brasil Sem Aborto, como, por exemplo, deixar claro ao STF sem meias palavras que, nos assuntos que gravitam no âmbito da Convenção Interamericana de Direitos Humanos, ele, STF, ao contrário do que foi dito por Ayres Britto, não é o órgão jurisdicional que tem a última palavra, mas sim a Corte Internacional de Direitos Humanos.

O que aconteceu? Houve simples renúncia deste espaço de defesa em audiência pública no ano de 2008, sem meu conhecimento prévio, sob a falsa alegação perante o Ministro Marco Aurélio de que não havia quem o fizesse. Está quase tudo bem mesmo?


Este clima de “muito a comemorar”, especialmente depois do extraordinário fiasco jurídico no julgamento das células tronco embrionárias dentro do STF, que representou a definição da realidade do que está em andamento e não foi alterada pela sucessão dos acontecimentos; quando, então, sequer houve fundamentação tempestiva da defesa da vida na Convenção Americana de Direitos Humanos, não corresponde aos fatos que se apresentam e que levam à legalização do aborto no Brasil dentro via STF. Este clima de ufanismo deslocado somente pode aumentar a retirada de foco de um grave problema tal qual como ele realmente está definido. Promove a aparência fatal do “faz de conta que estamos fazendo” o que os fatos exigem que seja feito.



Não está quase tudo bem e certamente não haverá tempo para o “muito que tem por ser feito” a não ser que a referência seja sobre correr atrás do prejuízo, como ocorre em outros países, para tentar revogar a “legalização” do aborto neste país.

A quais interesses esta sistematização de conduta comemorativa e ufanista beneficia?


Não são os que se opõem com realismo ao desrespeito à defesa da vida desde a concepção tal qual ordenamento jurídico algum noutros países está hoje proporcionando ao Brasil.


No Brasil, a “legalização” do aborto ocorrerá por negligência, no mínimo, e não por falta de recursos jurídicos para impedi-la, pois estes recursos não estão sendo usados intencionalmente.



Celso Galli Coimbra
OABRS 11352

Neste grupo não é admitida a defesa da legalização do aborto no Brasil.
O início da vida humana individualizada, para a Ciência e para o Direito, começa na concepção. Subsídios sobre estas informações podem ser obtidos nos textos e artigos que são colocados nos Arquivos deste grupo.

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The Wholesalers of aborted babies


Os atacadistas de bebês abortados


A brochura, brilhante, convida para fazer aborto e “descobrir como você pode transformar a sua decisão de paciente em algo maravilhoso.” Está impresso por linhas de abertura, uma divisão da Consultivo e Patologia de diagnóstico, onde uma traficante de atacado em partes do bebê abortado a partir de clínicas americanas, oferece o retorno financeiro á mulher que aborta e entrega o bebê abortado ao comercio. Os tecidos e partes de fetos abortados têm alto valor como matéria-prima das industrias de cosméticos, plásticas e biotecnologia de fármacos e alimentos.


Neste texto, foi relatado que, fora de um escritório em West Frankfort, IL, diretor da empresa, Dr. Miles Jones, OS LUCROS de um COMÉRCIO, evidentemente, tremendamente vantajoso – a “Taxa de Serviços Schedule” atual oferece olhos e ouvidos por US $ 75 a US $ 999 por um cérebro.

Cristiane Rozicki


NOTA: As linhas de abertura está associada a “Ass. presents anatômica”, uma corporação sem fins lucrativos, que aceita doações de órgãos e tem escritórios em vários estados.


Linhas de abertura foi fundada em 1989, para “maximizar a utilização de tecido fetal fresco que nós processar.” Ele oferece aos investigadores “da mais alta qualidade, mais acessível, mais fresco e tecido preparado com suas especificações e entregues nas quantidades que você precisa quando você precisar dele.”


Venda de tecidos humanos, incluindo o tecido fetal, é contra a lei federal, mas as linhas de abertura aconselha os pacientes como “simples” é para contornar isso. Ele oferece a “alugar o espaço a partir de sua instalação para realizar a colheita, para compensar a sobrecarga a sua clínica.” Ele também oferece para treinar a equipe da clínica na colheita e, em seguida, “com base em volume, reembolsar parte ou a totalidade do salário do seu empregado, reduzindo suas despesas gerais. ”


Dr. Jones é, obviamente, hábil em contornar os regulamentos inconvenientes. “Nós não exigem uma cópia de sua aprovação IRB ou resumo de sua pesquisa”, aconselha clientela em potencial, “e você não é obrigado a linhas de abertura do site como fonte de tecido quando você publicar seu trabalho (acreditamos no boca a boca publicidade, se você gosta de nosso serviço que você vai dizer a seus colegas “).


Linhas de abertura é um dos dois traficantes no atacado, descoberto por Mark Crutcher na vida Dynamics Inc., uma pró-vida em Denton Texas. A outra é a Anatomic Presente Foundation (AGF). Fundada em 1994 por Jim e Bardsley Brenda, que inicialmente funcionava em um trailer de largura dupla no final de uma estrada de terra no Rio Satilla na Geórgia, onde o casal também administrou uma fazenda bagre. Desde então, mudou sua sede para Laurel, MD e possui operações em Phoenix, AZ e Aurora, CO


Fontes dinâmica da vida dentro de clínicas de aborto adquiridos “tabelas de preços” para ambas as organizações. Abertura de linhas ‘é a mais detalhada dos dois, enumerando preços para órgãos de fetos sob oito semanas de gestação e de novo. Um “tronco intacto (com / sem membros)” custa US $ 500, por exemplo, um fígado, US $ 150, (“30% de desconto se significativamente fragmentada”).


“Os preços em vigor até 31 de dezembro de 1999” pode parecer baixo, observa o Sr. Crutcher, mas somar todas as peças e bebê abortado único vale milhares. “Nosso volume de caso médio diário certificado exceder 1500 e servimos clínicas nos Estados Unidos”, diz o folheto linhas de abertura “.


Sr. Crutcher diz que Dr. Jones é um vendedor agressivo, ansioso para lhe oferecer taxas reduzidas para grandes encomendas.


Ele também disse em uma recente entrevista gravada que ele está buscando ativamente fontes de tecido fetal no México e no Canadá.


August 22, 1999

The Wholesalers of aborted babies


by Celeste McGovern


A full-colour, glossy brochure invites abortionists to “find out how you can turn your patient’s decision into something wonderful.” It’s printed by Opening Lines, A Division of Consultative and Diagnostic Pathology, Inc., a wholesale trafficker in aborted baby parts from American clinics. Out of an office in West Frankfort, IL, the company’s director, Dr. Miles Jones, profits from an evidently tremendously lucrative trade – his current “Fee for Services Schedule” offers eyes and ears for $75 to $999 for a brain.

NOTE: Opening Lines is associated with “Anatomical Gifts Assn”, a non profit corporation which accepts organ donations and has offices in several states.

Opening Lines was founded in 1989 to “maximize the utilization of fresh fetal tissue we process.” It offer researchers “the highest quality, most affordable, and freshest tissue prepared to your specifications and delivered in the quantities you need when you need it.”

Sale of human tissue, including fetal tissue, is against federal law, but Opening Lines advises patients how “simple” it is to get around that. It offers to “lease space from your facility to perform the harvesting to offset your clinic’s overhead.” It also offers to train clinic staff in harvesting and then “based on volume, reimburse part or all of your employee’s salary, thereby reducing your overhead.”

Dr. Jones is obviously adept at getting around inconvenient regulations. “We DO NOT require a copy of your IRB approval or summary of your research,” he advises prospective clientele, “and you ARE NOT required to site Opening Lines as the source of tissue when you publish your work (we believe in word of mouth advertising; if you like our service you will tell your colleagues.”)

Opening Lines is one of two wholesale traffickers, uncovered by Mark Crutcher at Life Dynamics Inc. a pro-life in Denton Texas. The other is the Anatomic Gift Foundation (AGF). Founded in 1994 by Jim and Brenda Bardsley, it originally operated out of a double-wide trailer at the end of a dirt road on the Satilla River in Georgia where the couple also ran a catfish farm. It has since moved its headquarters to Laurel, MD and now has operations in Phoenix, AZ and Aurora, CO.

Life Dynamics’ sources inside abortion clinics acquired “fee schedules” for both organizations. Opening Lines’ is the more detailed of the two, listing prices for organs from fetuses under eight weeks gestation and over. An “intact trunk (with/without limbs)” costs $500, for example, a liver, $150, (“30% discount if significantly fragmented”).

The prices “in effect until December 31, 1999” may seem low, observes Mr. Crutcher, but add up all the parts and single aborted baby is worth thousands. “Our daily average case volume exceeds 1500 and we serve clinics across the United States,” says Opening Lines’ brochure.

Mr. Crutcher says that Dr. Jones is an aggressive salesman, eager to offer him reduced rates for bulk orders.

He also said in a recent taped interview that he is actively pursuing fetal tissue sources in Mexico and in Canada.

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August 22, 1999

The Wholesalers of aborted babies

by Celeste McGovern

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Ministro de Justiça reconhece e defende o direito de viver dos embriões.


Ministro de Justiça reconhece e defende o direito de viver dos embriões.  

Ministro Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón diz aos Deputados na Espanha “o mais progresista que tenho feito é defender o direito aa vida” e “muitas mulheres vêm violentado seu Direito ‘a ser mãe por Pressoes que     determinadas estruturas geram ao seu redor.”   

— –

Felicita al ministro de Justicia por defender el derecho a vivir


A Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón los abortistas le están llamando de todo por haber defendido en sede parlamentaria que el aborto no es un derecho y que el embrión también tiene derechos.

REDACCIÓN HO.- Los abortistas políticos y mediáticos están histéricos desde que el ministro de Justicia, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, dijera en el Congreso de los Diputados y a través de algunos medios que “lo más progresista que he hecho en mi vida política es defender el derecho a la vida” y que “muchas mujeres ven violentado su derecho a ser madres por la presión que genera a su alrededor determinadas estructuras“.

Los partidos políticos abortistas le llaman “retrógrado”, le acusan de querer encarcelar a las mujeres y dicen de él que quiere suspender sus derechos. Hasta los etarras de Amaiur han tenido la desfachatez de hablar de violencia, acusándole de “desconocer la violencia de género”.

¿Cuál ha sido el “delito” de Ruiz-Gallardón? El ministro de Justicia no ha hecho más que decir en el Congreso de los Diputados lo que tantos llevamos años proclamando: que la vida es un derecho y el aborto no, que la maternidad debe ser protegida y el extermino de seres humanos no.

Derecho a Vivir, que ultima los detalles del lanzamiento de la campaña Aborto Cero, quiere felicitar al ministro de Justicia y animarle a convertir sus declaraciones en ley.

La plataforma en defensa de la vida de HazteOir.org señala que seguirá vigilante los próximos pasos del Gobierno en relación con el aborto y llevará su movilización hasta donde sea necesario para conseguir en España el objetivo final de Aborto Cero.

Pero DAV quiere también celebrar los triunfos que va consiguiendo en ese camino y por ello anima a la ciudadanía a felicitar a Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón por sus declaraciones y por el compromiso que ha adquirido ante la sede de la soberanía nacional.


‘No nos resignamos’: Los ciudadanos europeos, en pie por la cultura de la vida

Enquanto a Europa luta pelo fim do aborto livre e sem restriçoes em lei, sem pena criminal, o Brasil suporta o governo Lula-PT-Dilma investir na ilegalidade para transformar o país em fornecedor de matéria-prima humana fresca, congelada e usada nas farmacias e alimentos.

‘No nos resignamos’: Los ciudadanos europeos, en pie por la cultura de la vida


La  European Meeting for Life, imagen de la unión de los europeos en defensa de la Vida, ha sido presentada en la Eurocámara por Mayor Oreja. Histórica sesión en la que tuvimos voz como destacado movimiento cívico provida, y que marca hitos para una cultura de la vida en Europa, comenzando con una ILP en defensa del primer derecho humano.

REDACCIÓN HO.- El vicepresidente del Grupo Popular Europeo y eurodiputado del PP Jaime Mayor Oreja presentaba en la tarde de ayer jueves en el Parlamento Europeo la iniciativa ciudadana europea ‘No nos resignamos. En defensa de los no nacidos’, para comenzar a recoger firmas de ciudadanos europeos en contra del aborto y a favor del derecho a la vida en la UE.  La iniciativa se presentó dentro de una reunión también histórica en Bruselas, la ‘European Meeting for Life.’ Mayor Oreja destacaba hoy, precisamente el carácter inédito de la reunión, entrevistado en Así son las Mañanas de la COPE:  

“Lo que tenemos, ya por lo pronto, es una reunión inédita, jamás celebrada en la historia de la Eurocámara, en la cual, durante unas tres horas, los colectivos en defensa de la vida más representativos de toda Europa, una treintena, han hecho una radiografía de lo que sucede, nos han ofrecido un brillante diagnóstico conjunto de la situación analizando lo que ocurre en los distintos países, y con esa misma unidad han propuesto soluciones conjuntas para trabajar, todos juntos, en una nueva cultura de la vida. Se marca un camino unitario en este sentido.  Dentro de ello, se trabajará  en una Iniciativa Legislativa Popular para recoger más de un millón de firmas ciudadanas, en lo que nos emplearemos a fondo, sobre todo por parte del comité organizador que vamos a crear”.

Carlota Ruiz de Dulanto, en la sesiónReconociendo su labor y carácter representativo, HO y Derecho a Vivir formaron parte de esa treintena de asociaciones en defensa del derecho a vivir invitadas que tuvieron voz en Europa.  En Bruselas estuvimos representados por Carlota Ruiz de Dulanto, que tomó voz ante los europarlamentarios en nombre de DAV para defender que la única tasa de aborto admisible para una Europa moderna, que piensa en el futuro es el “Aborto Cero“, concepto que da nombre a la última campaña de divulgación y opinión pública impulsada por Derecho a Vivir. Proporcionamos el texto de la intervención íntegra de Carlota en Bruselas (en inglés), así como una breve biografía (en inglés) y la presentación visual con que acompañó sus palabras.

DAV y VI WCF: defendemos los valoresRuiz de Dulanto aprovechó también para hacer extensiva a todos los presentes la invitación a participar en el VI Congreso Mundial de Familias, que  este año HO tiene el honor de organizar (Madrid, 25-27 de mayo), que atraerá a casi 3000 personas, y reunirá a los más importantes líderes mundiales provida y profamilia.

La sesión reflejó un diagnóstico común, todos los movimientos cívicos de los distintos países compartimos la misma inquietud: la cultura de la muerte  no puede seguir avanzando,  ¡No nos podemos rendir !  La iniciativa de este encuentro se erige como el principio del final de esta mentalidad homicida que se ha instalado en nuestra civilización.

Jaime Mayor Oreja, con CarlotaLas líneas de acción básicas definidas al final de esta sesión de casi cinco horas han sido las siguientes: 

 1) Promover, de acuerdo con el Tratado de Lisboa y  la Carta Europea de los Derechos Fundamentales, una Iniciativa Legislativa Popular (ILP) contra la financiación directa o indirecta  de cualquier tipo de cultura de la muerte en Europa. El nuevo Tratado de Lisboa autoriza a los ciudadanos de la UE a reclamar a la Comisión Europea que presente propuestas legislativas de su interés si reúnen un millón de firmas de ciudadanos de varios Estados miembros. Las iniciativas ciudadanas europeas, que deben limitarse a los ámbitos en los que la Comisión está facultada para proponer legislación como la agricultura, el medio ambiente, los transportes o la salud pública, podrán comenzar a presentarse desde este 1 de abril, cuando entra en vigor la normativa que las desarrolla.

Si la iniciativa ciudadana europea pidiera abiertamente promover la prohibición del aborto en la UE tiene pocos visos de prosperar, dado que la Comisión Europea no tiene competencias para legislar sobre esta cuestión, según han reconocido fuentes del Ejecutivo comunitario: “Hay Estados miembros que lo autorizan, hay Estados miembros que no lo autorizan. Esto es una competencia nacional”.

2) Institucionalizar el ‘European Meeting for Life ‘ con al menos una celebración anual, en Bruselas , donde las asociaciones provida podamos dar el diagnóstico de cada uno de nuestros países .

3) Reforzar el ‘networking’ entre todas las instituciones provida de Europa y compartir y trasladar nuestras iniciativas al propio Mayor Oreja, que se compromete a enviar un diputado parlamentario, como representante de la institución, a cada evento provida que se promueva en Europa.

4) Fomentar la unidad: Sumar esfuerzos, crear un eslogan común, evidenciarnos como una corriente unida y fuerte que lucha contra una sociedad acomodada que se está dejando destruir por la violación de los derechos fundamentales.

Mayor y eurodiputadosMayor Oreja asume el liderazgo del apoyo europarlamentario a esta iniciativa cívicajunto al eurodiputado italiano ‘popular’  Carlo Casini, que también es presidente de la Comisión de Asuntos Constitucionales de la Eurocámara; ambos promovieron la histórica sesión de ayer jueves, invitando a más de 30 organizaciones y asociaciones de defensa de la familia y la vida de Austria, Bélgica, República Checa, Dinamarca, Alemania, Estonia, Francia, Hungría, Irlanda, Italia, Lituania, Malta, Polonia, Portugal, Rumanía, Eslovaquia, Reino Unido, Suecia, Países Bajos, Rumanía y España, incluidos HO y Derecho a Vivir, el Instituto de Política Familiar, Crossroads, Foro español o la Fundación Madrina, con el objetivo de comenzar a recabar apoyos y firmas para su iniciativa.

La iniciativa ya ha recabado además el respaldo de otros eurodiputados, incluidos el también vicepresidente polaco del Grupo Popular Europeo, Jan Olbrycht, el italiano Mario Mauro, así como los eurodiputados eslovacos Miroslav Mikolasik y Anna Zaborska; el húngaro Laszlo Surjan, el esloveno Alojz Peterle; los alemanes Martin Kasler, Peter Liese y Bernd Posselt, el tory británico Nirj Deva y el polaco Konrad Szymanski.

Adjunto Tamaño
Adjunto Tamaño
Biographie Ruiz de Dulanto.doc 27 KB
20120329 DAV European Parliamen meeting v3.ppt 4.61 MB
28mar12_Discurso Carlota English_Eucamara_Bruselas.doc 1.17 MB



El aborto genera en España un negocio de 100 millones€ en diez años

O aborto na España gera um negócio de 100 milhões de Euros em dez anos de milhões de mortes. A interrupção voluntaria da gravidez, o aborto, chega a 70 e 90 por cento das gestantes.

El aborto genera en España un negocio de 100 millones€ en diez años

En Andalucía, la tercera comunidad de España con mayor número de abortos, unos 20 mil cada año, crece más rápidamente que a nivel nacional.

REDACCIÓN HO / ABC.ES.-  Las estadísticas que hace públicas cada año el Servicio Andaluz de Salud (SAS) sobre el aborto son siempre conocidas. Las cifras apenas cambian y cada año se practican en la comunidad autónoma unos veinte mil abortos, una cantidad que apenas oscila. Ni las políticas de prevención de embarazos ni tampoco la píldora del día después -como señalaban los defensores de su liberalización, que además tratan de negar sus efectos abortivos-, han provocado una disminución de abortos quirúgicos.

Sin embargo hay otros datos menos conocidos, como los del negocio que se mueve alrededor de las mal llamadas Interrupciones Voluntarias del Embarazo (IVE). Según un informe realizado por un grupo de profesores católicos de la Universidad de Córdoba, del que informa el diario ABC, en el periodo comprendido entre 1999 y 2008 el aborto ha supuesto en Andalucía un negocio que ha facturado entre 82.294.104 y 102.832.832 euros. Además, los profesores consideran que, en términos absolutos, los ingresos estimados para el último año del que tienen datos, 2008, oscilaría entre 9.323.211 y 13.041.550 euros.

En el estudio, que ha tenido en cuenta los precios de licitación pública de estas intervenciones, la estimación de gastos asociados (desplazamientos y manutención de los pacientes y acompañantes) así como otros informes, los investigadores han fijado una horquilla de precios que oscila entre 350 y 450 euros. Concretamente, los investigadores sitúan el precio de un aborto de hasta 12 semanas de gestación en esas cantidades aunque aseguran que hay algunas comunidades donde es más caro y esta intervención puede costar hasta 600 euros.

Claro que los precios suben a medida que aumentan las semanas de gestación, dada la complejidad de la operación. En este sentido, cuando el embarazo pasa de las 12 semanas, el precio del aborto puede estar entre 1.500 y 2.500 euros. De igual manera, en otras comunidades españolas estas intervenciones pueden alcanzar los 3.000 euros.

En cualquier caso el aborto en Andalucía representa en torno al 18 por ciento del total nacional. La tasa anual acumulativa de crecimiento para España se sitúa en el 7,9 por ciento, por debajo de la tasa de crecimiento para Andalucía, estimada en el 9,18 por ciento. Eso supone que el aborto en Andalucía crece más rápidamente que a nivel nacional, consecuencia posiblemente de las facilidades otorgadas por la administración pública a las mujeres para que encuentren en el aborto la salida a su embarazo no deseado o en situación de dificultad.

En relación con otras comunidades autónomas, Andalucía se encuentra situada en el top del aborto en España. A nivel nacional se encuentra en el quinto lugar (con un 0,25 de abortos sobre la población total) por detrás de Murcia (0,38), Madrid (0,35), Cataluña (0,34) y Baleares (0,32). Considerando el peso relativo de los abortos perpetrados en cada comunidad sobre el total de abortos en todo el país, se extrae la conclusión de que Andalucía es la tercera de España en número de abortos.

Algo que lógicamente tiene sus consecuencias económicas, lo que lleva a los profesores a afirmar que «una parte significativa del negocio del aborto se concentra en Andalucía».

Los expertos también han valorado el hecho de que Andalucía es la única comunidad autónoma que reconoce la prestación del aborto dentro de su sistema sanitario y garantiza el acceso a la misma a través del concierto con las clínicas acreditadas ante la mayoritaria objeción de losprofesionales de la sanidad pública. Además, Andalucía es la tercera región española con mayor peso económico en el negocio del aborto en España.


Casi la mitad en Sevilla y Málaga

Las cifras también revelan que casi la mitad de los abortos en Andalucía en el periodo entre 1999 y 2008, el 45 por ciento y hasta el 48 por ciento en 2008, se realizaron a mujeres residentes en Sevilla y Málaga. Son las provincias que, junto a Granada y Almería, concentran más del 70 por ciento de las interrupciones voluntarias del embarazo.

Llama la atención la escasa incidencia en la provincia de Jaén, que escasamente alcanza el 4 por ciento el año 2008. Además también es digno de destacar que la mayoría de los abortos, el 91 por ciento, se produce antes de las doce primeras semanas de vida, mientras que el 9 por ciento aproximadamente corresponde a abortos practicados a partir de la primera semana. Este dato tiene repercusiones evidentes, dada la diferencia en el tipo de asistencia para cada caso. Entre los centros acreditados concertados son dos en Sevilla los que realizan estas intervenciones a mujeres de más de doce semanas.


Infanticídio feminino e mortalidade materna, assassinato em massa de mulheres e deficientes, um genocídio por responsabilidade do governo


“O fenômeno do infanticídio feminino é tão antigo em muitas culturas, e foi provavelmente responsável por milhões de mortes seletivas de gênero ao longo da história. Continua, hoje, a ser uma preocupação fundamental em um número de paises do “Terceiro Mundo”, nomeadamente os dois países mais populosos do planeta, China e Índia. Em todos os casos, especificamente o infanticídio feminino reflete o baixo estatuto concedido às mulheres em muitas partes do mundo, e é sem dúvida a manifestação mais brutal e destruidora do viés anti-feminino que permeia as sociedades “patriarcais”. Ela está intimamente ligada aos fenômenos de abortos seletivos, que visa fetos do sexo feminino quase exclusivamente, e negligência a saude de crianças do sexo feminino.” 

“O infanticídio feminino é a morte intencional de bebês do sexo feminino, devido à preferência por bebês do sexo masculino e do baixo valor da pessoa associada com o nascimento de fêmeas.” (Marina Porras, “o infanticídio feminino e o Feticide”.). O FETICIDIO deve ser visto como um subconjunto do fenômeno mais amplo do infanticídio, que também tem como alvo a morte de crianças física ou mentalmente DEFICIENTES, e os machos infantis (ao lado do sexo feminino infantil ou, ocasionalmente, em um gênero seletivo base). Tal como acontece com a MORTALIDADE MATERNA. Alguns contestam a atribuição de infanticídio ou o infanticídio feminino para a categoria de “genocídio” ou, como aqui, “generocídio”.

“No entanto, o argumento apresentado no estudo de caso sobre a categoria MORTALIDADE MATERNA se aplica neste  caso como a seguinte evidencia: governos e outros atores podem ser tão culpados e responsaveis pelo assassinato em massa por negligência, falta de assistencia ‘a saude ou  incentivo tácito ao aborto, como assassinato direto de  mulheres, gestantes, fetos e crianças nascidas.”


Aqui no Brasil estamos a ver o governo, de Lula explicitamente desde 2005, e Dilma desde ministra da Casa Civil, com divulgaçoes na midia, vendendo a ideia fraudulenta      de que a mulher brasileira é a favor do aborto.                              


O PNDH-3 PREVE A LIBERAÇÃO DE CRIMES, fim do Estado de Direito.


Antes do segundo turno das eleições presidenciais de 2010, o governo lula na trama internacional do aborto, publicou em 04/10/2010, no Diário Oficial da União,  seção III, página 88, o Termo de Cooperação do Governo do Brasil com a Fundação Oswaldo Cruz para despenalizar (retirar a pena legal do crime) o aborto:





Além disso, o DECRETO 7.037, DE 21 DE DEZEMBRO DE 2009, do Presidente Lula E da Casa Civil durante o exercício de Dilma Rousseff atualizado pelo Decreto nº 7.177, em 12 de maio de 2010, ainda durante o 1º turno das eleições de 2010, dispõe sobre matérias da Constituição de competência privativa da União para legislar. Sendo assim, não passa de um texto político de intenções, mas que esta sendo posto em pratica por PT e Dilma. Isso é ditadura civil.


 – aborto, exclusão do direito à vida do ser humano concebido, como determina a diretriz 9, objetivo estratégico III, ação programática g): “apoiar a aprovação do projeto de lei que descriminaliza o aborto.

Diante desses programas, diretrizes e objetivos estratégicos, justiça sumaria, implementações, financiamentos e desqualificação de crimes contra a vida humana por causa da idade da vitima e/ou condição de saúde e deficiencia, o ato de questionar será considerado como transgressão infratora do INCONSTITUCIONAL PNDH-3, O DECRETO que é a VIOLAÇÃO dos Direitos Humanos. A pessoa que não aceitar o PNDH-3 será punida com desaprovações, privações de benefícios, e uma justiça ágil e eficiente para viabilizar execuções sumárias.


Feministas brasileiras representam interesses estrangeiros, não a mulher brasileira



Infanticídio feminino e mortalidade materna, assassinato em massa de mulheres e deficientes, um genocídio por responsabilidade do governo

 Case Study: Female Infanticide  

(1) India
(2) China


The phenomenon of female infanticide is as old as many cultures, and has likely accounted for millions of gender-selective deaths throughout history. It remains a critical concern in a number of “Third World” countries today, notably the two most populous countries on earth, China and India. In all cases, specifically female infanticide reflects the low status accorded to women in most parts of the world; it is arguably the most brutal and destructive manifestation of the anti-female bias that pervades “patriarchal” societies. It is closely linked to the phenomena of sex-selective abortion, which targets female fetuses almost exclusively, and neglect of girl children.

The background

“Female infanticide is the intentional killing of baby girls due to the preference for male babies and from the low value associated with the birth of females.” (Marina Porras, “Female Infanticide and Foeticide”.) It should be seen as a subset of the broader phenomenon of infanticide, which has also targeted the physically or mentally handicapped, and infant males (alongside infant females or, occasionally, on a gender-selective basis). As with maternal mortality, some would dispute the assigning of infanticide or female infanticide to the category of “genocide” or, as here, “gendercide.” Nonetheless, the argument advanced in the maternal mortality case-study holds true in this case as well: governments and other actors can be just as guilty of mass killing by neglect or tacit encouragement, as by direct murder. R.J. Rummel buttresses this view, referring to infanticide as

another type of government killing whose victims may total millions … In many cultures, government permitted, if not encouraged, the killing of handicapped or female infants or otherwise unwanted children. In the Greece of 200 B.C., for example, the murder of female infants was so common that among 6,000 families living in Delphi no more than 1 percent had two daughters. Among 79 families, nearly as many had one child as two. Among all there were only 28 daughters to 118 sons. … But classical Greece was not unusual. In eighty-four societies spanning the Renaissance to our time, “defective” children have been killed in one-third of them. In India, for example, because of Hindu beliefs and the rigid caste system, young girls were murdered as a matter of course. When demographic statistics were first collected in the nineteenth century, it was discovered that in “some villages, no girl babies were found at all; in a total of thirty others, there were 343 boys to 54 girls. … [I]n Bombay, the number of girls alive in 1834 was 603.”

Rummel adds: “Instances of infanticide … are usually singular events; they do not happen en masse. But the accumulation of such officially sanctioned or demanded murders comprises, in effect, serial massacre. Since such practices were so pervasive in some cultures, I suspect that the death toll from infanticide must exceed that from mass sacrifice and perhaps even outright mass murder.” (Rummel, Death by Government, pp. 65-66.)

Focus (1): India

As John-Thor Dahlburg points out, “in rural India, the centuries-old practice of female infanticide can still be considered a wise course of action.” (Dahlburg, “Where killing baby girls ‘is no big sin’,” The Los Angeles Times [in The Toronto Star, February 28, 1994.]) According to census statistics, “From 972 females for every 1,000 males in 1901 … the gender imbalance has tilted to 929 females per 1,000 males. … In the nearly 300 poor hamlets of the Usilampatti area of Tamil Nadu [state], as many as 196 girls died under suspicious circumstances [in 1993] … Some were fed dry, unhulled rice that punctured their windpipes, or were made to swallow poisonous powdered fertilizer. Others were smothered with a wet towel, strangled or allowed to starve to death.” Dahlburg profiles one disturbing case from Tamil Nadu:

Lakshmi already had one daughter, so when she gave birth to a second girl, she killed her. For the three days of her second child’s short life, Lakshmi admits, she refused to nurse her. To silence the infant’s famished cries, the impoverished village woman squeezed the milky sap from an oleander shrub, mixed it with castor oil, and forced the poisonous potion down the newborn’s throat. The baby bled from the nose, then died soon afterward. Female neighbors buried her in a small hole near Lakshmi’s square thatched hut of sunbaked mud. They sympathized with Lakshmi, and in the same circumstances, some would probably have done what she did. For despite the risk of execution by hanging and about 16 months of a much-ballyhooed government scheme to assist families with daughters, in some hamlets of … Tamil Nadu, murdering girls is still sometimes believed to be a wiser course than raising them. “A daughter is always liabilities. How can I bring up a second?” Lakshmi, 28, answered firmly when asked by a visitor how she could have taken her own child’s life eight years ago. “Instead of her suffering the way I do, I thought it was better to get rid of her.” (All quotes from Dahlburg, “Where killing baby girls ‘is no big sin’.”)

A study of Tamil Nadu by the Community Service Guild of Madras similarly found that “female infanticide is rampant” in the state, though only among Hindu (rather than Moslem or Christian) families. “Of the 1,250 families covered by the study, 740 had only one girl child and 249 agreed directly that they had done away with the unwanted girl child. More than 213 of the families had more than one male child whereas half the respondents had only one daughter.” (Malavika Karlekar, “The girl child in India: does she have any rights?,” Canadian Woman Studies, March 1995.)

The bias against females in India is related to the fact that “Sons are called upon to provide the income; they are the ones who do most of the work in the fields. In this way sons are looked to as a type of insurance. With this perspective, it becomes clearer that the high value given to males decreases the value given to females.” (Marina Porras, “Female Infanticide and Foeticide”.) The problem is also intimately tied to the institution of dowry, in which the family of a prospective bride must pay enormous sums of money to the family in which the woman will live after marriage. Though formally outlawed, the institution is still pervasive. “The combination of dowry and wedding expenses usually add up to more than a million rupees ([US] $35,000). In India the average civil servant earns about 100,000 rupees ($3,500) a year. Given these figures combined with the low status of women, it seems not so illogical that the poorer Indian families would want only male children.” (Porras, “Female Infanticide and Foeticide”.) Murders of women whose families are deemed to have paid insufficient dowry have become increasingly common, and receive separate case-study treatment on this site.

India is also the heartland of sex-selective abortion. Amniocentesis was introduced in 1974 “to ascertain birth defects in a sample population,” but “was quickly appropriated by medical entrepreneurs. A spate of sex-selective abortions followed.” (Karlekar, “The girl child in India.”) Karlekar points out that “those women who undergo sex determination tests and abort on knowing that the foetus is female are actively taking a decision against equality and the right to life for girls. In many cases, of course, the women are not independent agents but merely victims of a dominant family ideology based on preference for male children.”

Dahlburg notes that “In Jaipur, capital of the western state of Rajasthan, prenatal sex determination tests result in an estimated 3,500 abortions of female fetuses annually,” according to a medical-college study. (Dahlburg, “Where killing baby girls ‘is no big sin’.”) Most strikingly, according to UNICEF, “A report from Bombay in 1984 on abortions after prenatal sex determination stated that 7,999 out of 8,000 of the aborted fetuses were females. Sex determination has become a lucrative business.” (Zeng Yi et al., “Causes and Implications of the Recent Increase in the Reported Sex Ratio at Birth in China,” Population and Development Review, 19: 2 [June 1993], p. 297.)

Deficits in nutrition and health-care also overwhelmingly target female children. Karlekar cites research

indicat[ing] a definite bias in feeding boys milk and milk products and eggs … In Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh [states], it is usual for girls and women to eat less than men and boys and to have their meal after the men and boys had finished eating. Greater mobility outside the home provides boys with the opportunity to eat sweets and fruit from saved-up pocket money or from money given to buy articles for food consumption. In case of illness, it is usually boys who have preference in health care. … More is spent on clothing for boys than for girls[,] which also affects morbidity. (Karlekar, “The girl child in India.”)

Sunita Kishor reports “another disturbing finding,” namely “that, despite the increased ability to command essential food and medical resources associated with development, female children [in India] do not improve their survival chances relative to male children with gains in development. Relatively high levels of agricultural development decrease the life chances of females while leaving males’ life chances unaffected; urbanization increases the life chances of males more than females. … Clearly, gender-based discrimination in the allocation of resources persists and even increases, even when availability of resources is not a constraint.” (Kishor, “‘May God Give Sons to All’: Gender and Child Mortality in India,” American Sociological Review, 58: 2 [April 1993], p. 262.)

Indian state governments have sometimes taken measures to diminish the slaughter of infant girls and abortions of female fetuses. “The leaders of Tamil Nadu are holding out a tempting carrot to couples in the state with one or two daughters and no sons: if one parent undergoes sterilization, the government will give the family [U.S.] \\$160 in aid per child. The money will be paid in instalments as the girl goes through school. She will also get a small gold ring and on her 20th birthday, a lump sum of $650 to serve as her dowry or defray the expenses of higher education. Four thousand families enrolled in the first year,” with 6,000 to 8,000 expected to join annually (as of 1994) (Dahlburg, “Where killing baby girls ‘is no big sin’.”) Such programs have, however, barely begun to address the scale of the catastrophe.

Focus (2): China

“A tradition of infanticide and abandonment, especially of females, existed in China before the foundation of the People’s Republic in 1949,” note Zeng et al.. (“Causes and Implications,” p. 294.) According to Ansley J. Coale and Judith Banister, “A missionary (and naturalist) observer in [China in] the late nineteenth century interviewed 40 women over age 50 who reported having borne 183 sons and 175 daughters, of whom 126 sons but only 53 daughters survived to age 10; by their account, the women had destroyed 78 of their daughters.” (Coale and Banister, “Five Decades of Missing Females in China,” Demography, 31: 3 [August 1994], p. 472.)

According to Zeng et al., “The practice was largely forsaken in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s.” (Zeng et al., “Causes and Implications,” p. 294.) Coale and Banister likewise acknowledge a “decline of excess female mortality after the establishment of the People’s Republic … assisted by the action of a strong government, which tried to modify this custom as well as other traditional practices that it viewed as harmful.” (Coale and Banister, “Five Decades,” p. 472.) But the number of “missing” women showed a sharp upward trend in the 1980s, linked by almost all scholars to the “one-child policy” introduced by the Chinese government in 1979 to control spiralling population growth. Couples are penalized by wage-cuts and reduced access to social services when children are born “outside the plan.” Johansson and Nygren found that while “sex ratios [were] generally within or fairly near the expected range of 105 to 106 boys per 100 girls for live births within the plan … they are, in contrast, clearly far above normal for children born outside the plan, even as high as 115 to 118 for 1984-87. That the phenomenon of missing girls in China in the 1980s is related to the government’s population policy is thus conclusively shown.” (Sten Johansson and Ola Nygren, “The Missing Girls of China: A New Demographic Account,” Population and Development Review, 17: 1 [March 1991], pp. 40-41.)

The Chinese government appeared to recognize the linkage by allowing families in rural areas (where anti-female bias is stronger) a second child if the first was a girl. Nonetheless, in September 1997, the World Health Organization’s Regional Committee for the Western Pacific issued a report claiming that “more than 50 million women were estimated to be ‘missing’ in China because of the institutionalized killing and neglect of girls due to Beijing’s population control program that limits parents to one child.” (See Joseph Farah, “Cover-up of China’s gender-cide”, Western Journalism Center/FreeRepublic, September 29, 1997.) Farah referred to the gendercide as “the biggest single holocaust in human history.”

According to Peter Stockland, “Years of population engineering, including virtual extermination of ‘surplus’ baby girls, has created a nightmarish imbalance in China’s male and female populations.” (Stockland, “China’s baby-slaughter overlooked,” The Calgary Sun, June 11, 1997.) In 1999, Jonathan Manthorpe reported a study by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, claiming that “the imbalance between the sexes is now so distorted that there are 111 million men in China — more than three times the population of Canada — who will not be able to find a wife.” As a result, the kidnapping and slave-trading of women has increased: “Since 1990, say official Chinese figures, 64,000 women — 8,000 a year on average — have been rescued by authorities from forced ‘marriages’. The number who have not been saved can only be guessed at. … The thirst for women is so acute that the slave trader gangs are even reaching outside China to find merchandise. There are regular reports of women being abducted in such places as northern Vietnam to feed the demand in China.” (Jonathan Manthorpe, “China battles slave trading in women: Female infanticide fuels a brisk trade in wives,” The Vancouver Sun, January 11, 1999.)

Since the first allegations of widespread female infanticide in China connected to the government’s “one-child” policy, controversy has raged over the number of deaths that can be ascribed to infanticide as opposed to other causes. Zeng et al. argued in 1993 that “underreporting of female births, an increase in prenatal sex identification by ultrasound and other diagnostic methods for the illegal purpose of gender-specific birth control, and [only] very low-level incidence of female infanticide are the causes of the increase in the reported sex ratio at birth in China.” (Zeng et al., “Causes and Implications,” p. 285.) They add: “Underreporting of female births accounts for about 43 percent to 75 percent of the difference between the reported sex ratio at birth during the second half of the 1980s and the normal value of the true sex ratio at birth” (p. 289). The authors contended that “sex-differential underreporting of births and induced abortion after prenatal sex determination together explain almost all of the increase in the reported sex ratio at birth during the late 1980s,” and thus “the omission … of victims of female infanticide cannot be a significant factor.” Moreover, “Both the social and administrative structure and the close bond among neighbors in China make it difficult to conceal a serious crime such as infanticide,” while additionally “Infanticide is not a cost-effective method of sex selection. The psychological and moral costs are so high that people are unlikely to take such a step except under extreme circumstances” (p. 295). They stress, however, that “even small numbers of cases of female infanticide, abandonment, and neglect are a serious violation of the fundamental human rights of women and children” (p. 296). (2002 update: A recent article by John Gittings of the UK Guardian cites national census results released in May 2002 that show that “more than 116 male births were recorded for every 100 female births,” but claims the cause is overwhelmingly sex-selective abortion: “Female infanticide, notorious in China’s past as a primitive method of sex selection, is now thought to be infrequent.” See Gittings, “Growing Sex Imbalance Shocks China”, The Guardian, May 13, 2002.)

In a similar vein, in April 2000, The New York Times reported that “many ‘illegal’ children are born in secret, their births never officially registered.” And “as more women move around the country to work, it is increasingly hard to monitor pregnancies … Unannnounced spot checks by the State Statistics Bureau have discovered undercounts of up to 40 percent in some villages, Chinese demographers say.” (See Elisabeth Rosenthal, “China’s Widely Flouted One-Child Policy Undercuts Its Census”, The New York Times, April 14, 2000.)

Johansson and Nygren attracted considerable notice with a somewhat different claim: “that adoptions (which often go unreported) account for a large proportion of the missing girls. … If adopted children are added to the live births … the sex ratio at birth becomes much closer to normal for most years in the 1980s. … Adding the adopted children to live births reduces the number of missing girls by about half.” (Johansson and Nygren, “The Missing Girls of China,” pp. 43, 46.) They add (p. 50): “That female infanticide does occur on some scale is evidenced by reports in the Chinese press, but the available statistical evidence does not help us to determine whether it takes place on a large or a small scale.”

Even if millions of Chinese infant girls are unregistered rather than directly murdered, however, the pattern of discrimination is one that will severely reduce their opportunities in life. “If parents do hide the birth of a baby girl, she will go unregistered and therefore will not have any legal existence. The child may have difficulty receiving medical attention, going to school, and [accessing] other state services.” (Porras, “Female Infanticide and Foeticide”.)

Likewise, if a Chinese infant girl is turned over for adoption rather than being killed, she risks being placed in one of the notorious “Dying Rooms” unveiled in a British TV documentary. Chinese state orphanages have come in for heavy criticism as a result of the degrading and unsanitary conditions that usually pervade them. In one orphanage, documentary producer Brian Woods found that “every single baby … was a girl, and as we moved on this pattern was repeated. The only boys were mentally or physically disabled. 95% of the babies we saw were able-bodied girls. We also discovered that, although they are described as orphans, very few of them actually are; the overwhelming majority do have parents, but their parents have abandoned them, simply because they were born the wrong sex.” Woods estimated that “up to a million baby girls every year” were victims of this “mass desertion,” deriving from “the complex collision of [China’s] notorious One Child Policy and its traditional preference for sons.” (See Brian Woods, “The Dying Rooms Trust”.)

The phenomenon of neglect of girl children is also dramatically evident in China. According to the World Health Organization, “In many cases, mothers are more likely to bring their male children to health centers — particularly to private physicians — and they may be treated at an earlier stage of disease than girls.” (Cited in Farah, “Cover-up of China’s gender-cide”.)

The Chinese government has taken some energetic steps to combat the practice of female infanticide and sex-selective abortion of female fetuses. It “has employed the Marriage Law and Women’s Protection Law which both prohibit female infanticide. The Women’s Protection Law also prohibits discrimination against ‘women who give birth to female babies.’ … The Maternal Health Care Law of 1994 ‘strictly prohibits’ the use of technology to identify the gender of a fetus.” However, “although the government has outlawed the use of ultrasound machines, physicians continue to use them to determine the gender of fetuses, especially in rural areas.” (Porras, “Female Infanticide and Foeticide”.)

How many die?

Gendercide Watch is aware of no overall statistics on the numbers of girls who die annually from infanticide. Calculations are further clouded by the unreliability and ambiguity of much of the data. Nonetheless, a minimum estimate would place the casualties in the the hundreds of thousands, especially when one takes into consideration that the phenomenon is most prevalent in the world’s two most populous countries. Sex-selective abortions likely account for an even higher number of “missing” girls.

Who is responsible?

As already noted, female infanticide reflects the low status accorded to women in many societies around the world. The “burden” of taking a woman into the family accounts for the high dowry rates in India which, in turn, have led to an epidemic female infanticide. Typical also is China, where

culture dictates that when a girl marries she leaves her family and becomes part of her husband’s family. For this reason Chinese peasants have for many centuries wanted a son to ensure there is someone to look after them in their old age — having a boy child is the best pension a Chinese peasant can get. Baby girls are even called “maggots in the rice” … (“The Dying Rooms Trust”)

Infanticide is a crime overwhelmingly committed by women, both in the Third and First Worlds. (This contrasts markedly with “infanticide in nonhuman primates,” which “is carried out primarily by migrant males who are unrelated to the infant or its parents and is a manifestation of reproductive competition among males.” [Glenn Hausfater, “Infanticide: Comparative and Evolutionary Perspectives,” Current Anthropology, 25: 4 (1984), p. 501.] It also serves as a reminder that gendercide may be implemented by those of the same gender.) In India, according to John-Thor Dahlburg, “many births take place in isolated villages, with only female friends and the midwife present. If a child dies, the women can always blame natural causes.” (Dahlburg, “Where killing baby girls ‘is no big sin’.”) In the United States, “every year hundreds of women commit neonaticide [the killing of newborns] … Prosecutors sometimes don’t prosecute; juries rarely convict; those found guilty almost never go to jail. Barbara Kirwin, a forensic psychologist, reports that in nearly 300 cases of women charged with neonaticide in the United States and Britain, no woman spent more than a night in jail.” Much of “the leniency shown to neonaticidal mothers” reflects the fact that they are standardly “young, poor, unmarried and socially isolated,” although it is notable that similar leniency is rarely extended to young, poor, and socially isolated male murderers. (Steven Pinker, “Why They Kill Their Newborns”, The New York Times, November 2, 1997.)

A number of strategies have been proposed and implemented to try to address the problem of female infanticide, along with the related phenomena of sex-selective abortion and abandonment and neglect of girl children. Zeng et al.‘s prescriptions for Chinese policymakers can easily be generalized to other countries where female infanticide is rife:

The principle of equality between men and women should be more widely promoted through the news media to change the attitude of son preference and improve the awareness of the general public on this issue; the principle should also be reflected in specific social and economic policies to protect the basic rights of women and children, especially female children. … Government regulations prohibiting the use of prenatal sex identification techniques for nonmedical purposes should be strictly enforced, and violators should be punished accordingly. The laws that punish people who commit infanticide, abandonment, and neglect of female children, and the laws and regulations on the protection of women and children[,] should be strictly enforced. The campaigns to protect women and children from being kidnapped or sold into servitude should be effectively strengthened. Family planning programs should focus on effective public education, good counseling and service delivery, and the fully voluntary participation of the community and individuals to increase contraceptive prevalence, reduce unplanned pregnancies, and minimize the need for an induced abortion. (Zeng, et al., p. 298.)


All Girls Allowed – China Gendercide

Esta é a realidade do controle populacional na China. milhões de bebés mortos por ano, crianças meninas são abandonadas, mulheres grávidas são levadas ‘a força pela policia de aborto coercitivo, morrem as mães por falta de atendimento ‘a saúde inclusive após o aborto provocado pela policia. Hoje a população da China tem – 27 milhoes de homens a mais do que mulheres por causa do generocidio; –  abandono; – suicidio; – trafico de crianças, pois meninas são mortas; – meninas, vitimas do programa governamental do one-child policy .

Tráfico, assassinato e abandono dos bebés devem ser reconhecidos como violações dos direitos humanos. Em vez disso, as injustiças são comuns e ninguém se surpreende com a sua ocorrência regular. Os relógios do mundo andam sem examinar como a crise demográfica da China e dos direitos humanos, estao a piorar rapida e gravemente. Para entender melhor o problema, verifique as páginas cuidadosamente com as pesquisas estatísticas nos links abaixo. Todas as estatísticas dizem respeito especificamente à China, e são tomadas a partir de fontes altamente confiáveis, que são citadas.”


All Girls Allowed – China Gendercide


All Girls Allowed




Statistics About Gender Imbalance in China


All Girls Allowed

Killing, trafficking and abandonment of baby girls should be recognized as human rights atrocities. Instead,  the injustices are commonplace and no one is surprised by their regular occurrence.  The world watches as China’s demographic crisis and human rights record rapidly worsen.  To better understand the problem, check out the thoroughly researched statistics pages linked below.  All statistics pertain specifically to China and are taken from highly reliable sources, which are cited within.

Read more: http://www.allgirlsallowed.org/about/statistics#ixzz3HonlnQo0

Statistics About Gender Imbalance in China


Statistics About China’s One-Child Policy


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Gender Imbalance in China

Gender Imbalance in China Statistics

Statistics About Gender Imbalance in China

(Click here to return to “Statistics About China’s One-Child Policy”)

Gender Imbalance Statistics

Sex ratios are presented as the number of boys per 100 girls.  The biologically natural sex ratio is 105, which means that 105 boys are born for every 100 girls.  That figure is also represented as 105:100.

Gendercide in China

The term “gendercide” was coined by American feminist Mary Anne Warren.[i]

While some researchers have suggested that Hepatitis is responsible for the high sex ratio, this is not supported by the evidence.  Looking at the 2000 census data, if a second child is a male it will arrive, on average, 4 months later than a second born female.  This delay in birth indicates that there is human intervention, abortions or infanticide, taking place before the birth of a male second child.[ii]

In 2005, there were 32 million more men than women under 20 in China.[iii]

In 2007, the national government estimated that China has 37 million more males than females.  By 2020, the Chinese government estimates that there will be at least 30 million men of marriageable age that may be unable to find a spouse.[iv]

In 2005, more than 1.1 million excess births of boys occurred.[v]

According to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, “the gender imbalance has been growing wider year after year.”[vi]

The most normal sex ratios are seen where the One-Child Policy is most permissive.[vii]

The One-Child Policy seems to be causally linked to the increased sex ratio in China. Mothers who face stricter restrictions and higher fines are more likely to have a son once they are facing possible punishment.  One example is the birth rates of women who have had a single daughter.  The sex ratio of children born after this first daughter changes based on the policy being enforced, with the mothers in the one child area being 3 percentage points more likely to have a son.[viii]

China alone stands to have as many unmarried young men—“bare branches”, as they are known—as the entire population of young men in America.  At present, there are 40 million American men under 20.  In 2020, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences estimates that there will be 40 million more Chinese men than women in that same age group.[ix]

Chinese men are already having trouble finding brides, with 88% of all single Chinese between 35 and 39 being male. In this same age group one finds that 99% of females are married.[x]

For reference, there are a total of 37.3 million people who live in California and 25.1 million who live in Texas.[xi]

Dudley Poston, a Professor of Sociology at Texas A&M University, estimates that if China’s sex ratio holds steady there will be a projected 55 million extra males by 2020.  Unfortunately, even if it improved to almost natural levels by 2020 there will still be an excess of 51 million males.[xii]

It’s been projected that in 2013 one in ten Chinese men will not have a female counterpart, and by the late 2020s one in five Chinese men will be without a female counterpart.[xiii]

The total U.S. population is just over 300 million.  There are over 100 million “missing” girls in the world, of which about half would have been born in China.[xiv]

In fact, some experts estimate that if the gender ratio in Asia had stayed at the natural level (105:100) for the past few decades the continent would have 163 million more women.[xv]

Sex selective abortion accounts for almost all the excess males.[xvi]

An ultrasound, which can identify the gender of an unborn fetus, costs $12 in China.[xvii]

Avraham Ebenstein, an economist, found that when making decisions about sex selection, Chinese families viewed a first-born son to have a worth of about 1.85 years of income, while the first-born girl held a value of only about 0.43 years of income.[xviii]

In 2006, the National People’s Congress Standing Committee considered, but did not pass, a proposed amendment that would have criminalized sex-selective abortion by banning the use of ultrasound for gender identification.  Only five provinces have passed similar measures, and the government has yet to take any action at the national level.[xix]

In 2007 China Daily reported, “although sex selection is banned by the Population and Family Planning Law and the Law on Maternal and Infant Health, there are currently no provisions on the applicable punishment for such acts.”[xx]

Contrary to common thought, sex ratio at birth has a positive correlation with education, possibly because well-educated women choose (or are forced) to have less children, and therefore are will to have sex selective abortions earlier on than their rural counterparts.  Another possibility is that better educated mothers have more access to, and ability to pay for, sex determination (ultrasounds).[xxi]

In Suining city, people will pay ultrasound technicians up to $150 in bribes to determine the gender of their fetus, which is only one-tenth of the fine they would have to pay for having a child without a birth permit.[xxii]

Gendercide in China and other countries has far reaching consequences; the United Nations Development Programme is estimating that the global sex ratio at birth has risen from 105:100, in the period between 1975 and 1980, to 107:100 in the period between 2005 and 2010.[xxiii]

Sex Ratio vs. GDP per Capita: China, 1953-2005 (boys per 100 girls)[xxiv]

National Sex Ratios in China

Sex Ratios at birth over time in China:[xxv]

106:100 in 1979 (106 boys for every 100 girls)

111:100 in 1988

117:100 in 2001

120:100 in 2005

According to the US Congressional-Executive Commission on China, as of January, 2010, the average male-to-female sex ratio for the infant-to-four-year-old age group in China is 123.26 males for every 100 females (123.26:100).[xxvi]

Six provinces have sex ratios of over 130:100 in the 1-4 age group.[xxvii]

Two provinces, Jiangxi and Henan, have ratios of over 140:100 in the 1-4 age group.[xxviii]

Four provinces—Anhui, Guangdong, Hunan, and Hainan—have ratios of over 130:100 in the 1-4 age group.[xxix]

Seven provinces have ratios between 120:100 and 129:100 in the 1-4 age group.[xxx]

Sex ratios are highest in the age group of 1-4 years and in rural areas, which will likely increase social tensions as millions of men are unable to find brides.[xxxi]

Only two provinces, Tibet and Xinjiang, had sex ratios within normal limits across the age range.  These two provinces are largely inhabited by minority ethnic groups and have more lenient family planning laws.[xxxii]

Between 1986 and 2005 there was an increase in excess males at birth in all provinces except Xinjiang.[xxxiii]

The total sex ratio at birth is over 130:100 in three provinces (Shaanxi, Anhui, and Jiangxi) and over 120:100 in 14 provinces.[xxxiv]

As an example, in 2007, Lianyungang city had a gender ratio of 163:100 for children under 5.[xxxv]

Another city, Suining city, had a birth ratio of 152:100 in 2007.[xxxvi]

There is a gradient between urban (115:100), town (120:100), and rural (123:100) sex ratios at birth.[xxxvii]

Wealthier and more educated provinces, where traditional preference for sons is changing, produced medium sex ratios.  A study in 2001 showed that more than 50% of women of reproductive age in wealthier provinces express no preference for a son.[xxxviii]

The provinces with the highest sex ratios are clustered together in the central-southern region.[xxxix]

Recently, an economist suggested combating the unbalanced sex ratios by giving families with only daughters a subsidy worth one year of income.  He projected that doing so would decrease the number of missing girls by 67%. Another solution he put forward was to implement a three child policy, which he says would reduce the number of missing girls by 56%.[xl]

Sex Ratios for 2nd and 3rd Children in China

The sex ratio at birth for first children is slightly high in cities and towns but was within normal limits in rural areas; however, the ratio rose very steeply for second or more children in cities (138:100), towns (137:100), and rural areas (146:100).[xli]

There were very high sex ratios for second children in Anhui (190:100) and Jiangsu (192:100).[xlii]

For third births, the sex ratio rose to over 200:100 in four provinces.[xliii]

In Beijing, among third children, almost three baby boys are born for every baby girl (almost 300:100).[xliv]

The sex ratio increased steadily from 108:100 for those born between 1985 and 1989 to 124:100 for those born between 2000 and 2004.[xlv]

In rural areas, sex ratios rose steeply for second order births, where it reached 146:100. Nine provinces had ratios of over 160:100 for second order births.[xlvi]

In 2000, at least half of the female fetuses that would have been a second order, or higher, daughter were aborted.[xlvii]

Conservatively, between 1990 and 2000, 5.9 million girls went missing, with the increased first and second birth sex ratio responsible for 97% of those girls.[xlviii]

One particular variant of the one child policy, which allows a second child if the first is a girl, leads to the highest sex ratios.[xlix]

China’s Sex Ratios in the 1-4 age group by Province (# of boys born for every 100 girls)[l]

Male Crime Statistics in China

China’s crime rate has nearly doubled in the last 20 years.[li]

Incidents of social unrest have risen from about 40,000 in 2001 to over 90,000 in 2009.[lii]

It was found that sex ratios and crime rate were connected, with just a one percent increase in sex ratio leading to a five percent increase in crime rate.[liii]

These incidents of social unrest are becoming larger, more violent, more likely to cross provincial borders, and more diverse in terms of participants and grievances.[liv]

A study concluded that increased sex ratios are correlated with increased bride abduction, trafficking of women, rape and prostitution.[lv]

Unmarried men between the ages of 24 and 35 are also found to be three times more likely to murder than their married counterparts.[lvi]

High male sex ratios can lead to more authoritarian forms of government in an effort to crack down on crime.[lvii]

High male sex ratios also lead to a lower rate of female literacy and workforce participation.[lviii]

Unmarried men in China are almost always poor and uneducated, 74% don’t have a high school diploma.  This number increases in the rural areas of China to 97%, with 40% or rural bachelors also being illiterate.[lix]

The tensions associated with so many bachelors in China’s big cities might tempt its future leaders to mobilize this excess manpower and go pick a fight, or invade another country. China is already co-opting poor unmarried young men into the People’s Liberation Army and the paramilitary People’s Armed Police.[lx]

According to German scholar Gunnar Heinsohn, European imperial expansion after 1500 was the result of a male “youth bulge.”  Japan’s imperial expansion after 1914 was the result of a similar male youth bulge.  During the Cold War, it was male youth-bulge countries—Algeria, El Salvador, and Lebanon—that saw the worst civil wars and revolutions.  Heinsohn has also linked the recent rise of Islamist extremism in countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan to an Islamic male youth bulge.[lxi]

Political scientists Valerie Hudson and Andrea den Boer warn that China and India could be the next countries that, as a result of a surplus of men, will see increased violence and extremism.[lxii]

Niall Ferguson, Professor of History at Harvard University, argues that the surplus of men in China will lead to domestic instability or militaristic expansionism, or even imperialism.  This is all the more likely with the shrill nationalism already in Asia.[lxiii]

Previous societies with large numbers of unattached men have turned to a more authoritarian political system.[lxiv]

China’s gender imbalance is a powerful, driving force behind trafficking in women and sexual slavery, not only in China, but all over Asia.  According to a statement by the United States Department of State, “Women and children are trafficked into [China] from North Korea, Vietnam, Burma, Mongolia and Thailand.”  These women are trafficked into China and forced into marriages, employment, and sexual exploitation.[lxv]

Many unattached men migrate from rural areas to urban destinations, patronizing prostitutes there. In doing so, these men could turn China’s HIV epidemic – now confined to certain high-risk populations – into a more generalized one by creating “bridging” populations from high- to low-risk individuals. Such male bridging populations have fueled HIV epidemics in Cambodia and sub-Saharan Africa.[lxvi]

Women currently make up approximately 80% of an estimated 50,000 to 100,000 North Korean refugees in China, and of these women, an estimated 90% become victims of trafficking.[lxvii]

Chinese families’ preference for sons, and the growing gender imbalance, increasing numbers of male children are trafficked for adoption, and women and girls are trafficked for forced marriages and commercial sexual exploitation.

Article 240 of China’s Criminal Law defines the trafficking of persons as ‘‘abducting, kidnapping, buying, trafficking in, fetching, sending, or transferring a woman or child, for the purpose of selling the victim.’’ This definition does not automatically prohibit forms of trafficking such as forced adult and child labor, commercial sex trade of minors over 14 years old, or trafficking of men, which are covered under Article 3 of the UN TIP Protocol.[lxviii]

[i]Gendercide: The Implications of Sex Selection, by Mary Anne Warren, Published 1985

[ii]Avraham Ebenstein, “The ‘Missing Girls’ of China and the Unintended Consequences of the One Child Policy,” Journal of Human Resources 45.1 (2010): 87-115. http://pluto.huji.ac.il/~ebenstein/Ebenstein_OneChildPolicy_2010.pdf

[iii]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211, http://www.bmj.com/content/338/bmj.b1211.full

[iv]U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China, Annual Report 2008, http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110_house_hearings&docid=f:45233.pdf

[v]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211, http://www.bmj.com/content/338/bmj.b1211.full

[vi]The Economist, The war on baby girls:  Gendercide:  Killed, aborted or neglected, at least 100m girls have disappeared—and the number is rising, March 4, 2010

[vii]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211, http://www.bmj.com/content/338/bmj.b1211.full

[viii]Avraham Ebenstein, “The ‘Missing Girls’ of China and the Unintended Consequences of the One Child Policy,” Journal of Human Resources 45.1 (2010): 87-115. http://pluto.huji.ac.il/~ebenstein/Ebenstein_OneChildPolicy_2010.pdf

[ix]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211, http://www.bmj.com/content/338/bmj.b1211.full, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences & U.S. Census

[x]Tucker, Joseph Da, et al. “Surplus men, sex work, and the spread of HIV in China.” AIDS 19.6 (2005): 539-547. http://journals.lww.com/aidsonline/fulltext/2005/04080/surplus_men,_sex_work,_and_the_spread_of_hiv_in.1.aspx

[xi]Dudley Poston, “Statement for Congressional Press Conference on the Issue of Gendercide and its Implications for Global Security,” All Girls Allowed, June 1, 2011. http://www.allgirlsallowed.org/statement-gendercide-and-implications-global-security

[xii]Dudley Poston, “Statement for Congressional Press Conference on the Issue of Gendercide and its Implications for Global Security,” All Girls Allowed, June 1, 2011. http://www.allgirlsallowed.org/statement-gendercide-and-implications-global-security

[xiii]Jiang Quanbao et al., “Son Preference and the Marriage Squeeze in China: An integrated Analysis of the First Marriage and the Remarriage Market,” in Watering the Neighbour’s Garden (Paris: CICRED, 2007).

[xiv]The Economist, The war on baby girls:  Gendercide:  Killed, aborted or neglected, at least 100m girls have disappeared—and the number is rising, March 4, 2010; U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China, Annual Report 2008, http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=110_house_hearings&docid=f:45233.pdf

[xv]Christophe Z. Guilmoto, “Sex Ratio Imbalance in Asia: Trends, Consequences, and Policy Responses” (paper presented at Fourth Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights, 2007) http://tinyurl.com/4ldcpgd

[xvi]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211, http://www.bmj.com/content/338/bmj.b1211.full

[xvii]The Economist, The war on baby girls:  Gendercide:  Killed, aborted or neglected, at least 100m girls have disappeared—and the number is rising, March 4, 2010

[xviii]Avraham Ebenstein, “Estimating a Dynamic Model of Sex Selection in China,” Demography, May 19, 2011. doi:10.1007/s13524-011-0030-7

[xix]U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China, Annual Report 2009, http://www.cecc.gov/pages/annualRpt/annualRpt09/CECCannRpt2009.pdf

[xx]U.S. State Department, U.S. Department of State 2010 Human Rights Report on China, http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/hrrpt/2010/eap/154382.htm

[xxi]Avraham Ebenstein, “Estimating a Dynamic Model of Sex Selection in China,” Demography, May 19, 2011. doi:10.1007/s13524-011-0030-7

[xxii]Hvistendahl, “Half the Sky.” Figures adjusted to 2011 currency rates.

[xxiii]Eberstadt, Nicholas. “A Global War Against Baby Girls: Sex-Selective Abortion Becomes a Worldwide Practice.”  American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, May 1, 2011. http://www.allgirlsallowed.org/global-war-against-baby-girls-sex-selective-abortion-becomes-worldwide-practice

[xxiv]Lavely, William. First Impressions of the 2000 Census of China; 2005 China One Percent Population Survey. Angus Maddison, “Per Capita GDP,” Historical Statistics for the World Economy:  1-2003 AD, table 3

[xxv]Kang C, Wang Y. Sex ratio at birth. In: Theses Collection of 2001 National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Survey. Beijing: China Population Publishing House, 2003:88-98. (referenced in NEJM)

[xxvi]U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China, Annual Report 2010

[xxvii]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211, http://www.bmj.com/content/338/bmj.b1211.full

[xxviii]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211, http://www.bmj.com/content/338/bmj.b1211.full

[xxix]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211, http://www.bmj.com/content/338/bmj.b1211.full

[xxx]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211, http://www.bmj.com/content/338/bmj.b1211.full

[xxxi]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211, http://www.bmj.com/content/338/bmj.b1211.full

[xxxii]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211, http://www.bmj.com/content/338/bmj.b1211.full

[xxxiii]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211, http://www.bmj.com/content/338/bmj.b1211.full

[xxxiv]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211, http://www.bmj.com/content/338/bmj.b1211.full

[xxxv]“China Warned on Gender Imbalance,” BBC, August 24, 2007, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/6962650.stm

[xxxvi]Mara Hvistendahl, Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys Over Girls, and the Consequences of a World Full of Men. New York: PublicAffairs, 2011.

[xxxvii]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211, http://www.bmj.com/content/338/bmj.b1211.full

[xxxviii]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211, http://www.bmj.com/content/338/bmj.b1211.full

[xxxix]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211, http://www.bmj.com/content/338/bmj.b1211.full

[xl]Avraham Ebenstein, “Estimating a Dynamic Model of Sex Selection in China,” Demography, May 19, 2011. doi:10.1007/s13524-011-0030-7

[xli]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211, http://www.bmj.com/content/338/bmj.b1211.full

[xlii]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211, http://www.bmj.com/content/338/bmj.b1211.full

[xliii]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211, http://www.bmj.com/content/338/bmj.b1211.full

[xliv]The Economist, The war on baby girls:  Gendercide:  Killed, aborted or neglected, at least 100m girls have disappeared—and the number is rising, March 4, 2010

[xlv]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211, http://www.bmj.com/content/338/bmj.b1211.full

[xlvi]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211, http://www.bmj.com/content/338/bmj.b1211.full

[xlvii]Eberstadt, Nicholas. “A Global War Against Baby Girls: Sex-Selective Abortion Becomes a Worldwide Practice.”  American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, May 1, 2011. http://www.allgirlsallowed.org/global-war-against-baby-girls-sex-selective-abortion-becomes-worldwide-practice

[xlviii]Avraham Ebenstein, “The ‘Missing Girls’ of China and the Unintended Consequences of the One Child Policy,” Journal of Human Resources 45.1 (2010): 87-115. http://pluto.huji.ac.il/~ebenstein/Ebenstein_OneChildPolicy_2010.pdf

[xlix]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211, http://www.bmj.com/content/338/bmj.b1211.full

[l]British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 338:b1211, http://www.bmj.com/content/338/bmj.b1211.full

[li]The Economist, The war on baby girls:  Gendercide:  Killed, aborted or neglected, at least 100m girls have disappeared—and the number is rising, March 4, 2010

[lii]Foreign Affairs, China’s Dilemma: Social Change and Political Reform, George J. Gilboy and Eric Heginbotham, October 14, 2010

[liii]Lena Edlund et al., More Men, More Crime: Evidence from China’s One-Child Policy, Institute for the Study of Labor Discussion Paper Series (Bonn, Germany: 2007). Referenced in Mara Hvistendahl, Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys Over Girls, and the Consequences of a World Full of Men. New York: PublicAffairs, 2011, page 222.

[liv]Foreign Affairs, China’s Dilemma: Social Change and Political Reform, George J. Gilboy and Eric Heginbotham, October 14, 2010

[lv]“Sex ratios and crime: evidence from China’s one-child policy”, by Lena Edlund, Hongbin Li, Junjian Yi and Junsen Zhang. Institute for the Study of Labour, Bonn. Discussion Paper 3214; The Economist, The war on baby girls:  Gendercide:  Killed, aborted or neglected, at least 100m girls have disappeared—and the number is rising, March 4, 2010

[lvi]Robert Wright, The Moral Animal (New York: Vintage, 1994), 100.

[lvii]“Bare Branches”, by Valerie Hudson and Andrea den Boer. MIT Press, 2004; The Economist, The war on baby girls:  Gendercide:  Killed, aborted or neglected, at least 100m girls have disappeared—and the number is rising, March 4, 2010

[lviii]Valerie M. Hudson and Andrea M. den Boer, Bare Branches: The Security Implications of Asia’s Surplus Male Population (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2005), 203.

[lix]Tucker, Joseph Da, et al. “Surplus men, sex work, and the spread of HIV in China.” AIDS 19.6 (2005): 539-547. http://journals.lww.com/aidsonline/fulltext/2005/04080/surplus_men,_sex_work,_and_the_spread_of_hiv_in.1.aspx

[lx]New York Times, Dudley Poston & Peter Morrison, China: Bachelor Bomb, September 14, 2005

[lxi]Niall Ferguson, Professor of History at Harvard in Newsweek.  Men Without Women: The ominous rise of Asia’s bachelor generation. March 6, 2011.  http://www.newsweek.com/2011/03/06/men-without-women.html

[lxii]Niall Ferguson, Professor of History at Harvard in Newsweek.  Men Without Women: The ominous rise of Asia’s bachelor generation. March 6, 2011.  http://www.newsweek.com/2011/03/06/men-without-women.html

[lxiii]Niall Ferguson, Professor of History at Harvard in Newsweek.  Men Without Women: The ominous rise of Asia’s bachelor generation. March 6, 2011.  http://www.newsweek.com/2011/03/06/men-without-women.html

[lxiv]New York Times, Dudley Poston & Peter Morrison, China: Bachelor Bomb, September 14, 2005

[lxv]Lagon, Mark P. “Trafficking in China.” Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in

Persons, United States Department of State, Congressional Human Rights Caucus Briefing,

Washington, D.C. October 31, 2007; United States Department of State 2008 Human Rights

Report: China (released February 25, 2009), p. 18

[lxvi]New York Times, Dudley Poston & Peter Morrison, China: Bachelor Bomb, September 14, 2005

[lxvii]U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China, Annual Report 2010, http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=111_cong_house_committee_prints&docid=f:61507.pdf

[lxviii]U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China, Annual Report 2010, http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=111_cong_house_committee_prints&docid=f:61507.pdf

Articles on Gender Imbalance in China


Gendercide – The war on baby girls

 The war on baby girls

The war on baby girls: Gendercide | The Economist



The war on baby girls


Killed, aborted or neglected, at least 100m girls have disappeared—and the number is rising

Mar 4th 2010 | from the print edition



IMAGINE you are one half of a young couple expecting your first child in a fast-growing, poor country. You are part of the new middle class; your income is rising; you want a small family. But traditional mores hold sway around you, most important in the preference for sons over daughters. Perhaps hard physical labour is still needed for the family to make its living. Perhaps only sons may inherit land. Perhaps a daughter is deemed to join another family on marriage and you want someone to care for you when you are old. Perhaps she needs a dowry.


Now imagine that you have had an ultrasound scan; it costs $12, but you can afford that. The scan says the unborn child is a girl. You yourself would prefer a boy; the rest of your family clamours for one. You would never dream of killing a baby daughter, as they do out in the villages. But an abortion seems different. What do you do?


For millions of couples, the answer is: abort the daughter, try for a son. In China and northern India more than 120 boys are being born for every 100 girls. Nature dictates that slightly more males are born than females to offset boys’ greater susceptibility to infant disease. But nothing on this scale.

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  • »Gendercide


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Mar 4th 2010

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For those who oppose abortion, this is mass murder. For those such as this newspaper, who think abortion should be “safe, legal and rare” (to use Bill Clinton’s phrase), a lot depends on the circumstances, but the cumulative consequence for societies of such individual actions is catastrophic. China alone stands to have as many unmarried young men—“bare branches”, as they are known—as the entire population of young men in America. In any country rootless young males spell trouble; in Asian societies, where marriage and children are the recognised routes into society, single men are almost like outlaws. Crime rates, bride trafficking, sexual violence, even female suicide rates are all rising and will rise further as the lopsided generations reach their maturity (see article).

It is no exaggeration to call this gendercide. Women are missing in their millions—aborted, killed, neglected to death. In 1990 an Indian economist, Amartya Sen, put the number at 100m; the toll is higher now. The crumb of comfort is that countries can mitigate the hurt, and that one, South Korea, has shown the worst can be avoided. Others need to learn from it if they are to stop the carnage.


The dearth and death of little sisters


Most people know China and northern India have unnaturally large numbers of boys. But few appreciate how bad the problem is, or that it is rising. In China the imbalance between the sexes was 108 boys to 100 girls for the generation born in the late 1980s; for the generation of the early 2000s, it was 124 to 100. In some Chinese provinces the ratio is an unprecedented 130 to 100. The destruction is worst in China but has spread far beyond. Other East Asian countries, including Taiwan and Singapore, former communist states in the western Balkans and the Caucasus, and even sections of America’s population (Chinese- and Japanese-Americans, for example): all these have distorted sex ratios. Gendercide exists on almost every continent. It affects rich and poor; educated and illiterate; Hindu, Muslim, Confucian and Christian alike.


Wealth does not stop it. Taiwan and Singapore have open, rich economies. Within China and India the areas with the worst sex ratios are the richest, best-educated ones. And China’s one-child policy can only be part of the problem, given that so many other countries are affected.


In fact the destruction of baby girls is a product of three forces: the ancient preference for sons; a modern desire for smaller families; and ultrasound scanning and other technologies that identify the sex of a fetus. In societies where four or six children were common, a boy would almost certainly come along eventually; son preference did not need to exist at the expense of daughters. But now couples want two children—or, as in China, are allowed only one—they will sacrifice unborn daughters to their pursuit of a son. That is why sex ratios are most distorted in the modern, open parts of China and India. It is also why ratios are more skewed after the first child: parents may accept a daughter first time round but will do anything to ensure their next—and probably last—child is a boy. The boy-girl ratio is above 200 for a third child in some places.


How to stop half the sky crashing down

Baby girls are thus victims of a malign combination of ancient prejudice and modern preferences for small families. Only one country has managed to change this pattern. In the 1990s South Korea had a sex ratio almost as skewed as China’s. Now, it is heading towards normality. It has achieved this not deliberately, but because the culture changed. Female education, anti-discrimination suits and equal-rights rulings made son preference seem old-fashioned and unnecessary. The forces of modernity first exacerbated prejudice—then overwhelmed it.


But this happened when South Korea was rich. If China or India—with incomes one-quarter and one-tenth Korea’s levels—wait until they are as wealthy, many generations will pass. To speed up change, they need to take actions that are in their own interests anyway. Most obviously China should scrap the one-child policy. The country’s leaders will resist this because they fear population growth; they also dismiss Western concerns about human rights. But the one-child limit is no longer needed to reduce fertility (if it ever was: other East Asian countries reduced the pressure on the population as much as China). And it massively distorts the country’s sex ratio, with devastating results. President Hu Jintao says that creating “a harmonious society” is his guiding principle; it cannot be achieved while a policy so profoundly perverts family life.


And all countries need to raise the value of girls. They should encourage female education; abolish laws and customs that prevent daughters inheriting property; make examples of hospitals and clinics with impossible sex ratios; get women engaged in public life—using everything from television newsreaders to women traffic police. Mao Zedong said “women hold up half the sky.” The world needs to do more to prevent a gendercide that will have the sky crashing down.



A guerra contra meninas: generocídio | The Economist

A guerra contra meninas
Assassinado abortada ou negligenciadas, pelo menos 100 milhões de meninas desapareceram, eo número está a aumentar
4 março, 2010 | a partir da edição impressa

Imagine que você é metade de um jovem casal espera seu primeiro filho em um rápido crescimento país pobre. Você faz parte da nova classe média; sua renda está aumentando, você quer uma família pequena. Mas os costumes tradicionais prevaleçam em torno de você, o mais importante na preferência por filhos homens sobre as filhas.

Talvez o trabalho físico duro ainda é necessária para a família para fazer a sua vida. Talvez apenas os filhos podem herdar a terra. Talvez uma filha é considerado como se juntar a outra família sobre o casamento e você quer alguém para cuidar de você quando você está velho. Talvez ela precisa de um dote.

Agora imagine que você tenha tido uma ecografia, que custa US $ 12, mas você pode pagar por isso. A digitalização diz que o feto é uma menina. Você se prefere um menino, o resto de sua família clama por um. Você nunca sonharia de matar uma filha, como fazem nas aldeias. Mas um aborto parece diferente. O que você faz?

Para milhões de casais, a resposta é: abortar a filha, para tentar um filho. Na China e no norte da Índia mais de 120 meninos nascem para cada 100 meninas. Natureza dita que os homens um pouco mais do que as fêmeas nascem para compensar a susceptibilidade dos meninos maior para a doença infantil. Mas nada nesta escala.

Nesta secção
• »generocídio
• Amigos como estes
• Quem paga a conta?
• Não lave as mãos dele
• Hora de mostrar a eles que você é feito de

Itens relacionados
• generocídio: A guerra em todo o mundo, baby girlsMar 4 2010
Tópicos relacionados
• Coréia do Sul
• Sul da Ásia
• Índia
• Ásia
• China

Para aqueles que se opõem ao aborto, isto é assassinato em massa. Para aqueles que, como este jornal, que pensam que o aborto deve ser “seguro, legal e raro” (para usar a frase de Bill Clinton), muito depende das circunstâncias, mas a conseqüência cumulativa para as sociedades de tais ações individuais é catastrófico. Só a China está para ter tantos homens solteiros de jovens “ramos nus”, como são conhecidos, como toda a população de homens jovens na América. Em todo o país sem raízes jovens do sexo masculino significar problemas; nas sociedades asiáticas, onde o casamento e as crianças são as rotas reconhecidas na sociedade, os homens solteiros são quase como bandidos. Os índices de criminalidade, tráfico de noiva, a violência sexual, até mesmo as taxas de suicídio feminino estão todos subindo e vai subir à medida que as gerações torto chegar a sua maturidade (ver artigo).

Não é exagero chamar isso de generocídio. As mulheres estão perdendo aos milhões, abortado, morto, negligenciado até a morte. Em 1990, um economista indiano, Amartya Sen, colocam o número em 100 m; o número de vítimas é maior agora. A migalha de conforto é que os países podem atenuar a dor, e que um, Coreia do Sul, mostrou o pior pode ser evitado. Outros precisam de aprender com ele se quiserem parar a carnificina.

A escassez e a morte de irmãzinhas

A maioria das pessoas conhecer a China e norte da Índia têm um número anormalmente grande de meninos. Mas poucos apreciam o quão ruim é o problema, ou que está subindo. Na China, o desequilíbrio entre os sexos foi de 108 meninos para 100 meninas para a geração nascida na década de 1980, para a geração do início dos anos 2000, ela foi de 124 a 100. Em algumas províncias chinesas a proporção é de um 130 sem precedentes para 100. A destruição é pior na China, mas se espalhou muito além.


Outros países asiáticos, incluindo Taiwan e Cingapura, o ex-estados comunistas nos Balcãs Ocidentais e do Cáucaso, e até mesmo segmentos da população da América (chinês e japonês-americanos, por exemplo): todos estes têm distorcido relações sexuais. Generocídio existe em quase todos os continentes. Ela afeta ricos e pobres; educados e analfabetos; hindus, muçulmanos, confucionistas e cristãos.

Riqueza não pará-lo. Taiwan e Cingapura têm economias abertas e ricos. Na China e na Índia as áreas com os piores índices de sexo são mais ricos, mais instruídos queridos. E a política chinesa do filho único só pode ser parte do problema, dado que muitos outros países são afetados.

Na verdade, a destruição dos bebés é um produto de três forças: a preferência antiga para filhos; um desejo moderno para famílias menores, e ultra-sonografia e outras tecnologias que identificam o sexo de um feto. Nas sociedades em que quatro ou seis crianças eram comuns, um menino quase certamente vir, eventualmente, preferência filho não precisa existir em detrimento das filhas. Mas agora os casais querem dois filhos-ou, como na China, são permitidos apenas um eles vão sacrificar filhas nascituros de sua busca por um filho. É por isso que relações sexuais são mais distorcidas nos modernos e partes abertas da China e da Índia. É também por isso que relações são mais distorcida após o primeiro filho: os pais podem aceitar uma filha redonda primeira vez, mas fará de tudo para garantir a sua próxima e provavelmente última criança-é um menino. A relação de menino-menina está acima de 200 por um terceiro filho, em alguns lugares.

Como parar de metade do céu desabar

Meninas são assim vítimas de uma combinação maligna de preconceito antigo e preferências modernas para famílias pequenas. Apenas um país conseguiu mudar esse padrão. Na década de 1990 a Coréia do Sul teve uma relação sexual quase tão desequilibrada quanto da China. Agora, ele está caminhando para a normalidade. Alcançou isto não deliberadamente, mas porque a cultura mudou. Educação feminina, anti-discriminação ternos e igual dos direitos de decisões preferência filho parece antiquado e desnecessário. As forças da primeira modernidade exacerbada prejuízo, então sobrecarregado ele.

Mas isso aconteceu quando a Coréia do Sul era rico. Se a China ou a Índia, com rendimentos um quarto e um décimo da Coréia níveis, esperar até que eles são tão rico, de muitas gerações vai passar. Para acelerar a mudança, eles precisam tomar medidas que estão em seus próprios interesses de qualquer maneira. A maioria, obviamente, a China deve desfazer-se da política do filho único. Os líderes do país vai resistir a este, porque temem o crescimento da população, mas também descartar as preocupações do Ocidente sobre direitos humanos. Mas o limite de um filho não é mais necessário para reduzir a fertilidade (se ele nunca foi: em outros países do leste asiático reduziu a pressão sobre a população, tanto quanto China). E maciçamente distorce relação do país sexo, com resultados devastadores. Presidente Hu Jintao diz que a criação de uma “sociedade harmoniosa” é o seu princípio orientador, não pode ser alcançada, enquanto a política perverte tão profundamente a vida familiar.

E todos os países precisam aumentar o valor das meninas. Eles devem incentivar a educação feminina; abolir leis e costumes que impedem filhas herdando propriedade, fazer exemplos de hospitais e clínicas com relações sexuais impossíveis; obter as mulheres engajados na vida pública, usando de tudo, desde leitores de notícias de televisão para a polícia de trânsito mulheres. Mao Zedong disse que “as mulheres sustentam metade do céu.” O mundo precisa de fazer mais para evitar um generocídio que terá o céu desabar.



The world at seven billion


Este artigo apresenta um resumo do desenvolvimento histórico da pregação politico ideológica de controle populacional sobre os países pobres. Exatamente como vive esta influencia o Brasil, na aprovação de leis inconstitucionais, a contar do governo Lula de 1º/jan/     2003 a 31/dez/2010, e seu reflexo e continuidade no governo Dilma e seus ministros, incluindo as decisões contra-legis do Supremo Tribunal Federal e julgamento eivado de incompetência do relator Marco Aurelio de Mello, no caso da ADPF/54, onde o ministro dispõe no relatório a favor da morte de pessoas deficientes, os anencefalos, relativizando o direito ‘a vida e desconsidera a Constituiçao Federal, e tambem os Códigos Civil e Penal brasileiros.  As iniciativas das potencias econômicas traduziram-se em grandes somas em dinheiro e financiamentos de governos, ex-colonias dos EUA e de aliados na Europa – África e Índia, Japão, Coréias e China -, para aplicação da esterilização forçada de homens e mulheres pobres, construção de clínicas de abortamento, emprego de contraceptivos e instalação de industrias. O financiamento também envolve a adoção de leis para a liberação do aborto ate os 9 meses de gestação e a educação da população, alem da entrada e fixação nos países de fundações e organizações com aparentes fins filantrópicos – mas cujos objetivos se concluem na redução de populações. Para tanto, é preciso que a morte provocada de uma pessoa, o aborto, seja visto pelas mulheres como ‘direito’ e ‘saude’. O controle populacional teve suas consequencias extremas, dividiu mais as classes pobres, corrompeu governos, e tambem a ciência e a mídia. Hoje, países como a índia e a China, por causa do aborto, tém aumento da mortalidade de mulheres e a crise demográfica: a população é constituida na sua maioria por homens.          



27 October 2011 Last updated at 23:08 GMT


* Population control


As the world population reaches seven billion people, the BBC’s Mike Gallagher asks whether efforts to control population have been, as some critics claim, a form of authoritarian control over the world’s poorest citizens.


The temperature is some 30C. The humidity stifling, the noise unbearable. In a yard between two enormous tea-drying sheds, a number of dark-skinned women patiently sit, each accompanied by an unwieldy looking cloth sack. They are clad in colourful saris, but look tired and shabby. This is hardly surprising – they have spent most of the day in nearby plantation fields, picking tea that will net them around two cents a kilo – barely enough to feed their large families.


Vivek Baid thinks he knows how to help them. He runs the Mission for Population Control, a project in eastern India which aims to bring down high birth rates by encouraging local women to get sterilised after their second child.


As the world reaches an estimated seven billion people, people like Vivek say efforts to bring down the world’s population must continue if life on Earth is to be sustainable, and if poverty and even mass starvation are to be avoided.


There is no doubting their good intentions. Vivek, for instance, has spent his own money on the project, and is passionate about creating a brighter future for India.


But critics allege that campaigners like Vivek – a successful and wealthy male businessman – have tended to live very differentlives from those they seek to help, who are mainly poor women.


These critics argue that rich people have imposed population control on the poor for decades. And, they say, such coercive attempts to control the world’s population often backfired and were sometimes harmful.


Population scare


Most historians of modern population control trace its roots back to the Reverend Thomas Malthus, an English clergyman born in the 18th Century who believed that humans would always reproduce faster than Earth’s capacity to feed them.


Giving succour to the resulting desperate masses would only imperil everyone else, he said. So the brutal reality was that it was better to let them starve.


Continue reading the main story

‘Plenty is changed into scarcity’


From Thomas Malthus’ Essay on Population, 1803 edition:


A man who is born into a world already possessed – if he cannot get subsistence from his parents on whom he has a just demand, and if the society do not want his labour, has no claim of right to the smallest portion of food.


At nature’s mighty feast there is no vacant cover for him. She tells him to be gone, and will quickly execute her own orders, if he does not work upon the compassion of some of her guests. If these guests get up and make room for him, other intruders immediately appear demanding the same favour. The plenty that before reigned is changed into scarcity; and the happiness of the guests is destroyed by the spectacle of misery and dependence in every part of the hall.


Rapid agricultural advances in the 19th Century proved his main premise wrong, because food production generally more than kept pace with the growing population.


But the idea that the rich are threatened by the desperately poor has cast a long shadow into the 20th Century.

From the 1960s, the World Bank, the UN and a host of independent American philanthropic foundations, such as the Ford and Rockefeller foundations, began to focus on what they saw as the problem of burgeoning Third World numbers.


The believed that overpopulation was the primary cause of environmental degradation, economic underdevelopment and political instability.


Massive populations in the Third World were seen as presenting a threat to Western capitalism and access to resources, says Professor Betsy Hartmann of Hampshire College, Massachusetts, in the US.


“The view of the south is very much put in this Malthusian framework. It becomes just this powerful ideology,” she says.

In 1966, President Lyndon Johnson warned that the US might be overwhelmed by desperate masses, and he made US foreign aid dependent on countries adopting family planning programmes.

Other wealthy countries such as Japan, Sweden and the UK also began to devote large amounts of money to reducing Third World birth rates.


‘Unmet need’


What virtually everyone agreed was that there was a massive demand for birth control among the world’s poorest people, and that if they could get their hands on reliable contraceptives, runaway population growth might be stopped.


But with the benefit of hindsight, some argue that this so-called unmet need theory put disproportionate emphasis on birth control and ignored other serious needs.


“It was a top-down solution,” says Mohan Rao, a doctor and public health expert at Delhi’s Jawaharlal Nehru University.


“There was an unmet need for contraceptive services, of course. But there was also an unmet need for health services and all kinds of other services which did not get attention. The focus became contraception.”


Had the demographic experts worked at the grass-roots instead of imposing solutions from above, suggests Adrienne Germain, formerly of the Ford Foundation and then the International Women’s Health Coalition, they might have achieved a better picture of the dilemmas facing women in poor, rural communities.


“Not to have a full set of health services meant women were either unable to use family planning, or unwilling to – because they could still expect half their kids to die by the age of five,” she says.


Us and them

India’s sterilisation ‘madness’


Indira Gandhi and her son Sanjay (above) presided over a mass sterilisation campaign. From the mid-1970s, Indian officials were set sterilisation quotas, and sought to ingratiate themselves with superiors by exceeding them. Stories abounded of men being accosted in the street and taken away for the operation. The head of the World Bank, Robert McNamara, congratulated the Indian government on “moving effectively” to deal with high birth rates. Funding was increased, and the sterilising went on.


In Delhi, some 700,000 slum dwellers were forcibly evicted, and given replacement housing plots far from the city centre, frequently on condition that they were either sterilisedor produced someone else for the operation. In poorer agricultural areas, whole villages were rounded up for sterilisation. When residents of one village protested, an official is said to have threatened air strikes in retaliation.


“There was a certain madness,” recalls Nina Puri of the Family Planning Association of India. “All rationality was lost.”


In 1968, the American biologist Paul Ehrlich caused a stir with his bestselling book, The Population Bomb, which suggested that it was already too late to save some countries from the dire effects of overpopulation, which would result in ecological disaster and the deaths of hundreds of millions of people in the 1970s.


Instead, governments should concentrate on drastically reducing population growth. He said financial assistance should be given only to those nations with a realistic chance of bringing birth rates down. Compulsory measures were not to be ruled out.


Western experts and local elites in the developing world soon imposed targets for reductions in family size, and used military analogies to drive home the urgency, says Matthew Connelly, a historian of population control at Columbia University in New York.


“They spoke of a war on population growth, fought with contraceptive weapons,” he says. “The war would entail sacrifices, and collateral damage.”


Such language betrayed a lack of empathy with their subjects, says Ms Germain: “People didn’t talk about people. They talked of acceptors and users of family planning.”


Emergency measures


Critics of population control had their say at the first ever UN population conference in 1974.


Karan Singh, India’s health minister at the time, declared that “development is the best contraceptive“.


But just a year later, Mr Singh’s government presided over one of the most notorious episodes in the history of population control.

In June 1975, the Indian premier, Indira Gandhi, declared a state of emergency after accusations of corruption threatened her government. Her son Sanjay used the measure to introduce radical population control measures targeted at the poor.




Yet, for all the OFFICIAL PROGRAMMES and COERCION, many POOR WOMEN kept on having babies.




The BBC’s Fergus Walsh finds out whether the numbers will rise or fall in the future


And where they did not, it arguably had less to do with coercive population control than with development, just as Karan Singh had argued in 1974, says historian Matt Connelly.


For example, in India, a disparity in birth rates could already be observed between the impoverished northern states and more developed southern regions like Kerala, where women were more likely to be literate and educated, and their offspring more likely to be healthy.


Women there realised that they could have fewer births and still expect to see their children survive into adulthood.


Total control

By NOW, this phenomenon could be observed in another country too – one that would nevertheless go on to IMPOSE THE MOST DRACONIAN POPULATION CONTROL OF ALL.






“I remember very well the evening of 8 March, 1980. The local Communist Party official in charge of my village came over waving a government document. He said: ‘The Party has DECIDED TO IMPOSE A CAP OF 1% ON POPULATION growth this year.’ He said: ‘We’re going to decide who’s going to be allowed to continue their pregnancy and who’s going to BE FORCED TO TERMINATE THEIR PREGNANCY.’ AND THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT THEY DID.”


“These were WOMEN IN THE LATE SECOND AND THIRD TRIMESTER OF PREGNANCY. THERE WERE SEVERAL WOMEN JUST DAYS AWAY FROM GIVING BIRTH. And in my hearing, a party official said: ‘Do not think that you can simply wait until you go into labour and give birth, because we will not allow your baby to live. You will go home alone’.”


The One Child Policy is credited with preventing some 400 million births in China, and remains in place to this day. IN 1983 ALONE, MORE THAN 16 MILLION WOMEN AND FOUR MILLION MEN WERE STERILISED, AND 14 MILLION WOMEN RECEIVED ABORTIONS.


Assessed by numbers alone, it is said to be by far the most successful population control initiative. Yet it remains deeply controversial, NOT ONLY BECAUSE OF THE HUMAN SUFFERING IT HAS CAUSED.






Moreover, since Chinese fertility was already in decline at the time the policy was implemented, some argue that it bears less responsibility for China’s falling birth rate than its supporters claim.


“I don’t think they needed to bring it down further,” says Indian demographer AR Nanda. “It would have happened at its own slow pace in another 10 years.”






In Washington, the new Reagan administration removed financial support for any programmes that involved abortion or sterilisation.



 “Start Quote”

“if you give women the tools they need – education, employment, contraception, safe abortion – then they will make the choices that benefit society”


End Quote Adrienne Germain



The broad alliance to stem birth rates was beginning to dissolve and the debate become more polarised along political lines.




Faith groups condemned it as a Western attack on religious values, but women’s groups feared changes would mean poor women would be even less well-served.




The conference adopted a 20-year plan of action, known as the Cairo consensus, which called on countries to recognise that ordinary women’s needs – rather than demographers’ plans – should be at the heart of population strategies.


After Cairo    


Today’s record-breaking global population hides a marked long-term trend towards lower birth rates, as urbanisation, better health care, education and access to family planning all affect women’s choices.


With the exception of sub-Saharan Africa and some of the poorest parts of India, we are now having fewer children than we once did – in some cases, failing even to replace ourselves in the next generation. And although total numbers are set to rise still further, the peak is now in sight.




Assuming that this trend continues, total numbers will one day level off, and even fall. As a result, some believe the sense of urgency that once surrounded population control has subsided.


The term population control itself has fallen out of fashion, as it was deemed to have authoritarian connotations. Post-Cairo, the talk is of women’s rights and reproductive rights, meaning the right to a free choice over whether or not to have children.



“I have a profound conviction that if you give women the tools they need – education, employment, contraception, safe abortion – then they will make the choices that benefit society,” she says.

“If you don’t, then you’ll just be in an endless cycle of trying to exert control over fertility – to bring it up, to bring it down, to keep it stable. And it never comes out well. Never.”




“The people proposing this argue ‘Don’t worry, everything’ s fine now we have voluntary programmes on the Cairo model’,” says Betsy Hartmann.


“But what they don’t understand is the profound difference in power between rich and poor. The people who provide many services in poor areas are already prejudiced against the people they serve.”


 Work in progress

For Mohan Rao, it is an example of how even the Cairo consensus fails to take account of the developing world.


“Cairo had some good things,” he says. “However Cairo was driven largely by First World feminist agendas. Reproductive rights are all very well, but [there needs to be] a whole lot of other kinds of enabling rights before women can access reproductive rights. You need rights to food, employment, water, justice and fair wages. Without all these YOU CANNOT HAVE reproductive RIGHTS.”


Perhaps, then, the humanitarian ideals of Cairo are still a work in progress.


Meanwhile, Paul Ehrlich has also amended his view of the issue.


If he were to write his book today, “I wouldn’t focus on the poverty-stricken masses”, he told the BBC.


“I would focus on there being too many rich people. It’s crystal clear that we can’t support seven billion people in the style of the wealthier Americans.”


Mike Gallager is the producer of the radio programme Controlling People on BBC World Service




Experimentação médica em humanos nos Estados Unidos: A história chocante da verdade da medicina moderna e psiquiatria (1833-1965 a parte de 1965-2005). Os riscos e perigos ‘a saúde de quem utiliza drogas psiquiatricas. Vale lembrar que as mulheres que abortam comumente tém, entre as sequelas fisico-psiquicas e o cancer, doenças psiquiatricas alem da perda da fecundidade.

Experimentação médica em humanos nos Estados Unidos: A história chocante da verdade da medicina moderna e psiquiatria (de 1833-1965 a parte de 1965-2005). Os riscos e perigos ‘a saúde de quem utiliza drogas psiquiatricas. Vale lembrar que as mulheres que abortam comumente tém, entre as sequelas fisico-psiquicas e o cancer, doenças psiquiatricas alem da perda da fecundidade.

Human medical experimentation in the United States: The shocking true history of modern medicine and psychiatry (1833-1965)


Human medical experimentation in the United States: The shocking true history of modern medicine and psychiatry (1965-2005)


Monday, March 06, 2006 by: Dani Veracity


Introduction by the Health Ranger: The United States claims to be the world leader in medicine. But there’s a dark side to western medicine that few want to acknowledge: The horrifying medical experiments performed on impoverished people and their children all in the name of scientific progress. Many of these medical experiments were conducted on people without their knowledge, and most were conducted as part of an effort to seek profits from newly approved drugs or medical technologies.

This is part two of a two-part series on human medical experimentation. Click here to read part one and the introduction.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/019189.html#ixzz3Ho2D5cgV

Human medical experimentation in the United States: The shocking true history of modern medicine and psychiatry (1833-1965)



Human medical experimentation in the United States: The shocking true history of modern medicine and psychiatry (1965-2005)


Monday, March 06, 2006 by: Dani Veracity

Today, the medical experiments  continue on the U.S. population  and its children. From the mass drugging of children  diagnosed with fictitious behavioral disorders invented by psychiatry  to the FDA’s approval of mass-marketed drugs  that have undergone no legitimate clinical trials, our population is right now being subjected to medical experiments  on a staggering scale. Today, nearly 50% of Americans are on a least one prescription drug , and nearly 20% of schoolchildren are on mind-altering amphetamines like Ritalin or antidepressants like Prozac. This mass medication  of our nation is, in every way, a grand medical experiment taking place right now.

But to truly understand how this mass experimentation on modern Americans came into being, you have to take a close look at the horrifying history  of conventional medicine’s exploitation of people for cruel medical experiments.

WARNING: What you are about to read is truly shocking. You have never been told this information  by the American Medical Association, nor drug companies , nor the evening news. You were never taught the truth about conventional medicine  in public school, or even at any university. This is the dark secret of the U.S. system of medicine, and once you read the true accounts reported here, you may never trust drug companies again. These images are deeply disturbing. We print them here not as a form of entertainment, but as a stern warning against what might happen to us and our children if we do not rein in the horrifying, inhumane actions of Big Pharma and modern-day psychiatry.

Now, I introduce this shocking timeline, researched and authored by Dani Veracity, one of our many talented staff writers here at Truth Publishing.

Read at your own risk . – The Health Ranger

The true U.S. history of human medical experimentation

Human experimentation — that is, subjecting live human beings to science  experiments that are sometimes cruel, sometimes painful, sometimes deadly and always a risk — is a major part of U.S. history that you won’t find in most history or science books. The United States  is undoubtedly responsible for some of the most amazing scientific breakthroughs. These advancements, especially in the field of medicine, have changed the lives of billions of people around the world — sometimes for the better, as in the case of finding a cure  for malaria and other epidemic diseases, and sometimes for the worse (consider modern “psychiatry” and the drugging of schoolchildren)


However, these breakthroughs come with a hefty price tag: The human beings used in the experiments that made these advancements possible. Over the last two centuries, some of these test subjects have been compensated for the damage done to their emotional and physical health , but most have not. Many have lost their lives because of the experiments they often unwillingly and sometimes even unwittingly participated in, and they of course can never be compensated for losing their most precious possession of all: Their health.

As you read through these science experiments, you’ll learn the stories of newborns  injected with radioactive substances, mentally ill people placed in giant refrigerators, military  personnel exposed to chemical weapons by the very government  they served and mentally challenged children being purposely infected with hepatitis . These stories are facts, not fiction: Each account, no matter how horrifying, is backed up with a link or citation to a reputable source.

These stories must be heard because human experimentation  is still going on today. The reasons behind the experiments may be different, but the usual human guinea pigs  are still the same — members of minority groups, the poor and the disadvantaged. These are the lives that were put on the line in the name of “scientific” medicine.


Dr. William Beaumont, an army surgeon physician, pioneers gastric medicine with his study of a patient with a permanently open gunshot wound to the abdomen and writes a human medical experimentation  code that asserts the importance of experimental treatments, but also lists requirements stipulating that human subjects must give voluntary, informed consent and be able to end the experiment when they want. Beaumont’s Code lists verbal, rather than just written, consent as permissible (Berdon ).


(1845 – 1849) J. Marion Sims, later hailed as the “father of gynecology,” performs medical experiments on enslaved African women without anesthesia . These women would usually die of infection  soon after surgery. Based on his belief that the movement of newborns’ skull bones  during protracted births causes  trismus, he also uses a shoemaker’s awl, a pointed tool shoemakers use to make holes in leather, to practice moving the skull bones of babies  born to enslaved mothers (Brinker ).


New York pediatrician Henry Heiman infects a 4-year-old boy whom he calls “an idiot with chronic epilepsy” with gonorrhea as part of a medical experiment (“Human Experimentation: Before the Nazi Era and After” ).


Dr. Arthur Wentworth turns 29 children at Boston’s Children’s Hospital into human guinea pigs when he performs spinal taps on them, just to test whether the procedure is harmful (Sharav ).


U.S Army doctors working in the Philippines  infect five Filipino prisoners  with plague and withhold proper nutrition  to create Beriberi in 29 prisoners; four test subjects die (Merritte, et al. ; Cockburn and St. Clair, eds. ).

Under commission from the U.S. surgeon general, Dr. Walter Reed goes to Cuba and uses 22 Spanish immigrant workers to prove that yellow fever  is contracted through mosquito bites. Doing so, he introduces the practice of using healthy  test subjects, and also the concept of a written contract to confirm informed consent of these subjects. While doing this study, Dr. Reed clearly tells the subjects that, though he will do everything he can to help them, they may die as a result of the experiment. He pays them $100 in gold for their participation, plus $100 extra if they contract yellow fever (Berdon , Sharav ).


Harvard professor Dr. Richard Strong infects prisoners in the Philippines with cholera to study the disease ; 13 of them die. He compensates survivors with cigars and cigarettes. During the Nuremberg Trials, Nazi doctors  cite this study to justify their own medical experiments (Greger , Sharav ).


Dr. Hideyo Noguchi of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research publishes data on injecting an inactive syphilis preparation into the skin of 146 hospital patients  and normal children in an attempt to develop a skin  test for syphilis. Later, in 1913, several of these children’s parents  sue Dr. Noguchi for allegedly infecting their children with syphilis (“Reviews and Notes: History of Medicine: Subjected to Science: Human Experimentation in America before the Second World War” ).


Medical experimenters “test” 15 children at the children’s home  St. Vincent’s House in Philadelphia with tuberculin, resulting in permanent blindness in some of the children. Though the Pennsylvania House of Representatives records the incident, the researchers are not punished for the experiments (“Human Experimentation: Before the Nazi Era and After” ).


Dr. Joseph Goldberger, under order of the U.S. Public Health Office, produces Pellagra, a debilitating disease that affects the central nervous system , in 12 Mississippi inmates to try to find a cure for the disease. One test subject later says that he had been through “a thousand hells.” In 1935, after millions die from the disease, the director of the U.S Public Health Office would finally admit that officials had known that it was caused by a niacin deficiency for some time, but did nothing about it because it mostly affected poor African-Americans. During the Nuremberg Trials, Nazi  doctors used this study to try to justify their medical experiments on concentration camp inmates (Greger ; Cockburn and St. Clair, eds. ).


In response to the Germans’ use of chemical weapons  during World War I, President Wilson creates the Chemical Warfare Service (CWS) as a branch of the U.S. Army. Twenty-four years later, in 1942, the CWS would begin performing mustard  gas and lewisite experiments on over 4,000 members of the armed forces (Global Security , Goliszek).


(1919 – 1922) Researchers perform testicular transplant experiments on inmates at San Quentin State Prison in California , inserting the testicles of recently executed inmates and goats into the abdomens and scrotums of living prisoners (Greger ).


Cornelius Rhoads, a pathologist from the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, purposely infects human test subjects in Puerto Rico with cancer cells ; 13 of them die. Though a Puerto Rican doctor  later discovers that Rhoads purposely covered up some of details of his experiment and Rhoads himself gives a written testimony stating he believes that all Puerto Ricans should be killed, he later goes on to establish the U.S. Army Biological Warfare facilities in Maryland , Utah and Panama, and is named to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, where he begins a series of radiation  exposure experiments on American soldiers and civilian hospital patients (Sharav ; Cockburn and St. Clair, eds. ).

(1931 – 1933) Mental patients  at Elgin State Hospital in Illinois  are injected with radium-266 as an experimental therapy  for mental illness (Goliszek).


(1932-1972) The U.S. Public Health Service in Tuskegee, Ala. diagnoses 400 poor, black sharecroppers with syphilis but never tells them of their illness  nor treats them; instead researchers use the men as human guinea pigs to follow the symptoms  and progression of the disease. They all eventually die from syphilis and their families are never told that they could have been treated (Goliszek, University of Virginia Health System Health Sciences Library ).


Scientists at Cornell University Medical School publish an angina drug study that uses both placebo  and blind assessment techniques on human test subjects. They discover that the subjects given the placebo experienced more of an improvement in symptoms than those who were given the actual drug. This is first account of the placebo effect  published in the United States (“Placebo Effect” ).


In order to test his theory on the roots of stuttering, prominent speech pathologist Dr. Wendell Johnson performs his famous “Monster Experiment” on 22 children at the Iowa  Soldiers’ Orphans’ Home in Davenport. Dr. Johnson and his graduate students  put the children under intense psychological pressure, causing them to switch from speaking normally to stuttering heavily. At the time, some of the students reportedly warn Dr. Johnson that, “in the aftermath of World War II, observers might draw comparisons to Nazi experiments on human subjects, which could destroy his career” (Alliance for Human Research Protection ).


Dr. William C. Black infects a 12-month-old baby with herpes as part of a medical experiment. At the time, the editor of the Journal of Experimental Medicine, Francis Payton Rous, calls it “an abuse of power, an infringement of the rights of an individual, and not excusable because the illness which followed had implications for science” (Sharav ).

An article in a 1941 issue of Archives of Pediatrics describes medical studies  of the severe gum disease Vincent’s angina in which doctors transmit the disease from sick children to healthy children with oral swabs (Goliszek).

Drs. Francis and Salk and other researchers at the University of Michigan spray large amounts of wild influenza  virus directly into the nasal passages of “volunteers” from mental institutions in Michigan. The test subjects develop influenza within a very short period of time (Meiklejohn ).

Researchers give 800 poverty-stricken pregnant women  at a Vanderbilt University prenatal clinic “cocktails” including radioactive iron  in order to determine the iron requirements of pregnant women (Pacchioli ).


The United States creates Fort Detrick, a 92-acre facility, employing nearly 500 scientists  working to create biological weapons and develop defensive measures against them. Fort Detrick’s main objectives include investigating whether diseases are transmitted by inhalation, digestion or through skin absorption ; of course, these biological warfare  experiments heavily relied on the use of human subjects (Goliszek).

U.S. Army and Navy doctors infect 400 prison inmates in Chicago with malaria to study the disease and hopefully develop a treatment  for it. The prisoners are told that they are helping the war effort, but not that they are going to be infected with malaria. During Nuremberg Trials, Nazi doctors later cite this American study to defend their own medical experiments in concentration camps like Auschwitz (Cockburn and St. Clair, eds. ).

The Chemical Warfare Service begins mustard gas and lewisite experiments on 4,000 members of the U.S. military. Some test subjects don’t realize they are volunteering  for chemical exposure experiments, like 17-year-old Nathan Schnurman, who in 1944 thinks he is only volunteering to test “U.S. Navy summer clothes” (Goliszek).

In an experiment sponsored by the U.S. Navy, Harvard biochemist Edward Cohn injects 64 inmates of Massachusetts state prisons with cow’s blood (Sharav ).

Merck Pharmaceuticals President George Merck  is named director of the War Research Service (WRS), an agency designed to oversee the establishment of a biological warfare program (Goliszek).



In order to “study the effect of frigid temperature on mental disorders ,” researchers at University of Cincinnati Hospital keep 16 mentally disabled patients in refrigerated cabinets for 120 hours at 30 degrees Fahrenheit (Sharav ).


As part of the Manhattan Project that would eventually create the atomic bomb, researchers inject 4.7 micrograms of plutonium into soldiers at the Oak Ridge facility, 20 miles west of Knoxville, Tenn. (“Manhattan Project: Oak Ridge” ).


Captain A. W. Frisch, an experienced microbiologist, begins experiments on four volunteers from the state prison at Dearborn, Mich., inoculating prisoners with hepatitis-infected specimens obtained in North Africa . One prisoner dies; two others develop hepatitis but live; the fourth develops symptoms but does not actually develop the disease (Meiklejohn ).

Laboratory workers at the University of Minnesota and University of Chicago inject human test subjects with phosphorus-32 to learn the metabolism of hemoglobin (Goliszek).

(1944 – 1946) In order to quickly develop a cure for malaria — a disease hindering Allied success in World War II — University of Chicago Medical School professor Dr. Alf Alving infects psychotic patients at Illinois State Hospital with the disease through blood  transfusions and then experiments malaria cures on them (Sharav ).

A captain in the medical corps addresses an April 1944 memo to Col. Stanford Warren, head of the Manhattan Project’s Medical Section, expressing his concerns about atom bomb component fluoride’s central nervous system (CNS) effects and asking for animal research  to be done to determine the extent of these effects: “Clinical evidence suggests that uranium hexafluoride may have a rather marked central nervous system effect … It seems most likely that the F

component rather than the T

is the causative factor … Since work with these compounds is essential, it will be necessary to know in advance what mental effects may occur after exposure .” The following year, the Manhattan Project would begin human-based studies on fluoride’s effects (Griffiths and Bryson ).

The Manhattan Project medical team, led by the now infamous University of Rochester radiologist Col. Safford Warren, injects plutonium into patients at the University’s teaching hospital , Strong Memorial (Burton Report ).


Continuing the Manhattan Project, researchers inject plutonium into three patients at the University of Chicago’s Billings Hospital (Sharav ).

The U.S. State Department, Army intelligence  and the CIA begin Operation Paperclip, offering Nazi scientists immunity  and secret identities in exchange for work on top-secret government projects on aerodynamics and chemical warfare medicine in the United States (“Project Paperclip” ).

Researchers infect 800 prisoners in Atlanta with malaria to study the disease (Sharav ).

(1945 – 1955) In Newburgh, N.Y., researchers linked to the Manhattan Project begin the most extensive American study ever done on the health effects of fluoridating public drinking water (Griffiths and Bryson ).


Gen. Douglas MacArthur strikes a secret deal with Japanese physician Dr. Shiro Ishii to turn over 10,000 pages of information gathered from human experimentation in exchange for granting Ishii immunity from prosecution for the horrific experiments he performed on Chinese , Russian and American war prisoners, including performing vivisections on live human beings (Goliszek, Sharav ).

Male and female test subjects at Chicago’s Argonne National Laboratories are given intravenous injections of arsenic-76 so that researchers can study how the human body  absorbs, distributes and excretes arsenic  (Goliszek).

Continuing the Newburg study of 1945, the Manhattan Project commissions the University of Rochester to study fluoride’s effects on animals  and humans in a project  codenamed “Program F.” With the help of the New York  State Health Department, Program F researchers secretly collect and analyze blood and tissue samples from Newburg residents. The studies are sponsored by the Atomic Energy Commission and take place at the University of Rochester Medical Center’s Strong Memorial Hospital (Griffiths and Bryson ).

(1946 – 1947) University of Rochester researchers inject four male and two female human test subjects with uranium-234 and uranium-235 in dosages ranging from 6.4 to 70.7 micrograms per one kilogram of body  weight in order to study how much uranium they could tolerate before their kidneys become damaged (Goliszek).

Six male employees  of a Chicago metallurgical laboratory are given water  contaminated with plutonium-239 to drink so that researchers can learn how plutonium is absorbed into the digestive tract (Goliszek).

Researchers begin using patients in VA hospitals as test subjects for human medical experiments , cleverly worded as “investigations” or “observations” in medical study reports to avoid negative connotations and bad publicity (Sharav ).

The American public finally learns of the biowarfare experiments being done at Fort Detrick from a report released by the War Department (Goliszek).

(1946 – 1953)

The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission sponsors studies in which researchers from Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital and the Boston  University School of Medicine feed mentally disabled students at Fernald State School Quaker Oats breakfast cereal spiked with radioactive tracers every morning so that nutritionists can study how preservatives move through the human body and if they block the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Later, MIT  researchers conduct the same study at Wrentham State School (Sharav , Goliszek).

Human test subjects are given one to four injections of arsenic-76 at the University of Chicago Department of Medicine. Researchers take tissue biopsies from the subjects before and after the injections (Goliszek).


Col. E.E. Kirkpatrick of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) issues a top-secret document (707075) dated Jan. 8. In it, he writes that “certain radioactive substances are being prepared for intravenous administration to human subjects as a part of the work of the contract” (Goliszek).

A secret AEC document dated April 17 reads, “It is desired that no document be released which refers to experiments with humans that might have an adverse reaction on public opinion or result in legal suits,” revealing that the U.S. government was aware of the health risks its nuclear tests  posed to military personnel conducting the tests or nearby civilians (Goliszek).

The CIA  begins studying LSD’s potential as a weapon by using military and civilian test subjects for experiments without their consent or even knowledge. Eventually, these LSD studies will evolve into the MKULTRA program in 1953 (Sharav ).

(1947 – 1953) The U.S. Navy begins Project Chatter to identify and test so-called “truth serums,” such as those used by the Soviet Union to interrogate spies. Mescaline and the central nervous system depressant scopolamine are among the many drugs tested on human subjects (Goliszek).


Based on the secret studies performed on Newburgh, N.Y. residents beginning in 1945, Project F researchers publish a report in the August 1948 edition of the Journal of the American Dental Association, detailing fluoride’s health dangers. The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) quickly censors it for “national security” reasons (Griffiths and Bryson ).


(1950 – 1953) The CIA and later the Office of Scientific Intelligence begin Project Bluebird (renamed Project Artichoke in 1951) in order to find ways to “extract” information from CIA agents, control individuals “through special interrogation techniques,” “enhance memory ” and use “unconventional techniques, including hypnosis  and drugs” for offensive measures (Goliszek).


(1950 – 1953) The CIA and later the Office of Scientific Intelligence begin Project Bluebird (renamed Project Artichoke in 1951) in order to find ways to “extract” information from CIA agents, control individuals “through special interrogation techniques,” “enhance memory ” and use “unconventional techniques, including hypnosis  and drugs” for offensive measures (Goliszek).

(1950 – 1953) The U.S. Army releases chemical clouds over six American and Canadian cities . Residents in Winnipeg, Canada, where a highly toxic  chemical called cadmium is dropped, subsequently experience high rates of respiratory illnesses (Cockburn and St. Clair, eds. ).

In order to determine how susceptible an American city could be to biological attack, the U.S. Navy sprays a cloud of Bacillus globigii bacteria  from ships over the San Francisco  shoreline. According to monitoring devices situated throughout the city to test the extent of infection, the eight thousand residents of San Francisco inhale five thousand or more bacteria particles, many becoming sick with pneumonia-like symptoms (Goliszek).

Dr. Joseph Strokes of the University of Pennsylvania infects 200 female prisoners with viral hepatitis to study the disease (Sharav ).

Doctors at the Cleveland City Hospital study changes in cerebral blood flow  by injecting test subjects with spinal anesthesia, inserting needles in their jugular veins and brachial arteries , tilting their heads down and, after massive blood loss causes paralysis and fainting, measuring their blood pressure . They often perform this experiment multiple times on the same subject (Goliszek).

Dr. D. Ewen Cameron, later of MKULTRA infamy due to his 1957 to1964 experiments on Canadians , publishes an article in the British Journal of Physical Medicine, in which he describes experiments that entail forcing schizophrenic patients at Manitoba’s Brandon Mental Hospital to lie naked under 15- to 200-watt red lamps for up to eight hours per day. His other experiments include placing mental patients in an electric cage that overheats their internal body temperatures to 103 degrees Fahrenheit, and inducing comas by giving patients large injections of insulin  (Goliszek).


The U.S. Navy’s Project Bluebird is renamed Project Artichoke and begins human medical experiments that test the effectiveness of LSD, sodium pentothal and hypnosis for the interrogative purposes described in Project Bluebird’s objectives (1950) (Goliszek).

The U.S. Army secretly contaminates the Norfolk Naval Supply Center in Virginia and Washington , D.C.’s National Airport with a strain of bacteria chosen because African-Americans were believed to be more susceptible to it than Caucasians. The experiment causes food poisoning , respiratory problems and blood poisoning (Cockburn and St. Clair, eds. ).

(1951 – 1952) Researchers withhold insulin from diabetic patients for up to two days in order to observe the effects of diabetes; some test subjects go into diabetic comas (Goliszek).

(1951 – 1956) Under contract with the Air Force’s School of Aviation Medicine (SAM), the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston begins studying the effects of radiation on cancer  patients — many of them members of minority groups or indigents, according to sources — in order to determine both radiation’s ability to treat cancer and the possible long-term radiation effects of pilots  flying nuclear-powered planes. The study lasts until 1956, involving 263 cancer patients. Beginning in 1953, the subjects are required to sign a waiver form, but it still does not meet the informed consent guidelines established by the Wilson memo released that year. The TBI studies themselves would continue at four different institutions — Baylor University College of Medicine, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, the U.S. Naval Hospital in Bethesda and the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine — until 1971 (U.S. Department of Energy , Goliszek).

American, Canadian and British military and intelligence officials gather a small group of eminent psychologists to a secret meeting at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Montreal about Communist “thought-control techniques.” They proposed a top-secret research program on behavior  modification — involving testing drugs, hypnosis, electroshock and lobotomies on humans (Barker ).


Military scientists use the Dugway Proving Ground — which is located 87 miles southwest of Salt Lake City, Utah — in a series of experiments to determine how Brucella suis and Brucella melitensis spread in human populations. Today, over a half-century later, some experts  claim that we are all infected with these agents as a result of these experiments (Goliszek).

In a U.S. Department of Denfense-sponsored experiment, Henry Blauer dies after he is injected with mescaline at Columbia University’s New York State Psychiatric Institute (Sharav ).

At the famous Sloan-Kettering Institute, Chester M. Southam injects live cancer cells into prisoners at the Ohio State Prison to study the progression of the disease. Half of the prisoners in this National Institutes of Health-sponsored (NIH) study are black, awakening racial suspicions stemming from Tuskegee, which was also an NIH-sponsored study (Merritte, et al. ).


(1953 – 1970) The CIA begins project MKNAOMI to “stockpile incapacitating and lethal materials, to develop gadgetry for the disseminations of these materials, and to test the effects of certain drugs on animals and humans.” As part of MKNAOMI, the CIA and the Special Operations Division of the Army Biological Laboratory at Fort Detrick try to develop two suicide  pill alternatives to the standard cyanide suicide pill given to CIA agents and U-2 pilots. CIA agents and U-2 pilots are meant to take these pills when they find themselves in situations in which they (and all the information they hold in their brains ) are in enemy hands. They also develop a “microbioinoculator” — a device that agents can use to fire small darts coated with biological agents that can remain potent for weeks or even months. These darts can be fired through clothing  and, most significantly, are undetectable during autopsy. Eventually, by the late 1960s, MKNAOMI enables the CIA to have a stockpile of biological toxins  — infectious viruses, paralytic shellfish toxin, lethal botulism toxin, snake venom and the severe skin disease-producing agent Mircosporum gypseum. Of course, the development of all of this “gadgetry” requires human experimentation (Goliszek).

(1953 – 1974) CIA Director Allen Dulles authorizes the MKULTRA program to produce and test drugs and biological agents that the CIA could use for mind control  and behavior modification. MKULTRA later becomes well known for its pioneering studies on LSD, which are often performed on prisoners or patrons of brothels set up and run by the CIA. The brothel experiments, known as “Operation Midnight Climax,” feature two-way mirrors set up in the brothels so that CIA agents can observe LSD’s effects on sexual behavior. Ironically, governmental figures sometimes slip LSD into each other’s drinks as part of the program, resulting in the LSD psychosis-induced suicide of Dr. Frank Olson indirectly at the hands of MKULTRA’s

MKULTRA’s infamous key player Dr. Sidney Gottlieb. Of all the hundreds of human test subjects used during MKULTRA, only 14 are ever notified of the involvement and only one is ever compensated ($15,000). Most of the MKULTRA files are eventually destroyed in 1973 (Elliston ; Merritte, et al. ; Barker ).

The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) sponsors iodine studies at the University of Iowa. In the first study, researchers give pregnant women 100 to 200 microcuries of iodine-131 and then study the women’s aborted embryos in order to learn at what stage and to what extent radioactive iodine crosses the placental barrier. In the second study, researchers give 12 male and 13 female newborns under 36 hours old and weighing between 5.5 and 8.5 pounds iodine-131 either orally or via intramuscular injection, later measuring the concentration of iodine in the newborns’ thyroid glands (Goliszek).

Secretary of Defense Charles Wilson issues the Wilson memo, a top-secret document establishing the Nuremberg Code as Department of Defense policy on human experimentation. The Wilson memo requires voluntary, written consent from a human medical research subject after he or she has been informed of “the nature , duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.” It also insists that doctors only use experimental treatments when other methods have failed (Berdon ).

As part of an AEC study, researchers feed 28 healthy infants at the University of Nebraska College of Medicine iodine-131 through a gastric tube and then test concentration of iodine in the infants’ thyroid glands 24 hours later (Goliszek).

Human medical experimentation in the United States: The shocking true history of modern medicine and psychiatry (1965-2005)


Monday, March 06, 2006 by: Dani Veracity

This is part two of a two-part series on human medical experimentation. Click here to read part one and the introduction.


The CIA continues a limited number of MKULTRA plans by beginning Project MKSEARCH to develop and test ways of using biological, chemical and radioactive materials in intelligence operations, and also to develop and test drugs that are able to produce predictable changes in human behavior and physiology (Goliszek).

Dr. Henry Beecher writes, “The well-being, the health, even the actual or potential life of all human beings, born or unborn, depend upon the continuing experimentation in man. Proceed it must; proceed it will. ‘The proper study of mankind is man,'” in his “exposé” on human medical experimentation Research and the Individual (“Human Experimentation: Before the Nazi Era and After”).

U.S. Army scientists drop light bulbs filled with Bacillus subtilis through ventilation gates and into the New York City subway system, exposing more than one million civilians to the bacteria (Goliszek).

The National Commission for the Protection of Research Subjects issues its Policies for the Protection of Human Subjects, which eventually creates what we now know as institutional review boards (IRBs) (Sharav).


Continuing on his Dow Chemical Company-sponsored dioxin study without the company’s knowledge or consent, University of Pennsylvania Professor Albert Kligman increases the dosage of dioxin he applies to 10 prisoners’ skin to 7,500 micrograms, 468 times the dosage Dow official Gerald K. Rowe had authorized him to administer. As a result, the prisoners experience acne lesions that develop into inflammatory pustules and papules (Kaye).

The CIA places a chemical in the drinking water supply of the FDA headquarters in Washington, D.C. to see whether it is possible to spike drinking water with LSD and other substances (Cockburn and St. Clair, eds.).

In a study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, researchers inject pregnant women with radioactive cortisol to see if the radioactive material will cross the placentas and affect the fetuses (Goliszek).

The U.S. Army pays Professor Kligman to apply skin-blistering chemicals to Holmesburg Prison inmates’ faces and backs, so as to, in Professor Kligman’s words, “learn how the skin protects itself against chronic assault from toxic chemicals, the so-called hardening process,” information which would have both offensive and defensive applications for the U.S. military (Kaye).

The CIA and Edgewood Arsenal Research Laboratories begin an extensive program for developing drugs that can influence human behavior. This program includes Project OFTEN — which studies the toxicology, transmission and behavioral effects of drugs in animal and human subjects — and Project CHICKWIT, which gathers European and Asian drug development information (Goliszek).

Professor Kligman develops Retin-A as an acne cream (and eventually a wrinkle cream), turning him into a multi-millionaire (Kaye).

Researchers paralyze 64 prison inmates in California with a neuromuscular compound called succinylcholine, which produces suppressed breathing that feels similar to drowning. When five prisoners refuse to participate in the medical experiment, the prison’s special treatment board gives researchers permission to inject the prisoners with the drug against their will (Greger).


Planned Parenthood of San Antonio and South Central Texas and the Southwest Foundation for Research and Education begin an oral contraceptive study on 70 poverty-stricken Mexican-American women, giving only half the oral contraceptives they think they are receiving and the other half a placebo. When the results of this study are released a few years later, it stirs tremendous controversy among Mexican-Americans (Sharav, Sauter).


President Nixon ends the United States’ offensive biowarfare program, including human experimentation done at Fort Detrick. By this time, tens of thousands of civilians and members of the U.S. armed forces have wittingly and unwittingly acted as participants in experiments involving exposure to dangerous biological agents (Goliszek).

The U.S. military conducts DTC Test 69-12, which is an open-air test of VX and sarin nerve agents at the Army’s Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland, likely exposing military personnel (Goliszek, Martin).

Experimental drugs are tested on mentally disabled children in Milledgeville, Ga., without any institutional approval whatsoever (Sharav).

Dr. Donald MacArthur, the U.S. Department of Defense’s Deputy Director for Research and Technology, requests $10 million from Congress to develop a synthetic biological agent that would be resistant “to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease” (Cockburn and St. Clair, eds.).

Judge Sam Steinfield’s dissent in Strunk v. Strunk, 445 S.W.2d 145 marks the first time a judge has ever suggested that the Nuremberg Code be applied in American court cases (Sharav).


A year after his request, under H.R. 15090, Dr. MacArthur receives funding to begin CIA-supervised mycoplasma research with Fort Detrick’s Special Operations Division and hopefully create a synthetic immunosuppressive agent. Some experts believe that this research may have inadvertently created HIV, the virus that causes AIDS (Goliszek).

Under order from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which also sponsored the Tuskegee Experiment, the free childcare program at Johns Hopkins University collects blood samples from 7,000 African-American youth, telling their parents that they are checking for anemia but actually checking for an extra Y chromosome (XYY), believed to be a biological predisposition to crime. The program director, Digamber Borganokar, does this experiment without Johns Hopkins University’s permission (Greger, Merritte, et al.).


President Nixon converts Fort Detrick from an offensive biowarfare lab to the Frederick Cancer Research and Development Center, now known as the National Cancer Institute at Frederick. In addition to cancer research, scientists study virology, immunology and retrovirology (including HIV) there. Additionally, the site is home to the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute, which researches drugs, vaccines and countermeasures for biological warfare, so the former Fort Detrick does not move far away from its biowarfare past (Goliszek).

Stanford University conducts the Stanford Prison Experiment on a group of college students in order to learn the psychology of prison life. Some students are given the role as prison guards, while the others are given the role of prisoners. After only six days, the proposed two-week study has to end because of its psychological effects on the participants. The “guards” had begun to act sadistic, while the “prisoners” started to show signs of depression and severe psychological stress (University of New Hampshire).

An article entitled “Viral Infections in Man Associated with Acquired Immunological Deficiency States” appears in Federation Proceedings. Dr. MacArthur and Fort Detrick’s Special Operations Division have, at this point, been conducting mycoplasma research to create a synthetic immunosuppressive agent for about one year, again suggesting that this research may have produced HIV (Goliszek).


In studies sponsored by the U.S. Air Force, Dr. Amedeo Marrazzi gives LSD to mental patients at the University of Missouri Institute of Psychiatry and the University of Minnesota Hospital to study “ego strength” (Barker).


An Ad Hoc Advisory Panel issues its Final Report on the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, writing, “Society can no longer afford to leave the balancing of individual rights against scientific progress to the scientific community” (Sharav).


Congress enacts the National Research Act, creating the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research and finally setting standards for human experimentation on children (Breslow).


The Department of Health, Education and Welfare gives the National Institutes of Health’s Policies for the Protection of Human Subjects (1966) regulatory status. Title 45, known as “The Common Rule,” officially creates institutional review boards (IRBs) (Sharav).


The Kennedy Hearing initiates the process toward Executive Order 12333, prohibiting intelligence agencies from experimenting on humans without informed consent (Merritte, et al.).

The U.S. government issues an official apology and $400,000 to Jeanne Connell, the sole survivor from Col. Warren’s now-infamous plutonium injections at Strong Memorial Hospital, and the families of the other human test subjects (Burton Report).

The National Urban League holds its National Conference on Human Experimentation, stating, “We don’t want to kill science but we don’t want science to kill, mangle and abuse us” (Sharav).


The CDC begins experimental hepatitis B vaccine trials in New York. Its ads for research subjects specifically ask for promiscuous homosexual men. Professor Wolf Szmuness of the Columbia University School of Public Health had made the vaccine’s infective serum from the pooled blood serum of hepatitis-infected homosexuals and then developed it in chimpanzees, the only animal susceptible to hepatitis B, leading to the theory that HIV originated in chimpanzees before being transferred over to humans via this vaccine. A few months after 1,083 homosexual men receive the vaccine, New York physicians begin noticing cases of Kaposi’s sarcoma, Mycoplasma penetrans and a new strain of herpes virus among New York’s homosexual community — diseases not usually seen among young, American men, but that would later be known as common opportunistic diseases associated with AIDS (Goliszek).


The National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research releases the Belmont Report, which establishes the foundations for research experimentation on humans. The Belmont Report mandates that researchers follow three basic principles: 1. Respect the subjects as autonomous persons and protect those with limited ability for independence (such as children), 2. Do no harm, 3. Choose test subjects justly — being sure not to target certain groups because of they are easily accessible or easily manipulated, rather than for reasons directly related to the tests (Berdon).


A study reveals a high incidence of leukemia among the 18,000 military personnel who participated in 1957’s Operation Plumbbob (a href=”http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Plumbbob”>”Operation Plumbob”).

According to blood samples tested years later for HIV, 20 percent of all New York homosexual men who participated in the 1978 hepatitis B vaccine experiment are HIV-positive by this point (Goliszek).

American doctors give experimental hormone shots to hundreds of Haitian men confined to detention camps in Miami and Puerto Rico, causing the men to develop a condition known as gynecomastia, in which men develop full-sized breasts (Cockburn and St. Clair, eds.).

The CDC continues its 1978 hepatitis B vaccine experiment in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, St. Louis and Denver, recruiting over 7,000 homosexual men in San Francisco alone (Goliszek).

The FDA prohibits the use of prison inmates in pharmaceutical drug trials, leading to the advent of the experimental drug testing centers industry (Sharav).

The first AIDS case appears in San Francisco (Goliszek).


(1981 – 1993) The Seattle-based Genetic Systems Corporation begins an ongoing medical experiment called Protocol No. 126, in which cancer patients at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle are given bone marrow transplants that contain eight experimental proteins made by Genetic Systems, rather than standard bone marrow transplants; 19 human subjects die from complications directly related to the experimental treatment (Goliszek).

A deep diving experiment at Duke University causes test subject Leonard Whitlock to suffer permanent brain damage (Sharav).

The CDC acknowledges that a disease known as AIDS exists and confirms 26 cases of the disease — all in previously healthy homosexuals living in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles — again supporting the speculation that AIDS originated from the hepatitis B experiments from 1978 and 1980 (Goliszek).


Thirty percent of the test subjects used in the CDC’s hepatitis B vaccine experiment are HIV-positive by this point (Goliszek).


SFBC Phase I research clinic founded in Miami, Fla. By 2005, it would become the largest experimental drug testing center in North America with centers in Miami and Montreal, running Phase I to Phase IV clinical trials (Drug Development-Technology.com).


A former U.S. Army sergeant tries to sue the Army for using drugs on him in without his consent or even his knowledge in United States v. Stanley, 483 U.S. 669. Justice Antonin Scalia writes the decision, clearing the U.S. military from any liability in past, present or future medical experiments without informed consent (Merritte, et al..


Philadelphia resident Doris Jackson discovers that researchers have removed her son’s brain post mortem for medical study. She later learns that the state of Pennsylvania has a doctrine of “implied consent,” meaning that unless a patient signs a document stating otherwise, consent for organ removal is automatically implied (Merritte, et al.).


The U.S. Justice Department pays nine Canadian survivors of the CIA and Dr. Cameron’s “psychic driving” experiments (1957 – 1964) $750,000 in out-of-court settlements, to avoid any further investigations into MKULTRA (Goliszek).

(1988 – 2001) The New York City Administration for Children’s Services begins allowing foster care children living in about two dozen children’s homes to be used in National Institutes of Health-sponsored (NIH) experimental AIDS drug trials. These children — totaling 465 by the program’s end — experience serious side effects, including inability to walk, diarrhea, vomiting, swollen joints and cramps. Children’s home employees are unaware that they are giving the HIV-infected children experimental drugs, rather than standard AIDS treatments (New York City ACS, Doran).


The United States sends 1.7 million members of the armed forces, 22 percent of whom are African-American, to the Persian Gulf for the Gulf War (“Desert Storm”). More than 400,000 of these soldiers are ordered to take an experimental nerve agent medication called pyridostigmine, which is later believed to be the cause of Gulf War Syndrome — symptoms ranging from skin disorders, neurological disorders, incontinence, uncontrollable drooling and vision problems — affecting Gulf War veterans (Goliszek; Merritte, et al.).

The CDC and Kaiser Pharmaceuticals of Southern California inject 1,500 six-month-old black and Hispanic babies in Los Angeles with an “experimental” measles vaccine that had never been licensed for use in the United States. Adding to the risk, children less than a year old may not have an adequate amount of myelin around their nerves, possibly resulting in impaired neural development because of the vaccine. The CDC later admits that parents were never informed that the vaccine being injected into their children was experimental (Goliszek).

The FDA allows the U.S. Department of Defense to waive the Nuremberg Code and use unapproved drugs and vaccines in Operation Desert Shield (Sharav).


In the May 27 issue of the Los Angeles Times, former U.S. Navy radio operator Richard Jenkins writes that he suffers from leukemia, chronic fatigue and kidney and liver disease as a result of the radiation exposure he received in 1958’s Operation Hardtack (Goliszek).

While participating in a UCLA study that withdraws schizophrenics off of their medications, Tony LaMadrid commits suicide (Sharav).


Columbia University’s New York State Psychiatric Institute and the Mount Sinai School of Medicine give 100 males — mostly African-American and Hispanic, all between the ages of six and 10 and all the younger brothers of juvenile delinquents — 10 milligrams of fenfluramine (fen-fen) per kilogram of body weight in order to test the theory that low serotonin levels are linked to violent or aggressive behavior. Parents of the participants received $125 each, including a $25 Toys ‘R’ Us gift certificate (Goliszek).


Researchers at the West Haven VA in Connecticut give 27 schizophrenics — 12 inpatients and 15 functioning volunteers — a chemical called MCPP that significantly increases their psychotic symptoms and, as researchers note, negatively affects the test subjects on a long-term basis (“Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.”).


In a double-blind experiment at New York VA Hospital, researchers take 23 schizophrenic inpatients off of their medications for a median of 30 days. They then give 17 of them 0.5 mg/kg amphetamine and six a placebo as a control, following up with PET scans at Brookhaven Laboratories. According to the researchers, the purpose of the experiment was “to specifically evaluate metabolic effects in subjects with varying degrees of amphetamine-induced psychotic exacerbation” (“Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.”).

Albuquerque Tribune reporter Eileen Welsome receives a Pulitzer Prize for her investigative reporting into Col. Warren’s plutonium experiments on patients at Strong Memorial Hospital in 1945 (Burton Report).

In a federally funded experiment at New York VA Medical Center, researchers give schizophrenic veterans amphetamine, even though central nervous system stimulants worsen psychotic symptoms in 40 percent of schizophrenics (“Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.”).

Researchers at Bronx VA Medical Center recruit 28 schizophrenic veterans who are functioning in society and give them L-dopa in order to deliberately induce psychotic relapse (“Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.”).

President Clinton appoints the Advisory Commission on Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE), which finally reveals the horrific experiments conducted during the Cold War era in its ACHRE Report.


A 19-year-old University of Rochester student named Nicole Wan dies from participating in an MIT-sponsored experiment that tests airborne pollutant chemicals on humans. The experiment pays $150 to human test subjects (Sharav).

In the Mar. 15 President’s Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE), former human subjects, including those who were used in experiments as children, give sworn testimonies stating that they were subjected to radiation experiments and/or brainwashed, hypnotized, drugged, psychologically tortured, threatened and even raped during CIA experiments. These sworn statements include:

• Christina DeNicola’s statement that, in Tucson, Ariz., from 1966 to 1976, “Dr. B” performed mind control experiments using drugs, post-hypnotic injection and drama, and irradiation experiments on her neck, throat, chest and uterus. She was only four years old when the experiments started.

• Claudia Mullen’s testimony that Dr. Sidney Gottlieb (of MKULTRA fame) used chemicals, radiation, hypnosis, drugs, isolation in tubs of water, sleep deprivation, electric shock, brainwashing and emotional, sexual and verbal abuse as part of mind control experiments that had the ultimate objective of turning her, who was only a child at the time, into the “perfect spy.” She tells the advisory committee that researchers justified this abuse by telling her that she was serving her country “in their bold effort to fight Communism.”

• Suzanne Starr’s statement that “a physician, who was retired from the military, got children from the mountains of Colorado for experiments.” She says she was one of those children and that she was the victim of experiments involving environmental deprivation to the point of forced psychosis, spin programming, injections, rape and frequent electroshock and mind control sessions. “I have fought self-destructive programmed messages to kill myself, and I know what a programmed message is, and I don’t act on them,” she tells the advisory committee of the experiments’ long-lasting effects, even in her adulthood (Goliszek).

President Clinton publicly apologizes to the thousands of people who were victims of MKULTRA and other mind-control experimental programs (Sharav).

In Dr. Daniel P. van Kammen’s study, “Behavioral vs. Biochemical Prediction of Clinical Stability Following Haloperidol Withdrawal in Schizophrenia,” researchers recruit 88 veterans who are stabilized by their medications enough to make them functional in society, and hospitalize them for eight to 10 weeks. During this time, the researchers stop giving the veterans the medications that are enabling them to live in society, placing them back on a two- to four-week regimen of the standard dose of Haldol. Then, the veterans are “washed-out,” given lumbar punctures and put under six-week observation to see who would relapse and suffer symptomatic schizophrenia once again; 50 percent do (“Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.”).

President Clinton appoints the National Bioethics Advisory Committee (Sharav).

Justice Edward Greenfield of the New York State Supreme Court rules that parents do not have the right to volunteer their mentally incapacitated children for non-therapeutic medical research studies and that no mentally incapacitated person whatsoever can be used in a medical experiment without informed consent (Sharav).


Professor Adil E. Shamoo of the University of Maryland and the organization Citizens for Responsible Care and Research sends a written testimony on the unethical use of veterans in medical research to the U.S. Senate’s Committee on Governmental Affairs, stating: “This type of research is on-going nationwide in medical centers and VA hospitals supported by tens of millions of dollars of taxpayers money. These experiments are high risk and are abusive, causing not only physical and psychic harm to the most vulnerable groups but also degrading our society’s system of basic human values. Probably tens of thousands of patients are being subjected to such experiments” (“Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.”).

The Department of Defense admits that Gulf War soldiers were exposed to chemical agents; however, 33 percent of all military personnel afflicted with Gulf War Syndrome never left the United States during the war, discrediting the popular mainstream belief that these symptoms are a result of exposure to Iraqi chemical weapons (Merritte, et al.).

In a federally funded experiment at West Haven VA in Connecticut, Yale University researchers give schizophrenic veterans amphetamine, even though central nervous system stimulants worsen psychotic symptoms in 40 percent of schizophrenics (“Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.”).

President Clinton issues a formal apology to the subjects of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study and their families (Sharav).


In order to expose unethical medical experiments that provoke psychotic relapse in schizophrenic patients, the Boston Globe publishes a four-part series entitled “Doing Harm: Research on the Mentally Ill” (Sharav).

Researchers give 26 veterans at a VA hospital a chemical called Yohimbine to purposely induce post-traumatic stress disorder (“Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.”).

In order to create a “psychosis model,” University of Cincinnati researchers give 16 schizophrenic patients at Cincinnati VA amphetamine in order to provoke repeats bouts of psychosis and eventually produce “behavioral sensitization” (Sharav).

National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) researchers give schizophrenic veterans amphetamine, even though central nervous system stimulants worsen psychotic symptoms in 40 percent of schizophrenics (“Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.”).

In an experiment sponsored by the U.S. government, researchers withhold medical treatment from HIV-positive African-American pregnant women, giving them a placebo rather than AIDS medication (Sharav).

Researchers give amphetamine to 13 schizophrenic patients in a repetition of the 1994 “amphetamine challenge” at New York VA Hospital. As a result, the patients experience psychosis, delusions and hallucinations. The researchers claim to have informed consent (“Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.”).

On Sept. 18, victims of unethical medical experiments at major U.S. research centers, including the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) testify before the National Bioethics Advisory Committee (Sharav).


Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D. testifies on “The Unethical Use of Human Beings in High-Risk Research Experiments” before the U.S. House of Representatives’ House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, alerting the House on the use of American veterans in VA Hospitals as human guinea pigs and calling for national reforms (“Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.”).

Doctors at the University of Pennsylvania inject 18-year-old Jesse Gelsinger with an experimental gene therapy as part of an FDA-approved clinical trial. He dies four days later and his father suspects that he was not fully informed of the experiment’s risk (Goliszek)

During a clinical trial investigating the effectiveness of Propulsid for infant acid reflux, nine-month-old Gage Stevens dies at Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh (Sharav).


The Department of Defense begins declassifying the records of Project 112, including SHAD, and locating and assisting the veterans who were exposed to live toxins and chemical agents as part of Project 112. Many of them have already died (Goliszek).

President Clinton authorizes the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Act, which compensates the Department of Energy workers who sacrificed their health to build the United States’ nuclear defenses (Sharav).

The U.S. Air Force and rocket maker Lockheed Martin sponsor a Loma Linda University study that pays 100 Californians $1,000 to eat a dose of perchlorate — a toxic component of rocket fuel that causes cancer, damages the thyroid gland and hinders normal development in children and fetuses — every day for six months. The dose eaten by the test subjects is 83 times the safe dose of perchlorate set by the State of California, which has perchlorate in some of its drinking water. This Loma Linda study is the first large-scale study to use human subjects to test the harmful effects of a water pollutant and is “inherently unethical,” according to Environmental Working Group research director Richard Wiles (Goliszek, Envirnomental Working Group).


Healthy 27-year-old Ellen Roche dies in a challenge study at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland (Sharav).

On its website, the FDA admits that its policy to include healthy children in human experiments “has led to an increasing number of proposals for studies of safety and pharmacokinetics, including those in children who do not have the condition for which the drug is intended” (Goliszek).

During a tobacco industry-financed Alzheimer’s experiment at Case Western University in Cleveland, Elaine Holden-Able dies after she drinks a glass of orange juice containing a dissolved dietary supplement (Sharav).

Radiologist Scott Scheer of Pennsylvania dies from kidney failure, severe anemia and possibly lupus — all caused by blood pressure drugs he was taking as part of a five-year clinical trial. After his death, his family sues the Institutional Review Board of Main Line Hospitals, the hospital that oversaw the study, and two doctors. Investigators from the federal Office for Human Research Protections, which is part of the Department of Health and Human Services, later conclude in a Dec. 20, 2002 letter to Scheer’s oldest daughter: “Your father apparently was not told about the risk of hydralazine-induced lupus … OHRP found that certain unanticipated problems involving risks to subjects or others were not promptly reported to appropriate institutional officials” (Willen and Evans, “Doctor Who Died in Drug Test Was Betrayed by System He Trusted.”)

In Higgins and Grimes v. Kennedy Krieger Institute The Maryland Court of Appeals makes a landmark decision regarding the use of children as test subjects, prohibiting non-therapeutic experimentation on children on the basis of “best interest of the individual child” (Sharav).


President George W. Bush signs the Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act (BPCA), offering pharmaceutical companies six-month exclusivity in exchange for running clinical drug trials on children. This will of course increase the number of children used as human test subjects (Hammer Breslow).


Two-year-old Michael Daddio of Delaware dies of congestive heart failure. After his death, his parents learn that doctors had performed an experimental surgery on him when he was five months old, rather than using the established surgical method of repairing his congenital heart defect that the parents had been told would be performed. The established procedure has a 90- to 95-percent success rate, whereas the inventor of the procedure performed on baby Daddio would later be fired from his hospital in 2004 (Willen and Evans, “Parents of Babies Who Died in Delaware Tests Weren’t Warned”).


In his BBC documentary “Guinea Pig Kids” and BBC News article of the same name, reporter Jamie Doran reveals that children involved in the New York City foster care system were unwitting human subjects in experimental AIDS drug trials from 1988 to, in his belief, present times (Doran).


In response to the BBC documentary and article “Guinea Pig Kids”, the New York City Administration of Children’s Services (ACS) sends out an Apr. 22 press release admitting that foster care children were used in experimental AIDS drug trials, but says that the last trial took place in 2001 and thus the trials are not continuing, as BBC reporter Jamie Doran claims. The ACS gives the extent and statistics of the experimental drug trials, based on its own records, and contracts the Vera Institute of Justice to conduct “an independent review of ACS policy and practice regarding the enrollment of HIV-positive children in foster care in clinical drug trials during the late 1980s and 1990s” (New York City ACS).

In exchange for receiving $2 million from the American Chemical Society, the EPA proposes the Children’s Health Environmental Exposure Research Study (CHEERS) to learn how children ranging from infancy to three years old ingest, inhale and absorb chemicals by exposing children from a poor, predominantly black area of Duval County, Fla., to these toxins. Due to pressure from activist groups, negative media coverage and two Democratic senators, the EPA eventually decides to drop the study on Apr. 8, 2005 (Organic Consumers Association).

Bloomberg releases a series of reports suggesting that SFBC, the largest experimental drug testing center of its time, exploits immigrant and other low-income test subjects and runs tests with limited credibility due to violations of both the FDA’s and SFBC’s own testing guidelines (Bloomberg).

Works cited:

Alliance for Human Research Protection. “‘Monster Experiment’ Taught Orphans to Stutter.”. June 11, 2001.

Barker, Allen. “The Cold War Experiments.” Mind Control.

Berdon, Victoria. “Codes of Medical and Human Experimentation Ethics.” The Least of My Brothers.

Brinker, Wendy. “James Marion Sims: Father Butcher.” Seed Show.

Burton Report. “Human Experimentation, Plutonium and Col. Stafford Warren.”

Cockburn, Alexander and Jeffrey St. Clair, eds. “Germ War: The U.S. Record.” Counter Punch.

“Donald Ewan [sic] Cameron.” Wikipedia.

Doran, Jamie. “Guinea Pig Kids.” BBC News. 30 Nov. 2004.

Drug Development-Technology.com. “SFBC.”

Elliston, Jon. “MKULTRA: CIA Mind Control.” Dossier: Paranormal Government.

Environmental Working Group. “U.S.: Lockheed Martin’s Tests on Humans.” CorpWatch.

Global Security. Chemical Corps. 2005.

Goliszek, Andrew. In the Name of Science. New York: St. Martin’s, 2003.

Greger, Michael, M.D. Heart Failure: Diary of a Third Year Medical Student.

Griffiths, Joel and Chris Bryson. “Toxic Secrets: Fluoride and the Atom Bomb.” Nexus Magazine 5:3. Apr. – May 1998.

Hammer Breslow, Lauren. “The Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act of 2002: The Rise of the Voluntary Incentive Structure and Congressional Refusal to Require Pediatric Testing.” Harvard Journal of Legislation Vol. 40.

“Human Experimentation: Before the Nazi Era and After.” Micah Books.

Kaye, Jonathan. “Retin-A’s Wrinkled Past.” Mind Control. Orig. pub. Penn History Review Spring 1997.

“Manhattan Project: Oak Ridge.” World Socialist Web Site. Oct. 18, 2002.

Meiklejohn, Gordon N., M.D. “Commission on Influenza.” Histories of the Commissions. Ed. Theodore E. Woodward, M.D. The Armed Forced Epidemiological Board. 1994.

Merritte, LaTasha, et al.. “The Banality of Evil: Human Medical Experimentation in the United States.” The Public Law Online Journal. Spring 1999.

Milgram, Stanley. “Milgram Experiment.” Wikipedia. 2006.

New York City Administration of Children’s Services. Press release. 22 Apr. 2005.

“Operation Plumbbob.” Wikipedia. 2005.

“Operation Whitecoat.” Religion and Ethics (Episode no. 708). Oct. 24, 2003.

Organic Consumers Association. “EPA and Chemical Industry to Study the Effects of Known Toxic Chemicals on Children”. 12 Apr. 2005.

Pacchioli, David. Subjected to Science. Mar. 1996.

“Placebo Effect.” Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine. 2006.

“Project Paperclip.” Wikipedia. 2005.

“Reviews and Notes: History of Medicine: Subjected to Science: Human Experimentation in America before the Second World War.” Annals of Internal Medicine 123:2. July 15, 1995.

Sharav, Vera Hassner. “Human Experiments: A Chronology of Human Rsearch.” Alliance for Human Research Protection.

Sauter, Daniel. Guide to MS 83 [Planned Parenthood of San Antonio and South Central Texas Records, 1931 – 1999]. University of Texas Library. Apr. 2001.

“Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.” News from the Joint Hearing on Suspension of Medical Research at West Los Angeles and Sepulveda VA Medical Facilities and Informed Consent and Patient Safety in VA Medical Research. 21 Apr. 1999.

University of New Hampshire. “Chronology of Cases Involving Unethical Treatment of Human Subjects.” Responsible Conduct of Research.

University of Virginia Health System Health Sciences Library. “Bad Blood: The Tuskegee Syphilis Study.” 2004.

U.S. Department of Energy. “Chapter 8: Postwar TBI-Effects Experimentation: Continued Reliance on Sick Patients in Place of Healthy “Normals.” Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE) Final Report.

Veterans Health Administration. Project 112/Project SHAD. May 26, 2005.

Willen, Liz and David Evans. “Doctor Who Died in Drug Test Was Betrayed by System He Trusted.” Bloomberg. Nov. 2, 2005.

—. “Parents of Babies Who Died in Delaware Tests Weren’t Warned.” Bloomberg. Nov. 2, 2005.

Articles Related to This Article:

• Vaccines and Medical Experiments on Children, Minorities, Woman and Inmates (1845 – 2007)

• Human medical experimentation in the United States: The shocking true history of modern medicine and psychiatry (1833-1965)

• Big Pharma researcher admits to faking dozens of research studies for Pfizer, Merck (opinion)

• Guatemalan STD medical experiments were just one crime in a long history of medical-government collusion to use humans as guinea pigs

• CDC vaccine scientist who downplayed links to autism indicted by DOJ in alleged fraud scheme

• Fraud in medical research: A frightening, all-too-common trend on the rise

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This is part two of a two-part series on human medical experimentation. Click here to read part one and the introduction.


The CIA continues a limited number of MKULTRA plans by beginning Project MKSEARCH to develop and test ways of using biological, chemical and radioactive materials in intelligence operations, and also to develop and test drugs that are able to produce predictable changes in human behavior and physiology (Goliszek).

Dr. Henry Beecher writes, “The well-being, the health, even the actual or potential life of all human beings, born or unborn, depend upon the continuing experimentation in man. Proceed it must; proceed it will. ‘The proper study of mankind is man,'” in his “exposé” on human medical experimentation Research and the Individual (“Human Experimentation: Before the Nazi Era and After”).

U.S. Army scientists drop light bulbs filled with Bacillus subtilis through ventilation gates and into the New York City subway system, exposing more than one million civilians to the bacteria (Goliszek).

The National Commission for the Protection of Research Subjects issues its Policies for the Protection of Human Subjects, which eventually creates what we now know as institutional review boards (IRBs) (Sharav).


Continuing on his Dow Chemical Company-sponsored dioxin study without the company’s knowledge or consent, University of Pennsylvania Professor Albert Kligman increases the dosage of dioxin he applies to 10 prisoners’ skin to 7,500 micrograms, 468 times the dosage Dow official Gerald K. Rowe had authorized him to administer. As a result, the prisoners experience acne lesions that develop into inflammatory pustules and papules (Kaye).

The CIA places a chemical in the drinking water supply of the FDA headquarters in Washington, D.C. to see whether it is possible to spike drinking water with LSD and other substances (Cockburn and St. Clair, eds.).

In a study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, researchers inject pregnant women with radioactive cortisol to see if the radioactive material will cross the placentas and affect the fetuses (Goliszek).

The U.S. Army pays Professor Kligman to apply skin-blistering chemicals to Holmesburg Prison inmates’ faces and backs, so as to, in Professor Kligman’s words, “learn how the skin protects itself against chronic assault from toxic chemicals, the so-called hardening process,” information which would have both offensive and defensive applications for the U.S. military (Kaye).

The CIA and Edgewood Arsenal Research Laboratories begin an extensive program for developing drugs that can influence human behavior. This program includes Project OFTEN — which studies the toxicology, transmission and behavioral effects of drugs in animal and human subjects — and Project CHICKWIT, which gathers European and Asian drug development information (Goliszek).

Professor Kligman develops Retin-A as an acne cream (and eventually a wrinkle cream), turning him into a multi-millionaire (Kaye).

Researchers paralyze 64 prison inmates in California with a neuromuscular compound called succinylcholine, which produces suppressed breathing that feels similar to drowning. When five prisoners refuse to participate in the medical experiment, the prison’s special treatment board gives researchers permission to inject the prisoners with the drug against their will (Greger).


Planned Parenthood of San Antonio and South Central Texas and the Southwest Foundation for Research and Education begin an oral contraceptive study on 70 poverty-stricken Mexican-American women, giving only half the oral contraceptives they think they are receiving and the other half a placebo. When the results of this study are released a few years later, it stirs tremendous controversy among Mexican-Americans (Sharav, Sauter).


President Nixon ends the United States’ offensive biowarfare program, including human experimentation done at Fort Detrick. By this time, tens of thousands of civilians and members of the U.S. armed forces have wittingly and unwittingly acted as participants in experiments involving exposure to dangerous biological agents (Goliszek).

The U.S. military conducts DTC Test 69-12, which is an open-air test of VX and sarin nerve agents at the Army’s Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland, likely exposing military personnel (Goliszek, Martin).

Experimental drugs are tested on mentally disabled children in Milledgeville, Ga., without any institutional approval whatsoever (Sharav).

Dr. Donald MacArthur, the U.S. Department of Defense’s Deputy Director for Research and Technology, requests $10 million from Congress to develop a synthetic biological agent that would be resistant “to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease” (Cockburn and St. Clair, eds.).

Judge Sam Steinfield’s dissent in Strunk v. Strunk, 445 S.W.2d 145 marks the first time a judge has ever suggested that the Nuremberg Code be applied in American court cases (Sharav).


A year after his request, under H.R. 15090, Dr. MacArthur receives funding to begin CIA-supervised mycoplasma research with Fort Detrick’s Special Operations Division and hopefully create a synthetic immunosuppressive agent. Some experts believe that this research may have inadvertently created HIV, the virus that causes AIDS (Goliszek).

Under order from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which also sponsored the Tuskegee Experiment, the free childcare program at Johns Hopkins University collects blood samples from 7,000 African-American youth, telling their parents that they are checking for anemia but actually checking for an extra Y chromosome (XYY), believed to be a biological predisposition to crime. The program director, Digamber Borganokar, does this experiment without Johns Hopkins University’s permission (Greger, Merritte, et al.).


President Nixon converts Fort Detrick from an offensive biowarfare lab to the Frederick Cancer Research and Development Center, now known as the National Cancer Institute at Frederick. In addition to cancer research, scientists study virology, immunology and retrovirology (including HIV) there. Additionally, the site is home to the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute, which researches drugs, vaccines and countermeasures for biological warfare, so the former Fort Detrick does not move far away from its biowarfare past (Goliszek).

Stanford University conducts the Stanford Prison Experiment on a group of college students in order to learn the psychology of prison life. Some students are given the role as prison guards, while the others are given the role of prisoners. After only six days, the proposed two-week study has to end because of its psychological effects on the participants. The “guards” had begun to act sadistic, while the “prisoners” started to show signs of depression and severe psychological stress (University of New Hampshire).

An article entitled “Viral Infections in Man Associated with Acquired Immunological Deficiency States” appears in Federation Proceedings. Dr. MacArthur and Fort Detrick’s Special Operations Division have, at this point, been conducting mycoplasma research to create a synthetic immunosuppressive agent for about one year, again suggesting that this research may have produced HIV (Goliszek).


In studies sponsored by the U.S. Air Force, Dr. Amedeo Marrazzi gives LSD to mental patients at the University of Missouri Institute of Psychiatry and the University of Minnesota Hospital to study “ego strength” (Barker).


An Ad Hoc Advisory Panel issues its Final Report on the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, writing, “Society can no longer afford to leave the balancing of individual rights against scientific progress to the scientific community” (Sharav).


Congress enacts the National Research Act, creating the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research and finally setting standards for human experimentation on children (Breslow).


The Department of Health, Education and Welfare gives the National Institutes of Health’s Policies for the Protection of Human Subjects (1966) regulatory status. Title 45, known as “The Common Rule,” officially creates institutional review boards (IRBs) (Sharav).


The Kennedy Hearing initiates the process toward Executive Order 12333, prohibiting intelligence agencies from experimenting on humans without informed consent (Merritte, et al.).

The U.S. government issues an official apology and $400,000 to Jeanne Connell, the sole survivor from Col. Warren’s now-infamous plutonium injections at Strong Memorial Hospital, and the families of the other human test subjects (Burton Report).

The National Urban League holds its National Conference on Human Experimentation, stating, “We don’t want to kill science but we don’t want science to kill, mangle and abuse us” (Sharav).


The CDC begins experimental hepatitis B vaccine trials in New York. Its ads for research subjects specifically ask for promiscuous homosexual men. Professor Wolf Szmuness of the Columbia University School of Public Health had made the vaccine’s infective serum from the pooled blood serum of hepatitis-infected homosexuals and then developed it in chimpanzees, the only animal susceptible to hepatitis B, leading to the theory that HIV originated in chimpanzees before being transferred over to humans via this vaccine. A few months after 1,083 homosexual men receive the vaccine, New York physicians begin noticing cases of Kaposi’s sarcoma, Mycoplasma penetrans and a new strain of herpes virus among New York’s homosexual community — diseases not usually seen among young, American men, but that would later be known as common opportunistic diseases associated with AIDS (Goliszek).


The National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research releases the Belmont Report, which establishes the foundations for research experimentation on humans. The Belmont Report mandates that researchers follow three basic principles: 1. Respect the subjects as autonomous persons and protect those with limited ability for independence (such as children), 2. Do no harm, 3. Choose test subjects justly — being sure not to target certain groups because of they are easily accessible or easily manipulated, rather than for reasons directly related to the tests (Berdon).



A study reveals a high incidence of leukemia among the 18,000 military personnel who participated in 1957’s Operation Plumbbob (a href=”http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Plumbbob”>”Operation Plumbob”).

According to blood samples tested years later for HIV, 20 percent of all New York homosexual men who participated in the 1978 hepatitis B vaccine experiment are HIV-positive by this point (Goliszek).

American doctors give experimental hormone shots to hundreds of Haitian men confined to detention camps in Miami and Puerto Rico, causing the men to develop a condition known as gynecomastia, in which men develop full-sized breasts (Cockburn and St. Clair, eds.).

The CDC continues its 1978 hepatitis B vaccine experiment in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, St. Louis and Denver, recruiting over 7,000 homosexual men in San Francisco alone (Goliszek).

The FDA prohibits the use of prison inmates in pharmaceutical drug trials, leading to the advent of the experimental drug testing centers industry (Sharav).

The first AIDS case appears in San Francisco (Goliszek).


(1981 – 1993) The Seattle-based Genetic Systems Corporation begins an ongoing medical experiment called Protocol No. 126, in which cancer patients at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle are given bone marrow transplants that contain eight experimental proteins made by Genetic Systems, rather than standard bone marrow transplants; 19 human subjects die from complications directly related to the experimental treatment (Goliszek).

A deep diving experiment at Duke University causes test subject Leonard Whitlock to suffer permanent brain damage (Sharav).

The CDC acknowledges that a disease known as AIDS exists and confirms 26 cases of the disease — all in previously healthy homosexuals living in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles — again supporting the speculation that AIDS originated from the hepatitis B experiments from 1978 and 1980 (Goliszek).


Thirty percent of the test subjects used in the CDC’s hepatitis B vaccine experiment are HIV-positive by this point (Goliszek).


SFBC Phase I research clinic founded in Miami, Fla. By 2005, it would become the largest experimental drug testing center in North America with centers in Miami and Montreal, running Phase I to Phase IV clinical trials (Drug Development-Technology.com).


A former U.S. Army sergeant tries to sue the Army for using drugs on him in without his consent or even his knowledge in United States v. Stanley, 483 U.S. 669. Justice Antonin Scalia writes the decision, clearing the U.S. military from any liability in past, presen

Introduction by the Health Ranger: The United States claims to be the world leader in medicine. But there’s a dark side to western medicine that few want to acknowledge: The horrifying medical experiments performed on impoverished people and their children all in the name of scientific progress. Many of these medical experiments were conducted on people without their knowledge, and most were conducted as part of an effort to seek profits from newly approved drugs or medical technologies.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/019189.html#ixzz3Ho2D5cgV

Human medical experimentation in the United States: The shocking true history of modern medicine and psychiatry (1833-1965)



Human medical experimentation in the United States: The shocking true history of modern medicine and psychiatry (1965-2005)



Monday, March 06, 2006 by: Dani Veracity

This is part two of a two-part series on human medical experimentation. Click here to read part one and the introduction.


The CIA continues a limited number of MKULTRA plans by beginning Project MKSEARCH to develop and test ways of using biological, chemical and radioactive materials in intelligence operations, and also to develop and test drugs that are able to produce predictable changes in human behavior and physiology (Goliszek).

Dr. Henry Beecher writes, “The well-being, the health, even the actual or potential life of all human beings, born or unborn, depend upon the continuing experimentation in man. Proceed it must; proceed it will. ‘The proper study of mankind is man,'” in his “exposé” on human medical experimentation Research and the Individual (“Human Experimentation: Before the Nazi Era and After”).

U.S. Army scientists drop light bulbs filled with Bacillus subtilis through ventilation gates and into the New York City subway system, exposing more than one million civilians to the bacteria (Goliszek).

The National Commission for the Protection of Research Subjects issues its Policies for the Protection of Human Subjects, which eventually creates what we now know as institutional review boards (IRBs) (Sharav).


Continuing on his Dow Chemical Company-sponsored dioxin study without the company’s knowledge or consent, University of Pennsylvania Professor Albert Kligman increases the dosage of dioxin he applies to 10 prisoners’ skin to 7,500 micrograms, 468 times the dosage Dow official Gerald K. Rowe had authorized him to administer. As a result, the prisoners experience acne lesions that develop into inflammatory pustules and papules (Kaye).

The CIA places a chemical in the drinking water supply of the FDA headquarters in Washington, D.C. to see whether it is possible to spike drinking water with LSD and other substances (Cockburn and St. Clair, eds.).

In a study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, researchers inject pregnant women with radioactive cortisol to see if the radioactive material will cross the placentas and affect the fetuses (Goliszek).

The U.S. Army pays Professor Kligman to apply skin-blistering chemicals to Holmesburg Prison inmates’ faces and backs, so as to, in Professor Kligman’s words, “learn how the skin protects itself against chronic assault from toxic chemicals, the so-called hardening process,” information which would have both offensive and defensive applications for the U.S. military (Kaye).

The CIA and Edgewood Arsenal Research Laboratories begin an extensive program for developing drugs that can influence human behavior. This program includes Project OFTEN — which studies the toxicology, transmission and behavioral effects of drugs in animal and human subjects — and Project CHICKWIT, which gathers European and Asian drug development information (Goliszek).

Professor Kligman develops Retin-A as an acne cream (and eventually a wrinkle cream), turning him into a multi-millionaire (Kaye).

Researchers paralyze 64 prison inmates in California with a neuromuscular compound called succinylcholine, which produces suppressed breathing that feels similar to drowning. When five prisoners refuse to participate in the medical experiment, the prison’s special treatment board gives researchers permission to inject the prisoners with the drug against their will (Greger).


Planned Parenthood of San Antonio and South Central Texas and the Southwest Foundation for Research and Education begin an oral contraceptive study on 70 poverty-stricken Mexican-American women, giving only half the oral contraceptives they think they are receiving and the other half a placebo. When the results of this study are released a few years later, it stirs tremendous controversy among Mexican-Americans (Sharav, Sauter).


President Nixon ends the United States’ offensive biowarfare program, including human experimentation done at Fort Detrick. By this time, tens of thousands of civilians and members of the U.S. armed forces have wittingly and unwittingly acted as participants in experiments involving exposure to dangerous biological agents (Goliszek).

The U.S. military conducts DTC Test 69-12, which is an open-air test of VX and sarin nerve agents at the Army’s Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland, likely exposing military personnel (Goliszek, Martin).

Experimental drugs are tested on mentally disabled children in Milledgeville, Ga., without any institutional approval whatsoever (Sharav).

Dr. Donald MacArthur, the U.S. Department of Defense’s Deputy Director for Research and Technology, requests $10 million from Congress to develop a synthetic biological agent that would be resistant “to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease” (Cockburn and St. Clair, eds.).

Judge Sam Steinfield’s dissent in Strunk v. Strunk, 445 S.W.2d 145 marks the first time a judge has ever suggested that the Nuremberg Code be applied in American court cases (Sharav).


A year after his request, under H.R. 15090, Dr. MacArthur receives funding to begin CIA-supervised mycoplasma research with Fort Detrick’s Special Operations Division and hopefully create a synthetic immunosuppressive agent. Some experts believe that this research may have inadvertently created HIV, the virus that causes AIDS (Goliszek).

Under order from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which also sponsored the Tuskegee Experiment, the free childcare program at Johns Hopkins University collects blood samples from 7,000 African-American youth, telling their parents that they are checking for anemia but actually checking for an extra Y chromosome (XYY), believed to be a biological predisposition to crime. The program director, Digamber Borganokar, does this experiment without Johns Hopkins University’s permission (Greger, Merritte, et al.).


President Nixon converts Fort Detrick from an offensive biowarfare lab to the Frederick Cancer Research and Development Center, now known as the National Cancer Institute at Frederick. In addition to cancer research, scientists study virology, immunology and retrovirology (including HIV) there. Additionally, the site is home to the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute, which researches drugs, vaccines and countermeasures for biological warfare, so the former Fort Detrick does not move far away from its biowarfare past (Goliszek).

Stanford University conducts the Stanford Prison Experiment on a group of college students in order to learn the psychology of prison life. Some students are given the role as prison guards, while the others are given the role of prisoners. After only six days, the proposed two-week study has to end because of its psychological effects on the participants. The “guards” had begun to act sadistic, while the “prisoners” started to show signs of depression and severe psychological stress (University of New Hampshire).

An article entitled “Viral Infections in Man Associated with Acquired Immunological Deficiency States” appears in Federation Proceedings. Dr. MacArthur and Fort Detrick’s Special Operations Division have, at this point, been conducting mycoplasma research to create a synthetic immunosuppressive agent for about one year, again suggesting that this research may have produced HIV (Goliszek).


In studies sponsored by the U.S. Air Force, Dr. Amedeo Marrazzi gives LSD to mental patients at the University of Missouri Institute of Psychiatry and the University of Minnesota Hospital to study “ego strength” (Barker).


An Ad Hoc Advisory Panel issues its Final Report on the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, writing, “Society can no longer afford to leave the balancing of individual rights against scientific progress to the scientific community” (Sharav).


Congress enacts the National Research Act, creating the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research and finally setting standards for human experimentation on children (Breslow).


The Department of Health, Education and Welfare gives the National Institutes of Health’s Policies for the Protection of Human Subjects (1966) regulatory status. Title 45, known as “The Common Rule,” officially creates institutional review boards (IRBs) (Sharav).


The Kennedy Hearing initiates the process toward Executive Order 12333, prohibiting intelligence agencies from experimenting on humans without informed consent (Merritte, et al.).

The U.S. government issues an official apology and $400,000 to Jeanne Connell, the sole survivor from Col. Warren’s now-infamous plutonium injections at Strong Memorial Hospital, and the families of the other human test subjects (Burton Report).

The National Urban League holds its National Conference on Human Experimentation, stating, “We don’t want to kill science but we don’t want science to kill, mangle and abuse us” (Sharav).


The CDC begins experimental hepatitis B vaccine trials in New York. Its ads for research subjects specifically ask for promiscuous homosexual men. Professor Wolf Szmuness of the Columbia University School of Public Health had made the vaccine’s infective serum from the pooled blood serum of hepatitis-infected homosexuals and then developed it in chimpanzees, the only animal susceptible to hepatitis B, leading to the theory that HIV originated in chimpanzees before being transferred over to humans via this vaccine. A few months after 1,083 homosexual men receive the vaccine, New York physicians begin noticing cases of Kaposi’s sarcoma, Mycoplasma penetrans and a new strain of herpes virus among New York’s homosexual community — diseases not usually seen among young, American men, but that would later be known as common opportunistic diseases associated with AIDS (Goliszek).


The National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research releases the Belmont Report, which establishes the foundations for research experimentation on humans. The Belmont Report mandates that researchers follow three basic principles: 1. Respect the subjects as autonomous persons and protect those with limited ability for independence (such as children), 2. Do no harm, 3. Choose test subjects justly — being sure not to target certain groups because of they are easily accessible or easily manipulated, rather than for reasons directly related to the tests (Berdon).


A study reveals a high incidence of leukemia among the 18,000 military personnel who participated in 1957’s Operation Plumbbob (a href=”http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Plumbbob”>”Operation Plumbob”).

According to blood samples tested years later for HIV, 20 percent of all New York homosexual men who participated in the 1978 hepatitis B vaccine experiment are HIV-positive by this point (Goliszek).

American doctors give experimental hormone shots to hundreds of Haitian men confined to detention camps in Miami and Puerto Rico, causing the men to develop a condition known as gynecomastia, in which men develop full-sized breasts (Cockburn and St. Clair, eds.).

The CDC continues its 1978 hepatitis B vaccine experiment in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, St. Louis and Denver, recruiting over 7,000 homosexual men in San Francisco alone (Goliszek).

The FDA prohibits the use of prison inmates in pharmaceutical drug trials, leading to the advent of the experimental drug testing centers industry (Sharav).

The first AIDS case appears in San Francisco (Goliszek).


(1981 – 1993) The Seattle-based Genetic Systems Corporation begins an ongoing medical experiment called Protocol No. 126, in which cancer patients at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle are given bone marrow transplants that contain eight experimental proteins made by Genetic Systems, rather than standard bone marrow transplants; 19 human subjects die from complications directly related to the experimental treatment (Goliszek).

A deep diving experiment at Duke University causes test subject Leonard Whitlock to suffer permanent brain damage (Sharav).

The CDC acknowledges that a disease known as AIDS exists and confirms 26 cases of the disease — all in previously healthy homosexuals living in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles — again supporting the speculation that AIDS originated from the hepatitis B experiments from 1978 and 1980 (Goliszek).


Thirty percent of the test subjects used in the CDC’s hepatitis B vaccine experiment are HIV-positive by this point (Goliszek).


SFBC Phase I research clinic founded in Miami, Fla. By 2005, it would become the largest experimental drug testing center in North America with centers in Miami and Montreal, running Phase I to Phase IV clinical trials (Drug Development-Technology.com).


A former U.S. Army sergeant tries to sue the Army for using drugs on him in without his consent or even his knowledge in United States v. Stanley, 483 U.S. 669. Justice Antonin Scalia writes the decision, clearing the U.S. military from any liability in past, present or future medical experiments without informed consent (Merritte, et al..


Philadelphia resident Doris Jackson discovers that researchers have removed her son’s brain post mortem for medical study. She later learns that the state of Pennsylvania has a doctrine of “implied consent,” meaning that unless a patient signs a document stating otherwise, consent for organ removal is automatically implied (Merritte, et al.).


The U.S. Justice Department pays nine Canadian survivors of the CIA and Dr. Cameron’s “psychic driving” experiments (1957 – 1964) $750,000 in out-of-court settlements, to avoid any further investigations into MKULTRA (Goliszek).

(1988 – 2001) The New York City Administration for Children’s Services begins allowing foster care children living in about two dozen children’s homes to be used in National Institutes of Health-sponsored (NIH) experimental AIDS drug trials. These children — totaling 465 by the program’s end — experience serious side effects, including inability to walk, diarrhea, vomiting, swollen joints and cramps. Children’s home employees are unaware that they are giving the HIV-infected children experimental drugs, rather than standard AIDS treatments (New York City ACS, Doran).


The United States sends 1.7 million members of the armed forces, 22 percent of whom are African-American, to the Persian Gulf for the Gulf War (“Desert Storm”). More than 400,000 of these soldiers are ordered to take an experimental nerve agent medication called pyridostigmine, which is later believed to be the cause of Gulf War Syndrome — symptoms ranging from skin disorders, neurological disorders, incontinence, uncontrollable drooling and vision problems — affecting Gulf War veterans (Goliszek; Merritte, et al.).

The CDC and Kaiser Pharmaceuticals of Southern California inject 1,500 six-month-old black and Hispanic babies in Los Angeles with an “experimental” measles vaccine that had never been licensed for use in the United States. Adding to the risk, children less than a year old may not have an adequate amount of myelin around their nerves, possibly resulting in impaired neural development because of the vaccine. The CDC later admits that parents were never informed that the vaccine being injected into their children was experimental (Goliszek).

The FDA allows the U.S. Department of Defense to waive the Nuremberg Code and use unapproved drugs and vaccines in Operation Desert Shield (Sharav).


In the May 27 issue of the Los Angeles Times, former U.S. Navy radio operator Richard Jenkins writes that he suffers from leukemia, chronic fatigue and kidney and liver disease as a result of the radiation exposure he received in 1958’s Operation Hardtack (Goliszek).

While participating in a UCLA study that withdraws schizophrenics off of their medications, Tony LaMadrid commits suicide (Sharav).


Columbia University’s New York State Psychiatric Institute and the Mount Sinai School of Medicine give 100 males — mostly African-American and Hispanic, all between the ages of six and 10 and all the younger brothers of juvenile delinquents — 10 milligrams of fenfluramine (fen-fen) per kilogram of body weight in order to test the theory that low serotonin levels are linked to violent or aggressive behavior. Parents of the participants received $125 each, including a $25 Toys ‘R’ Us gift certificate (Goliszek).


Researchers at the West Haven VA in Connecticut give 27 schizophrenics — 12 inpatients and 15 functioning volunteers — a chemical called MCPP that significantly increases their psychotic symptoms and, as researchers note, negatively affects the test subjects on a long-term basis (“Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.”).


In a double-blind experiment at New York VA Hospital, researchers take 23 schizophrenic inpatients off of their medications for a median of 30 days. They then give 17 of them 0.5 mg/kg amphetamine and six a placebo as a control, following up with PET scans at Brookhaven Laboratories. According to the researchers, the purpose of the experiment was “to specifically evaluate metabolic effects in subjects with varying degrees of amphetamine-induced psychotic exacerbation” (“Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.”).

Albuquerque Tribune reporter Eileen Welsome receives a Pulitzer Prize for her investigative reporting into Col. Warren’s plutonium experiments on patients at Strong Memorial Hospital in 1945 (Burton Report).

In a federally funded experiment at New York VA Medical Center, researchers give schizophrenic veterans amphetamine, even though central nervous system stimulants worsen psychotic symptoms in 40 percent of schizophrenics (“Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.”).

Researchers at Bronx VA Medical Center recruit 28 schizophrenic veterans who are functioning in society and give them L-dopa in order to deliberately induce psychotic relapse (“Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.”).

President Clinton appoints the Advisory Commission on Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE), which finally reveals the horrific experiments conducted during the Cold War era in its ACHRE Report.


A 19-year-old University of Rochester student named Nicole Wan dies from participating in an MIT-sponsored experiment that tests airborne pollutant chemicals on humans. The experiment pays $150 to human test subjects (Sharav).

In the Mar. 15 President’s Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE), former human subjects, including those who were used in experiments as children, give sworn testimonies stating that they were subjected to radiation experiments and/or brainwashed, hypnotized, drugged, psychologically tortured, threatened and even raped during CIA experiments. These sworn statements include:

• Christina DeNicola’s statement that, in Tucson, Ariz., from 1966 to 1976, “Dr. B” performed mind control experiments using drugs, post-hypnotic injection and drama, and irradiation experiments on her neck, throat, chest and uterus. She was only four years old when the experiments started.

• Claudia Mullen’s testimony that Dr. Sidney Gottlieb (of MKULTRA fame) used chemicals, radiation, hypnosis, drugs, isolation in tubs of water, sleep deprivation, electric shock, brainwashing and emotional, sexual and verbal abuse as part of mind control experiments that had the ultimate objective of turning her, who was only a child at the time, into the “perfect spy.” She tells the advisory committee that researchers justified this abuse by telling her that she was serving her country “in their bold effort to fight Communism.”

• Suzanne Starr’s statement that “a physician, who was retired from the military, got children from the mountains of Colorado for experiments.” She says she was one of those children and that she was the victim of experiments involving environmental deprivation to the point of forced psychosis, spin programming, injections, rape and frequent electroshock and mind control sessions. “I have fought self-destructive programmed messages to kill myself, and I know what a programmed message is, and I don’t act on them,” she tells the advisory committee of the experiments’ long-lasting effects, even in her adulthood (Goliszek).

President Clinton publicly apologizes to the thousands of people who were victims of MKULTRA and other mind-control experimental programs (Sharav).

In Dr. Daniel P. van Kammen’s study, “Behavioral vs. Biochemical Prediction of Clinical Stability Following Haloperidol Withdrawal in Schizophrenia,” researchers recruit 88 veterans who are stabilized by their medications enough to make them functional in society, and hospitalize them for eight to 10 weeks. During this time, the researchers stop giving the veterans the medications that are enabling them to live in society, placing them back on a two- to four-week regimen of the standard dose of Haldol. Then, the veterans are “washed-out,” given lumbar punctures and put under six-week observation to see who would relapse and suffer symptomatic schizophrenia once again; 50 percent do (“Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.”).

President Clinton appoints the National Bioethics Advisory Committee (Sharav).

Justice Edward Greenfield of the New York State Supreme Court rules that parents do not have the right to volunteer their mentally incapacitated children for non-therapeutic medical research studies and that no mentally incapacitated person whatsoever can be used in a medical experiment without informed consent (Sharav).


Professor Adil E. Shamoo of the University of Maryland and the organization Citizens for Responsible Care and Research sends a written testimony on the unethical use of veterans in medical research to the U.S. Senate’s Committee on Governmental Affairs, stating: “This type of research is on-going nationwide in medical centers and VA hospitals supported by tens of millions of dollars of taxpayers money. These experiments are high risk and are abusive, causing not only physical and psychic harm to the most vulnerable groups but also degrading our society’s system of basic human values. Probably tens of thousands of patients are being subjected to such experiments” (“Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.”).

The Department of Defense admits that Gulf War soldiers were exposed to chemical agents; however, 33 percent of all military personnel afflicted with Gulf War Syndrome never left the United States during the war, discrediting the popular mainstream belief that these symptoms are a result of exposure to Iraqi chemical weapons (Merritte, et al.).

In a federally funded experiment at West Haven VA in Connecticut, Yale University researchers give schizophrenic veterans amphetamine, even though central nervous system stimulants worsen psychotic symptoms in 40 percent of schizophrenics (“Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.”).

President Clinton issues a formal apology to the subjects of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study and their families (Sharav).


In order to expose unethical medical experiments that provoke psychotic relapse in schizophrenic patients, the Boston Globe publishes a four-part series entitled “Doing Harm: Research on the Mentally Ill” (Sharav).

Researchers give 26 veterans at a VA hospital a chemical called Yohimbine to purposely induce post-traumatic stress disorder (“Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.”).

In order to create a “psychosis model,” University of Cincinnati researchers give 16 schizophrenic patients at Cincinnati VA amphetamine in order to provoke repeats bouts of psychosis and eventually produce “behavioral sensitization” (Sharav).

National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) researchers give schizophrenic veterans amphetamine, even though central nervous system stimulants worsen psychotic symptoms in 40 percent of schizophrenics (“Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.”).

In an experiment sponsored by the U.S. government, researchers withhold medical treatment from HIV-positive African-American pregnant women, giving them a placebo rather than AIDS medication (Sharav).

Researchers give amphetamine to 13 schizophrenic patients in a repetition of the 1994 “amphetamine challenge” at New York VA Hospital. As a result, the patients experience psychosis, delusions and hallucinations. The researchers claim to have informed consent (“Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.”).

On Sept. 18, victims of unethical medical experiments at major U.S. research centers, including the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) testify before the National Bioethics Advisory Committee (Sharav).


Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D. testifies on “The Unethical Use of Human Beings in High-Risk Research Experiments” before the U.S. House of Representatives’ House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, alerting the House on the use of American veterans in VA Hospitals as human guinea pigs and calling for national reforms (“Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.”).

Doctors at the University of Pennsylvania inject 18-year-old Jesse Gelsinger with an experimental gene therapy as part of an FDA-approved clinical trial. He dies four days later and his father suspects that he was not fully informed of the experiment’s risk (Goliszek)

During a clinical trial investigating the effectiveness of Propulsid for infant acid reflux, nine-month-old Gage Stevens dies at Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh (Sharav).


The Department of Defense begins declassifying the records of Project 112, including SHAD, and locating and assisting the veterans who were exposed to live toxins and chemical agents as part of Project 112. Many of them have already died (Goliszek).

President Clinton authorizes the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Act, which compensates the Department of Energy workers who sacrificed their health to build the United States’ nuclear defenses (Sharav).

The U.S. Air Force and rocket maker Lockheed Martin sponsor a Loma Linda University study that pays 100 Californians $1,000 to eat a dose of perchlorate — a toxic component of rocket fuel that causes cancer, damages the thyroid gland and hinders normal development in children and fetuses — every day for six months. The dose eaten by the test subjects is 83 times the safe dose of perchlorate set by the State of California, which has perchlorate in some of its drinking water. This Loma Linda study is the first large-scale study to use human subjects to test the harmful effects of a water pollutant and is “inherently unethical,” according to Environmental Working Group research director Richard Wiles (Goliszek, Envirnomental Working Group).


Healthy 27-year-old Ellen Roche dies in a challenge study at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland (Sharav).

On its website, the FDA admits that its policy to include healthy children in human experiments “has led to an increasing number of proposals for studies of safety and pharmacokinetics, including those in children who do not have the condition for which the drug is intended” (Goliszek).

During a tobacco industry-financed Alzheimer’s experiment at Case Western University in Cleveland, Elaine Holden-Able dies after she drinks a glass of orange juice containing a dissolved dietary supplement (Sharav).

Radiologist Scott Scheer of Pennsylvania dies from kidney failure, severe anemia and possibly lupus — all caused by blood pressure drugs he was taking as part of a five-year clinical trial. After his death, his family sues the Institutional Review Board of Main Line Hospitals, the hospital that oversaw the study, and two doctors. Investigators from the federal Office for Human Research Protections, which is part of the Department of Health and Human Services, later conclude in a Dec. 20, 2002 letter to Scheer’s oldest daughter: “Your father apparently was not told about the risk of hydralazine-induced lupus … OHRP found that certain unanticipated problems involving risks to subjects or others were not promptly reported to appropriate institutional officials” (Willen and Evans, “Doctor Who Died in Drug Test Was Betrayed by System He Trusted.”)

In Higgins and Grimes v. Kennedy Krieger Institute The Maryland Court of Appeals makes a landmark decision regarding the use of children as test subjects, prohibiting non-therapeutic experimentation on children on the basis of “best interest of the individual child” (Sharav).


President George W. Bush signs the Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act (BPCA), offering pharmaceutical companies six-month exclusivity in exchange for running clinical drug trials on children. This will of course increase the number of children used as human test subjects (Hammer Breslow).


Two-year-old Michael Daddio of Delaware dies of congestive heart failure. After his death, his parents learn that doctors had performed an experimental surgery on him when he was five months old, rather than using the established surgical method of repairing his congenital heart defect that the parents had been told would be performed. The established procedure has a 90- to 95-percent success rate, whereas the inventor of the procedure performed on baby Daddio would later be fired from his hospital in 2004 (Willen and Evans, “Parents of Babies Who Died in Delaware Tests Weren’t Warned”).


In his BBC documentary “Guinea Pig Kids” and BBC News article of the same name, reporter Jamie Doran reveals that children involved in the New York City foster care system were unwitting human subjects in experimental AIDS drug trials from 1988 to, in his belief, present times (Doran).


In response to the BBC documentary and article “Guinea Pig Kids”, the New York City Administration of Children’s Services (ACS) sends out an Apr. 22 press release admitting that foster care children were used in experimental AIDS drug trials, but says that the last trial took place in 2001 and thus the trials are not continuing, as BBC reporter Jamie Doran claims. The ACS gives the extent and statistics of the experimental drug trials, based on its own records, and contracts the Vera Institute of Justice to conduct “an independent review of ACS policy and practice regarding the enrollment of HIV-positive children in foster care in clinical drug trials during the late 1980s and 1990s” (New York City ACS).

In exchange for receiving $2 million from the American Chemical Society, the EPA proposes the Children’s Health Environmental Exposure Research Study (CHEERS) to learn how children ranging from infancy to three years old ingest, inhale and absorb chemicals by exposing children from a poor, predominantly black area of Duval County, Fla., to these toxins. Due to pressure from activist groups, negative media coverage and two Democratic senators, the EPA eventually decides to drop the study on Apr. 8, 2005 (Organic Consumers Association).

Bloomberg releases a series of reports suggesting that SFBC, the largest experimental drug testing center of its time, exploits immigrant and other low-income test subjects and runs tests with limited credibility due to violations of both the FDA’s and SFBC’s own testing guidelines (Bloomberg).

Works cited:

Alliance for Human Research Protection. “‘Monster Experiment’ Taught Orphans to Stutter.”. June 11, 2001.

Barker, Allen. “The Cold War Experiments.” Mind Control.

Berdon, Victoria. “Codes of Medical and Human Experimentation Ethics.” The Least of My Brothers.

Brinker, Wendy. “James Marion Sims: Father Butcher.” Seed Show.

Burton Report. “Human Experimentation, Plutonium and Col. Stafford Warren.”

Cockburn, Alexander and Jeffrey St. Clair, eds. “Germ War: The U.S. Record.” Counter Punch.

“Donald Ewan [sic] Cameron.” Wikipedia.

Doran, Jamie. “Guinea Pig Kids.” BBC News. 30 Nov. 2004.

Drug Development-Technology.com. “SFBC.”

Elliston, Jon. “MKULTRA: CIA Mind Control.” Dossier: Paranormal Government.

Environmental Working Group. “U.S.: Lockheed Martin’s Tests on Humans.” CorpWatch.

Global Security. Chemical Corps. 2005.

Goliszek, Andrew. In the Name of Science. New York: St. Martin’s, 2003.

Greger, Michael, M.D. Heart Failure: Diary of a Third Year Medical Student.

Griffiths, Joel and Chris Bryson. “Toxic Secrets: Fluoride and the Atom Bomb.” Nexus Magazine 5:3. Apr. – May 1998.

Hammer Breslow, Lauren. “The Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act of 2002: The Rise of the Voluntary Incentive Structure and Congressional Refusal to Require Pediatric Testing.” Harvard Journal of Legislation Vol. 40.

“Human Experimentation: Before the Nazi Era and After.” Micah Books.

Kaye, Jonathan. “Retin-A’s Wrinkled Past.” Mind Control. Orig. pub. Penn History Review Spring 1997.

“Manhattan Project: Oak Ridge.” World Socialist Web Site. Oct. 18, 2002.

Meiklejohn, Gordon N., M.D. “Commission on Influenza.” Histories of the Commissions. Ed. Theodore E. Woodward, M.D. The Armed Forced Epidemiological Board. 1994.

Merritte, LaTasha, et al.. “The Banality of Evil: Human Medical Experimentation in the United States.” The Public Law Online Journal. Spring 1999.

Milgram, Stanley. “Milgram Experiment.” Wikipedia. 2006.

New York City Administration of Children’s Services. Press release. 22 Apr. 2005.

“Operation Plumbbob.” Wikipedia. 2005.

“Operation Whitecoat.” Religion and Ethics (Episode no. 708). Oct. 24, 2003.

Organic Consumers Association. “EPA and Chemical Industry to Study the Effects of Known Toxic Chemicals on Children”. 12 Apr. 2005.

Pacchioli, David. Subjected to Science. Mar. 1996.

“Placebo Effect.” Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine. 2006.

“Project Paperclip.” Wikipedia. 2005.

“Reviews and Notes: History of Medicine: Subjected to Science: Human Experimentation in America before the Second World War.” Annals of Internal Medicine 123:2. July 15, 1995.

Sharav, Vera Hassner. “Human Experiments: A Chronology of Human Rsearch.” Alliance for Human Research Protection.

Sauter, Daniel. Guide to MS 83 [Planned Parenthood of San Antonio and South Central Texas Records, 1931 – 1999]. University of Texas Library. Apr. 2001.

“Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.” News from the Joint Hearing on Suspension of Medical Research at West Los Angeles and Sepulveda VA Medical Facilities and Informed Consent and Patient Safety in VA Medical Research. 21 Apr. 1999.

University of New Hampshire. “Chronology of Cases Involving Unethical Treatment of Human Subjects.” Responsible Conduct of Research.

University of Virginia Health System Health Sciences Library. “Bad Blood: The Tuskegee Syphilis Study.” 2004.

U.S. Department of Energy. “Chapter 8: Postwar TBI-Effects Experimentation: Continued Reliance on Sick Patients in Place of Healthy “Normals.” Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE) Final Report.

Veterans Health Administration. Project 112/Project SHAD. May 26, 2005.

Willen, Liz and David Evans. “Doctor Who Died in Drug Test Was Betrayed by System He Trusted.” Bloomberg. Nov. 2, 2005.

—. “Parents of Babies Who Died in Delaware Tests Weren’t Warned.” Bloomberg. Nov. 2, 2005.

Articles Related to This Article:

• Vaccines and Medical Experiments on Children, Minorities, Woman and Inmates (1845 – 2007)

• Human medical experimentation in the United States: The shocking true history of modern medicine and psychiatry (1833-1965)

• Big Pharma researcher admits to faking dozens of research studies for Pfizer, Merck (opinion)

• Guatemalan STD medical experiments were just one crime in a long history of medical-government collusion to use humans as guinea pigs

• CDC vaccine scientist who downplayed links to autism indicted by DOJ in alleged fraud scheme

• Fraud in medical research: A frightening, all-too-common trend on the rise

Have comments on this article? Post them here:


Baby Parts for Sale. Recent Articles on Fetal Harvesting

August 22, 1999

The Wholesalers 

A Division of Consultative and Diagnostic Pathology, Inc., a wholesale trafficker in aborted baby parts from American clinics.

Out of an office in West Frankfort, IL, the company’s director, Dr. Miles Jones, profits from an evidently tremendously lucrative trade – his current “Fee for Services Schedule” offers eyes and ears for $75 to $999 for a brain. 

Opening Lines was founded in 1989 to “maximize the utilization of fresh fetal tissue we process.” It offer researchers “the highest quality, most affordable, and freshest tissue prepared to your specifications and delivered in the quantities you need when you need it.” 

Sale of human tissue, including fetal tissue, is against federal law, but Opening Lines advises patients how “simple” it is to get around that. It offers to “lease space from your facility to perform the harvesting to offset your clinic’s overhead.” It also offers to train clinic staff in harvesting and then “based on volume, reimburse part or all of your employee’s salary, thereby reducing your overhead.”  

Dr. Jones is obviously adept at getting around inconvenient regulations. “We DO NOT require a copy of your IRB approval or summary of your research,” he advises prospective clientele, “and you ARE NOT required to site Opening Lines as the source of tissue when you publish your work (we believe in word of mouth advertising; if you like our service you will tell your colleagues.”) 

Opening Lines is one of two wholesale traffickers, uncovered by Mark Crutcher at Life Dynamics Inc. a pro-life in Denton Texas. The other is the Anatomic Gift Foundation (AGF). Founded in 1994 by Jim and Brenda Bardsley, it originally operated out of a double-wide trailer at the end of a dirt road on the Satilla River in Georgia where the couple also ran a catfish farm. It has since moved its headquarters to Laurel, MD and now has operations in Phoenix, AZ and Aurora, CO. 

Life Dynamics’ sources inside abortion clinics acquired “fee schedules” for both organizations. Opening Lines’ is the more detailed of the two, listing prices for organs from fetuses under eight weeks gestation and over. An “intact trunk (with/without limbs)” costs $500, for example, a liver, $150, (“30% discount if significantly fragmented”). 

The prices “in effect until December 31, 1999” may seem low, observes Mr. Crutcher, but add up all the parts and single aborted baby is worth thousands. “Our daily average case volume exceeds 1500 and we serve clinics across the United States,” says Opening Lines’ brochure. 

Mr. Crutcher says that Dr. Jones is an aggressive salesman, eager to offer him reduced rates for bulk orders.

He also said in a recent taped interview that he is actively pursuing fetal tissue sources in Mexico and in Canada. 


The material contained in this file is made
available courtesy contributors and editors of



Você já se perguntou o que as clínicas de aborto fazem  dos bebês abortados? Você já se perguntou como essas clínicas ganham  dinheiro extra? Você já se perguntou por que pró-abortistas insistem em manter o procedimento de aborto de nascimento parcial legal?



Ever wonder what abortion clinics do with aborted babies?  Ever wonder how the clinics make extra money?  Ever wonder why pro-abortionists insist on keeping the Partial-birth abortion procedure legal? 

Fetal Harvesting


Você já se perguntou o que fazer com as clínicas de aborto bebês abortados? Você já se perguntou como as clínicas de ganhar dinheiro extra? Você já se perguntou por que pró-abortistas insistem em manter o procedimento de aborto de nascimento parcial legal?

Colheita Fetal

Pela primeira vez, ouvir um informante revela como os bebês (às vezes ao vivo) são colhidas a partir de clínicas de aborto para revenda. Cortesia da dinâmica da vida.

Parte # 1 Um informante (disfarçado), descreve como ela (e outros na empresa trabalhou para) reuniram-se tecido fetal em clínicas de aborto para revenda posterior às empresas farmacêuticas.

Parte # 2 Descreve como ela foi apresentada com muitos fetos vivos, incluindo um par de gêmeos, falta de ar. O médico exclamou “Apanhei-te alguns bons exemplares – gêmeos” O médico então afogou-los. Outras vezes, os médicos deveriam quebrar o pescoço ou bater o feto até a morte com um par de pinças.

Part # 3 descreve como uma mulher sofrendo “de dois dias” abortos iria entrar em trabalho de parto e parto do bebê ao vivo – e o aborto deixaria os bebês sem assistência médica para morrer lentamente. Descreve como os abortistas consistentemente desencorajaram as mulheres a tentativa de manter seus filhos (se eles mudaram de idéia), forçando-os a ter um aborto após a administração de mais sedação. Também informa quantas abortistas faça avanços sexuais a pacientes.

Artigos recentes sobre colheita Fetal
Julho 1999

Peças do bebê à venda
Um lote de olhos pela UPS – 30 fígados por FedEx

Por J. C. Willke, MD

Depois de lutar contra o aborto há 30 anos eu pensei que tinha visto e ouvido tudo, mas não é assim. Aqui é um novo desenvolvimento, um funcionamento coordenado à indústria de alta tecnologia para a finalidade específica de obtenção e venda de alta qualidade órgãos fetais para a pesquisa.

Partial-Birth abortos parecia ser tão horrível que a maioria de nós se perguntou como tais procedimentos poderiam ser defendidos. Muitos de nós chalked-lo para o fato de que os defensores pró-aborto e da indústria do aborto não quis dar um centímetro por medo de que sua casa inteira de cartões irá dobrar. Eu, entre outros, sentiu que a sua resistência ao proibir este procedimento horrível era o medo de um efeito dominó. Se parássemos um presente, então parava o próximo eo próximo eo próximo e não quer que ele inicie. Mas agora temos evidência de uma razão muito clara adicional por que eles querem esses abortos tardios para continuar. A razão é que este é o método que lhes dá uma intactas corpos fetais a partir da qual eles podem obter órgãos para investigação.

O outro método de tarde-termo aborto, D & E (dilatação e evacuação), envolve chegando até o útero e desmembrar o bebê vivo. Isto proporciona pedaços de órgãos macerados que são geralmente inadequadas para pesquisa fetal, transplante etc Esta pode ser a principal razão para a sua defesa veemente da prática do aborto de nascimento parcial.

A história foi quebrado recentemente pela dinâmica da vida sob a orientação de seu diretor, Mark Crutcher. Uma senhora veio a ele com uma história, que ele tenha verificado. O nome do informante não pode ser revelado, como ela ainda está envolvido no trabalho que ela expôs. Sua história é dramaticamente gravado em um vídeo recém-lançado pela dinâmica da vida. Nela, esta mulher sob o pseudônimo de Kelly, conta sua história. Sua volta é para a câmera e sua voz é eletronicamente alterado para evitar sua identificação. Ela trabalhou para “uma fonte externa, contratada com uma equipe para ir em [a final clínicas de aborto prazo] para dissecar e adquirir tecido fetal de alta qualidade de vendas.” Leia sobre como Kelly descreve sua profissão macabra. “O que fizemos foi ter um contrato com uma clínica de aborto que nos permitiria
lá em determinados dias. Gostaríamos de obter uma lista gerada a cada dia para nos dizer o que os pesquisadores de tecido, as empresas farmacêuticas e universidades estavam procurando. Então poderíamos examinar os prontuários dos pacientes. Gostaríamos de filtrar os que não querem.

Nós não utilizar espécimes que tiveram DSTs [doenças sexualmente transmissíveis] ou anormalidades fetais. Só queria que os espécimes mais perfeitos que nós poderíamos dar aos pesquisadores. “E a idade destes bebês? As vítimas foram até e mais de 30 semanas de gestação.” Nós estávamos procurando olhos, fígado, cérebro, timo [tecido linfóide ], cardíaco
sangue, sangue do cordão de sangue, a partir do fígado, mesmo sangue dos membros. ”

Somente um 2% estimado dos bebês abortados tardios tinham anormalidades. “O resto foi muito saudável. De 95% do tempo, ela estava ali apenas para se livrar do bebê.” Como muitos dos tardios – os cerca de 30 semanas – que você veria? “Provavelmente 30 ou 40 bebês por semana.”

Kelly afirmou: “Gostaríamos de vender o tecido a empreiteiros privados. Eles, por sua vez iria vender para outras universidades e pesquisadores. Houve uma grande demanda a cada semana para comprar esses tecidos fetais. Foi enviado por UPS, FedEx, Airborne e às vezes por especial correios. Às vezes, nós levaria a amostra em uma caixa para o aeroporto e colocá-lo em como carga regular, para ser pego no destino. ” E que essas empresas de navegação sabe que eles estavam transportando peças de bebê? “Não. Tudo o que sabiam era que era apenas células humanas. Mas poderia ser um feto completamente intacto. Pode ser um lote de olhos, ou 30 ou 40 fígados de sair naquele dia, ou timo

E as peças remanescentes? “Nós normalmente seria colocar isso no triturador juntamente com a placenta e sangue o material restante. Se ele era muito grande para ir pelo ralo, eles tiveram um freezer especial e quando acumulado 60 ou 70 fetos em uma caixa, que seria ser pego para incineração. ”

E então a pergunta óbvia. Kelly ainda está trabalhando para essa empresa, então por que ela veio e contar esta história para um grupo pró-vida? Um dia, quando ela estava trabalhando, “Um par de gêmeos com 24 semanas de gestação foi trazido para nós em uma panela. Eles estavam vivos. O médico voltou e disse: ‘Apanhei-te alguns bons exemplares, gêmeos. Olhei para ele e disse:
`Há algo errado aqui. Eles estão se movendo. Eu não faço isso. Isso não está no meu contrato. ” Eu lhe disse que não seria parte de tirar suas vidas. Então ele pegou uma garrafa de água estéril e derramou-o na panela até que o líquido veio acima sobre suas bocas e narizes, deixando-se afogar. Saí do quarto porque eu não conseguia ver isso. “Mas ela voltar e dissecá-los depois que eles foram mortos. Ela disse:” Foi quando eu decidi que era errado. Eu não quero estar lá quando isso aconteceu. “E então aconteceu uma e outra vez.” Às 16 semanas, todo o caminho até às vezes até 30 semanas, e tivemos nascidos vivos voltam para nós. “E então?” Em seguida, o médico quer quebrar o pescoço ou levar um par de pinças e bata até que o feto estava morto. ”

Será que o aborto nunca altera os procedimentos para obter o tipo de amostras que você precisava naquele dia? Sua resposta foi “Sim, antes dos procedimentos que eles gostariam de ver a lista do que queria obter. O [aborto] não nos levaria a dos mais completos, os dentes intactos que podia. Eles seriam entregues a nós completamente intacto. Às vezes o feto parecia estar morto, mas quando abriu a cavidade torácica, o coração ainda estava batendo. ” Ela foi perguntado se o tipo de procedimento de aborto foi intencionalmente alterados para lhe entregar um exemplar intacto, mesmo que isso significasse dar-lhe um bebê vivo? Sua resposta foi: “Sim, foi assim que nós poderíamos vender melhor o tecido, para que a nossa empresa iria ganhar mais dinheiro. No final do ano, eles dariam a clínica de volta mais dinheiro, porque temos bons exemplares.”

O procedimento de aborto de nascimento parcial envolve laminaria algas inserir no colo. Isso incha, dilatação do colo uterino. Em 24 horas, de novo Laminaria são inseridos. Isso produz mais inchaço e dilatação de modo que no terceiro dia, o bebê pode ser extraído. Durante o procedimento de dilatação, ela é enviada para um motel nas proximidades. Às vezes, o laminaria cairia para fora e ela iria entrar em trabalho de parto e entregar o bebê. E depois? “Eles chamam a enfermeira ea enfermeira iria chamar o médico que iria para o quarto de motel e pegar a mulher eo feto. Foi quando eles nos chamam e dizem: ‘Ok, nós temos um par de espécimes aqui ‘, ou’ Nós temos um espécime. ” Gostaríamos de ir [à clínica] e da amostra [o bebê] seria em um balde, às vezes vivo. Quando abrimos a caixa torácica o coração ainda estaria batendo. Às vezes a gente podia ver o movimento no balde. Estes bebês tiveram que sair vivo. Não há nenhuma maneira para eles vir a falecer. Eles estavam todos vivos. Como eles mataram ninguém sabe. Meu palpite é que eles tiveram que matá-los no balde ou colocá-los em um canto e deixá-los morrer lentamente. ” E isso foi porque o aborto tinha visto o quão forte você reagiu a vê-los mortos na frente de você? “Isso é correto. E ele não queria repetir esses casos, mas eles continuaram acontecendo de qualquer maneira, e é assim que eu vim chamar vocês [Life Dynamics].”

Finalmente, Kelly relatou como às vezes uma mulher, no meio do procedimento de dilatação, mudaria sua mente e diz que ela não queria o aborto. Nesse caso, eles iriam dizer a ela que agora é tarde demais. “Você vai fazer o aborto.” Kelly disse: “Todos os funcionários se reuniam em torno pressionando-a a fazer o aborto. No segundo dia, lhes é dada uma sedação IV, que tipo de coloca-los no que eu chamo de um cochilo Nyquil. Eles são, basicamente, sonolento , não pensar por si mesmo e isso é basicamente como eles são coagidos a continuar o procedimento. ”

Finalmente, na entrevista, ela observa que muitos dos funcionários das clínicas eram lésbicas. Quando a mãe estava inconsciente dessas mulheres seria discutir a sua genitália com comentários degradantes e por vezes até mesmo levar o número de telefone fora do seu gráfico. Então eles “chamam as semanas na estrada e pedir-lhe para sair. Não era incomum para mulheres ou homens na clínica para bater sobre essas mulheres para as datas.”

Agora sabemos por que

Agora sabemos que uma das principais razões pelas quais a indústria do aborto está lutando tão intensamente para evitar a proibição de aborto de nascimento parcial de ser promulgada. É mais do que não dar qualquer fundamento sobre o aborto por qualquer motivo. É também porque a venda de peças fetais é uma parte muito lucrativa do negócio do aborto. Essas mães pagar grandes somas de dinheiro para abortos tardios e os abortistas, por sua vez recebem muito dinheiro para esses órgãos intactos. Os espécimes modelo tem que ser: o maior – o melhor, o mais velho – o melhor, o mais vivo – o melhor.

O diálogo acima é de um vídeo que foi produzido pela dinâmica da vida. Se algum dos nossos leitores gostaria de uma cópia gratuita desta entrevista, enquanto as quantidades passado, não hesite em contactar-nos e nós lhe enviaremos uma cópia. Envie seu pedido para: questões da vida do Instituto, 1721 W. Galbraith Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45239. Telefone (513) 729-3600. Fax (513) 729-3636. E-mail lifeissues@aol.com
22 de agosto de 1999

Os atacadistas

A full-color brochura, brilhante convida aborto para “descobrir como você pode transformar a sua decisão do paciente em algo maravilhoso.” Está impresso por linhas de abertura, uma Divisão de Patologia e Diagnóstico Consultivo, Inc., uma traficante de atacado em partes do bebê abortado de clínicas americanas. Fora de um escritório em West Frankfort, IL, diretor da empresa, Dr. Miles Jones, os lucros de um comércio, evidentemente, tremendamente lucrativa – o seu “Taxa de Serviços Schedule” atual oferece olhos e ouvidos para US $ 75 a US $ 999 por um cérebro.

Linhas de abertura foi fundada em 1989, para “maximizar a utilização de tecido fetal fresco que nós processar.” Ele oferece aos investigadores “da mais alta qualidade, mais acessível, mais fresco e tecido preparado com suas especificações e entregues nas quantidades que você precisa quando você precisar dele.”

Venda de tecidos humanos, incluindo o tecido fetal, é contra a lei federal, mas as linhas de abertura aconselha os pacientes como “simples” é para contornar isso. Ele oferece a “alugar o espaço a partir de sua instalação para realizar a colheita, para compensar a sobrecarga a sua clínica.” Também oferece para treinar a equipe da clínica na colheita e, em seguida, “com base em volume, reembolsar parte ou a totalidade do salário do seu empregado, reduzindo suas despesas gerais.”

Dr. Jones é, obviamente, hábeis em contornar os regulamentos inconvenientes. “Nós não exigem uma cópia de sua aprovação IRB ou resumo de sua pesquisa”, aconselha clientela em potencial, “e você não é obrigado a linhas de abertura do site como fonte de tecido quando você publicar seu trabalho (acreditamos no boca a boca publicidade, se você gosta de nosso serviço que você vai dizer a seus colegas “).

Linhas de abertura é um dos dois traficantes no atacado, descoberto por Mark Crutcher na vida Dynamics Inc., uma pró-vida em Denton Texas. A outra é a Anatomic Presente Foundation (AGF). Fundada em 1994 por Jim e Bardsley Brenda, que inicialmente funcionava em um trailer de largura dupla no final de uma estrada de terra no Rio Satilla na Geórgia, onde o casal também administrou uma fazenda bagre. Desde então, mudou sua sede para Laurel, MD e possui operações em Phoenix, AZ e Aurora, CO

Fontes dinâmica da vida dentro de clínicas de aborto adquiridos “tabelas de preços” para ambas as organizações. Abertura de linhas ‘é a mais detalhada dos dois, enumerando preços para órgãos de fetos sob oito semanas de gestação e de novo. Um “tronco intacto (com / sem membros)” custa US $ 500, por exemplo, um fígado, US $ 150, (“30% de desconto se significativamente fragmentada”).

“Os preços em vigor até 31 de dezembro de 1999” pode parecer baixo, observa o Sr. Crutcher, mas somar todas as peças e bebê abortado único vale milhares. “Nosso volume de caso médio diário certificado exceder 1500 e servimos clínicas nos Estados Unidos”, diz o folheto linhas de abertura “.

Sr. Crutcher diz que Dr. Jones é um vendedor agressivo, ansioso para lhe oferecer taxas reduzidas para grandes encomendas. Ele também disse em uma recente entrevista gravada que ele está buscando ativamente fontes de tecido fetal no México e no Canadá.


************************************************** *
O material contido neste arquivo é feita
disponíveis colaboradores e editores de cortesia

The material contained in this file is made
available courtesy contributors and editors of
Pro-Life E-News.



Ever wonder what abortion clinics do with aborted babies?  Ever wonder how the clinics make extra money?  Ever wonder why pro-abortionists insist on keeping the Partial-birth abortion procedure legal? 

Fetal Harvesting


For the first time, hear an informant reveal how babies (sometimes live) are harvested from abortion clinics for resale. Courtesy of Life Dynamics.



Part #1 An informant (in disguise), describes how she (and others at the company she worked for) gathered fetal tissue at abortion clinics for later resale to pharmaceutical companies.


Part #2 Describes how she’s been presented with many live fetuses including a set of twins, gasping for air. The doctor exclaimed “Got you some good specimens – twins!”  The doctor then drowned them. Other times, doctors would break the neck or beat the fetus to death with a pair of tongs.


Part #3 Describes how some woman undergoing “two-day” abortions would go into labor and deliver a live baby – and the abortionist would leave the babies without medical care to die slowly.  Describes how abortionists consistently discouraged women from trying to keep their babies (if they changed their minds) by forcing them into having an abortion after administering more sedation. Also tells how many abortionists make sexual advances to patients.



Recent Articles on Fetal Harvesting

July 1999


Baby Parts for Sale

A batch of eyes by UPS – 30 livers by FedEx


By J. C. Willke, MD


After fighting abortion for 30 years I thought I had seen and heard it all, but not so. Here is a new development, a coordinated high-tech industry functioning for the specific purpose of obtaining and selling high-quality fetal organs for research.


Partial-Birth abortions seemed to be so horrible that most of us wondered how such procedures could be defended. Many of us chalked it up to the fact that the pro-abortion advocates and the abortion industry didn’t want to give one inch for fear that their whole house of cards will fold. I, among others, felt that their resistance to forbidding this gruesome procedure was a fear of a domino effect. If we stopped this one, then we’d stop the next and the next and the next and they didn’t want it to start. But now we have evidence of a very clear additional reason why they want these late-term abortions to continue. The reason is that this is the one method that gives them intact fetal bodies from which they can obtain organs for research.


The other method of late-term abortion, D&E (Dilatation and Evacuation), involves reaching up into the uterus and dismembering the live baby. This delivers pieces of macerated organs that are usually unsuitable for fetal research, transplantation etc. This may be the main reason for their vehement defense of the practice of Partial-Birth abortion.


The story was broken recently by Life Dynamics under the guidance of its director, Mark Crutcher. A lady came to him with a story, which he has verified. The name of the informant cannot be revealed, as she is still involved in the work that she has exposed. Her story is dramatically recorded in a video just released by Life Dynamics. In it, this woman under the pseudonym, Kelly, tells her story. Her back is to the camera and her voice is electronically altered to prevent her identification. She worked for “an outside source, hired with a team to go in [to late term abortion clinics] to dissect and procure fetal tissue for high-quality sales.” Read on as Kelly describes her macabre profession. “What we did was to have a contract with an abortion clinic that would allow us to

go there on certain days. We would get a generated list each day to tell us what tissue researchers, pharmaceutical companies and universities were looking for. Then we would examine the patient charts. We would screen out the ones we didn’t want.


We did not use specimens that had STDs [sexually transmitted diseases] or fetal abnormalities.  We only wanted the most perfect specimens that we could give to the researchers.” And the age of these babies? The victims were up to and over 30-weeks gestation. “We were looking for eyes, livers, brains, thymuses [lymphoid tissue], cardiac

blood, cord blood, blood from the liver, even blood from the limbs.”


Only an estimated 2% of the late-term aborted babies had abnormalities. “The rest were very healthy. 95% of the time, she was just there to get rid of the baby.” How many of the late-term – the ones around 30 weeks – would you see? “Probably 30 or 40 babies a week.”


Kelly stated, “We would sell the tissue to private contractors. They in turn would sell to other universities and researchers. There was a high demand every week to buy such fetal tissues. It was shipped by UPS, FedEx, Airborne and sometimes by special couriers. Sometimes we would take the specimen in a box to the airport and put it on as regular cargo, to be picked up at the destination.” And did these shipping companies know they were transporting baby parts? “No. All they knew was that it was just human cells. But it could be a completely intact fetus. It might be a batch of eyes, or 30 or 40 livers going out that day, or thymuses


And the leftover parts? “We would usually put this down the garbage disposal along with the placenta and the leftover blood material. If it was too large to go down the drain, they had a special freezer and when they accumulated 60 or 70 fetuses in one box, it would be picked up for incineration.”


And then the obvious question. Kelly is still working for this company, so why did she come and tell this story to a pro-life group? One day when she was working, “A set of twins at 24 weeks gestation was brought to us in a pan. They were both alive. The doctor came back and said, `Got you some good specimens, twins.’ I looked at him and said,

`There’s something wrong here. They are moving. I don’t do this. This is not in my contract.’  I told him I would not be part of taking their lives. So he took a bottle of sterile water and poured it in the pan until the fluid came up over their mouths and noses, letting them drown.  I left the room because I could not watch this.” But she did go back and dissect them after they were dead. She said, “That’s when I decided it was wrong. I did not want to be there when that happened.” And then it happened again and again. “At 16 weeks, all the way up to sometimes even 30 weeks, and we had live births come back to us.” And then?  “Then the doctor would either break the neck or take a pair of tongs and beat the fetus until it was dead.”


Did the abortionist ever alter the procedures to get you the type of specimens you needed that day? Her answer was “Yes, before the procedures they would want to see the list of what we wanted to procure. The [abortionist] would get us the most complete, intact specimens that he could. They would be delivered to us completely intact. Sometimes the fetus appeared to be dead, but when we opened up the chest cavity, the heart was still beating.” She was asked if the type of abortion procedure was intentionally altered to deliver to you an intact specimen, even if that meant giving you a live baby? Her answer was, “Yes, that was so we could sell better tissue, so that our company would make more money. At the end of the year, they would give the clinic back more money because we got good specimens.”


The Partial-Birth abortion procedure involves inserting seaweed laminaria into the cervix. This swells up, dilating the cervix.  In 24 hours, new laminaria are inserted. This produces more swelling and dilatation so that by the third day the baby can be extracted. During the dilatation procedure she is sent to a nearby motel. Sometimes the laminaria would fall out and she would go into labor and deliver the baby. And then? “They would call the nurse, and the nurse would call the doctor who would go to the motel room and pick up the woman and the fetus.  That’s when they would call us and say, `Okay, we’ve got a couple of specimens here,’ or `We’ve got one specimen.’ We would go [to the clinic] and the specimen [the baby] would be in a bucket, sometimes alive. When we opened the chest cavity the heart would still be beating.  Sometimes we could see movement in the bucket. These babies had to come out alive. There’s no way for them to be coming out dead. They were all alive. How they killed them is anyone’s guess. My guess is that they had to kill them in the bucket or put them in a corner and let them die slowly.” And that was because the abortionist had seen how strongly you reacted to seeing them killed in front of you? “That’s correct. And he did not want to repeat those instances but they kept happening anyway, and that’s how I came to call you guys [Life Dynamics].”


Finally, Kelly related how sometimes a woman, halfway through the dilatation procedure, would change her mind and say she did not want the abortion. In such a case they would tell her that it’s too late now. “You’re going to have the abortion.” Kelly said, “All of the staff would gather around pressuring her to have the abortion. On the second day, they’re given an IV sedation, which kind of puts them into what I call a Nyquil nap. They’re just basically drowsy, not thinking for themselves and that’s basically how they are coerced into continuing the procedure.”


Finally, in the interview, she notes that many of the employees of the clinics were lesbians. When the mother was unconscious these women would discuss her genitalia with degrading remarks and on occasion even take the phone number off of her chart. Then they would “call her weeks down the road and ask her out for a date. It was not uncommon for women or men at the clinic to hit on these women for dates.”


Now We Know Why


Now we know one of the major reasons why the abortion industry is fighting so intensely to prevent a ban on Partial-Birth abortion from being enacted. It’s more than not giving any ground on abortion for any reason. It’s also because selling fetal parts is a very lucrative part of the abortion business. These mothers pay large sums of money for late-term abortions and the abortionists in turn are given big money for these intact organs. The model specimens have to be: the bigger – the better; the older – the better; the more alive – the better.


The above dialogue is from a video that has been produced by Life Dynamics. If any of our readers would like a free copy of this interview, while quantities last, feel free to contact us and we will send you a copy. Send your request to: Life Issues Institute, 1721 W. Galbraith Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45239. Phone (513) 729-3600. Fax (513) 729-3636. E-mail lifeissues@aol.com 

August 22, 1999


The Wholesalers 


A full-color, glossy brochure invites abortionists to “find out how you can turn your patient’s decision into something wonderful.” It’s printed by Opening Lines, A Division of Consultative and Diagnostic Pathology, Inc., a wholesale trafficker in aborted baby parts from American clinics. Out of an office in West Frankfort, IL, the company’s director, Dr. Miles Jones, profits from an evidently tremendously lucrative trade – his current “Fee for Services Schedule” offers eyes and ears for $75 to $999 for a brain. 


Opening Lines was founded in 1989 to “maximize the utilization of fresh fetal tissue we process.” It offer researchers “the highest quality, most affordable, and freshest tissue prepared to your specifications and delivered in the quantities you need when you need it.” 


Sale of human tissue, including fetal tissue, is against federal law, but Opening Lines advises patients how “simple” it is to get around that. It offers to “lease space from your facility to perform the harvesting to offset your clinic’s overhead.” It also offers to train clinic staff in harvesting and then “based on volume, reimburse part or all of your employee’s salary, thereby reducing your overhead.”  


Dr. Jones is obviously adept at getting around inconvenient regulations. “We DO NOT require a copy of your IRB approval or summary of your research,” he advises prospective clientele, “and you ARE NOT required to site Opening Lines as the source of tissue when you publish your work (we believe in word of mouth advertising; if you like our service you will tell your colleagues.”) 


Opening Lines is one of two wholesale traffickers, uncovered by Mark Crutcher at Life Dynamics Inc. a pro-life in Denton Texas. The other is the Anatomic Gift Foundation (AGF). Founded in 1994 by Jim and Brenda Bardsley, it originally operated out of a double-wide trailer at the end of a dirt road on the Satilla River in Georgia where the couple also ran a catfish farm. It has since moved its headquarters to Laurel, MD and now has operations in Phoenix, AZ and Aurora, CO. 


Life Dynamics’ sources inside abortion clinics acquired “fee schedules” for both organizations. Opening Lines’ is the more detailed of the two, listing prices for organs from fetuses under eight weeks gestation and over. An “intact trunk (with/without limbs)” costs $500, for example, a liver, $150, (“30% discount if significantly fragmented”). 


The prices “in effect until December 31, 1999” may seem low, observes Mr. Crutcher, but add up all the parts and single aborted baby is worth thousands. “Our daily average case volume exceeds 1500 and we serve clinics across the United States,” says Opening Lines’ brochure. 


Mr. Crutcher says that Dr. Jones is an aggressive salesman, eager to offer him reduced rates for bulk orders. He also said in a recent taped interview that he is actively pursuing fetal tissue sources in Mexico and in Canada. 





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Pode o juiz autorizar um aborto? – Por Pe. Luiz Carlos Lodi da Cruz

Pode o juiz autorizar um aborto?

(nenhum juiz está acima da lei)

Por Pe. Luiz Carlos Lodi da Cruz
Presidente do Pró-Vida de Anápolis

Se o aborto é ilegal, a autorização judicial é inútil; se o aborto fosse legal, ela seria desnecessária. Em qualquer hipótese, não faz sentido pedir a um juiz que “autorize” um aborto. No entanto, generalizou-se a crença de que um juiz pode autorizar, ou até mesmo ordenar (!) a prática de tal crime. Diante de um alvará para matar[1], há médicos que se sentem intimidados, como se fossem “obrigados” a executar a sentença de morte decretada pelo magistrado.

O papel da imprensa tem sido importante em difundir a desinformação. Por exemplo: em 17/04/2011, domingo, a primeira página do jornal Diário da Manhã trazia a manchete: “Aborto dentro da lei: Justiça goiana autoriza mais de 20 interrupções de gravidez de fetos com má formação severa”. Segundo a matéria, “mais de 20 autorizações judiciais permitindo aborto de fetos com má-formação severa foram concedidas em Goiânia na última década”[2]. As crianças abortadas “judicialmente” não foram somente as portadoras de anencefalia. Vários outros bebês, com doenças menos sérias, como a síndrome de body-stalk, síndrome de Potter, encefalocele occipital e síndrome de Edwards foram condenados ao extermínio. A futilidade do motivo chegou ao auge quando em 23/03/2011 um juiz “autorizou” o abortamento de uma criança normal (!), sob a alegação de que ela poderia sofrer algum dano futuro (!) em virtude do tratamento de câncer a que seria submetida sua mãe[3].

Tentemos esclarecer a questão.

1. No Brasil o aborto é crime?

Sim. Um crime contra a pessoa e contra a vida, tipificado nos artigos124 a 128 do Código Penal.

2. Há algum caso em que o aborto não seja crime?

Não. No direito brasileiro, todo aborto diretamente provocado é crime.

3. E se não houver outro meio, a não ser o aborto, para salvar a vida da gestante?

Nesse caso, que aliás não ocorre, o aborto continua sendo crime.

4. E se a gravidez resultar de estupro e a gestante consentir no aborto?

Nesse caso, o aborto continua sendo crime.

5. Mas eu ouvi dizer que nos casos acima o aborto era legal…

De maneira alguma! Nessas duas hipóteses (art. 128, CP), o criminoso “não se pune”. Mas o aborto continua sendo crime.

6. Pode haver casos em que um criminoso fique sem punição?

Sim. A lei pode, após o fato consumado, deixar de aplicar a pena por razões de política criminal. Em Direito, isso recebe o nome de escusa absolutória. As escusas determinam a não punição do criminoso. Mas o crime permanece.

7. Dê alguns exemplos de escusa absolutória.

Se um filho furta de seu pai, comete crime de furto, mas fica isento de pena (art. 181, CP). Se a mãe esconde seu filho delinquente da polícia, comete crime de favorecimento pessoal, mas fica isenta de pena (art. 348,§2º, CP). Não se pode, porém, falar de “furto legal” ou de “favorecimento pessoal legal”.

8. O Estado pode favorecer essas condutas em que a pena não se aplica?

Claro que não. Imagine o absurdo que seria as escolas públicas ensinarem às crianças a maneira mais segura e eficiente de surrupiar as coisas do papai e da mamãe, a pretexto de que tal furto seria “legal”. Ou então pense no disparate que seria uma penitenciária reunir as mães dos detentos e explicar-lhes como escondê-los da polícia, a pretexto de que tal favorecimento pessoal seria “legal”.

9. O Estado pode financiar a prática do aborto nos casos em que a pena não se aplica?

De modo algum. O Sistema Único de Saúde não pode usar o dinheiro público para a prática de crime, haja ou não pena aplicada ao criminoso.

10. Cite juristas que sustentam a doutrina de que não há aborto legal no Brasil.

Além do grande Walter Moraes (já falecido), temos Ricardo Henry Marques Dip, Jaques de Camargo Penteado, Vicente de Abreu Amadei, José Geraldo Barreto Fonseca, Paulo de Tarso Machado Brandão, Maria Helena Diniz e Ives Gandra da Silva Martins.

11. Existe escusa absolutória em caso de má-formação fetal?

Não. O médico que pratica um aborto em razão de uma deficiência da criança por nascer (aborto eugênico) incorre nas penas dos artigos125 a127 do Código Penal.

12. Que valor tem uma autorização judicial para um aborto?

Nenhum valor. O aborto continua sendo crime, haja ou não a cumplicidade de um juiz.

13. Se o aborto for praticado, o juiz pode ser punido?

Pode e deve. “O resultado, de que depende a existência do crime, somente é imputável a quem lhe deu causa. Considera-se causa a ação ou omissão sem a qual o resultado não teria ocorrido” (art. 13, CP). Ora, se sem a “autorização” o aborto não teria sido praticado, ela, embora inválida, foi causa do crime. Por meio dela, o juiz concorreu para o crime. E “quem, de qualquer modo, concorre para o crime incide nas penas a este cominadas, na medida de sua culpabilidade” (art. 29, CP).

14. Quem é competente para julgar um juiz de direito que participa de um crime de aborto?

O Tribunal de Justiça do seu Estado (art. 96, III, CF).

15. Houve algum juiz punido por ter autorizado um aborto?

Não. Embora muitas vezes os tribunais tenham concedido ordem de habeas corpus em favor do nascituro, por considerarem ilegal a “autorização” para o aborto, em nenhum caso o juiz foi punido. Nem sequer foi denunciado.

16. A quem cabe denunciar um juiz por crime perante o Tribunal de Justiça?

Cabe ao Ministério Público, por meio do Procurador Geral de Justiça, oferecer a denúncia, ou seja, iniciar a ação penal contra o juiz (art. 29, V, Lei 8625/93).

17. O que se pode fazer para pôr fim a essa impunidade?

Solicitar a um parlamentar que represente criminalmente contra tais juízes.

Anápolis, 8 de fevereiro de 2012

Pe. Luiz Carlos Lodi da Cruz
Presidente do Pró-Vida de Anápolis

Þ      Envie sua mensagem à Frente Parlamentar em Defesa da Vida

Excelentíssimo presidente da Frente Parlamentar em Defesa da Vida

Deputado Federal Salvador Zimbaldi (SP)

Solicito que Vossa Excelência protocole uma representação junto ao Procurador Geral de Justiça do Estado de Goiás solicitando oferta de denúncia contra os juízes de direito que vêm autorizando ilegalmente a prática do aborto de crianças deficientes.

Como enviar sua mensagem?

Þ      Por meio de carta:

Excelentíssimo Deputado Salvador Zimbaldi

Câmara dos Deputados – Edifício Anexo 4

Gabinete n. 804

70160-900 – Brasília – DF

Þ      Por meio de telefone (61) 3215-5804 ou fax (61) 3215-2804

Þ      Por meio do Disque Câmara 0800 619 619 (ligação gratuita)

Þ      Por correio eletrônico: dep.salvadorzimbaldi@camara.gov.br

Assine uma petição on-line

[1] A expressão é de Ricardo Dip, Desembargador do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo.

[2] Cristiane LIMA, Justiça concede direito de aborto. Goiânia, Diário da Manhã, 17 abr. 2011, p. 2.

[3] Processo n.º 201100707390, 1ª vara criminal da Comarca de Goiânia (GO).

–Pe. Luiz Carlos Lodi da Cruz

Presidente do Pró-Vida de Anápolis Telefax: 55+62+3321-0900Caixa Postal 45675024-970 Anápolis GO http://www.providaanapolis.org.br

No Brasil, a “legalização” do aborto ocorrerá por negligência, no mínimo, e não por falta de recursos jurídicos para impedi-la, pois estes recursos não estão sendo usados intencionalmente.

Pergunta: o que é mesmo que o ufanismo “leigo” (?!!) comemorativo da direção de “Brasil sem aborto” estava considerando “mérito” ver como “atrasado” no julgamento da ADPF 54?https://objetodignidade.wordpress.com/2009/09/02/no-brasil-a-legalizacao-do-aborto-ocorrera-por-negligencia-no-minimo-e-nao-por-falta-de-recursos-juridicos-para-impedi-la-pois-estes-recursos-nao-estao-sendo-usados-intencionalmente/

—– Original Message —–

From: Celso Galli Coimbra
To: nao_ao_aborto@yahoogrupos.com.br
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 2:51 AM
Subject: [aborto_não] Re: BRASIL SEM ABORTO PREPARA 3ª MARCHA PELA VIDA E PELA PAZ – 30/08/09

Escrevi esta mensagem antes do falecimento do Min. M. Direito, o que sabia-se estava para ocorrer devido ao seu estado de saúde. Aliás, Lula, qdo escolheu aquele Min., sabia que ele tinha pouco tempo de vida. Outro, Eros Grau vai ser aposentado pela idade.
Os mais cotados para preenchimento destas vagas são o ex-procurador-geral da República, Antonio Fernando de Souza, o presidente do Superior Tribunal de Justiça, Cesar Asfor Rocha, e o advogado-geral da União, José Antônio Dias Toffoli (referido por mim na mensagem e preferido de lula).

Já houve mais uma decisão judicial de primeira instância no MS autorizando aborto de anencéfalo entre o dia 29 e hoje.
Pergunta: o que é mesmo que o ufanismo “leigo” (?!!) comemorativo da direção de “Brasil sem aborto” estava considerando “mérito” ver como “atrasado” no julgamento da ADPF 54?
Para legalizar o aborto no Brasil, o mais importante continua sendo a conduta “pró-vida” midiática desta ONG, que ainda se “surpreende” quando o Governo Federal retira-lhe recursos à última hora, deixando claro que teria sido “induzido a erro”. Esta retirada de recursos com viés desmoralizador bem sucedido não era uma possibilidade e sim uma certeza.
Por que a Lenise se surpreendeu? Por terem cometido um erro? Por achar que a “legalização” do aborto está dentro de um contexto “democrático” deste governicho?
Vão pedir ajuda cientifíca no exterior com o meio que trabalha conosco há bem mais de uma década e acham que isto não seria objeto de conhecimento e avaliação?
Caiu muito mal neste meio a maneira como esta ajuda foi solicitada, porque não passou despercebido a pessoas com larga experiência o que ela representava de fato.
Há vida inteligente dentro de “Brasil Sem Aborto” ou sim outros interesses inteligentes voltados para interesses pessoais de alguns?
O terceiro ano de existência de BSA deve ser comemorativo de uma cooperação impar de bastidores e por omissões com tudo aquilo que é decisivo para o objetivo dos abortistas.
Celso Galli Coimbra
OABRS 11352
Celso Galli Coimbra
OABRS 11352
—– Original Message —–

From: Celso Galli Coimbra
To: nao_ao_aborto@yahoogrupos.com.br
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 4:48 PM
Subject: [aborto_não] Re: BRASIL SEM ABORTO PREPARA 3ª MARCHA PELA VIDA E PELA PAZ – 30/08/09

Resposta à mensagem que festeja o terceiro ano de Brasil Sem Aborto.

O PL 1135/91 sempre foi uma manobra diversionista muito bem usada pelos abortistas e melhor ainda digerida por muitos dos que se consideram pró-vida.
Objetivo: desviar as atenções dos erros sistemáticos do meio pró-vida que continuam sendo cometidos na via onde o aborto será “legalizado” no Brasil – dentro do Poder Judiciário, no STF.
Não se comunique aqui que os Ministros do STF estão sendo suscetíveis a influências pró-vida porque isto não é verdade, pelo contrário, este “tempo ganho” está servindo é para que seja posta em prática uma estratégia no Judiciário de “consolidação de bases”, onde se verifica que as primeiras e segundas instâncias do Judiciário Nacional passam a dar suporte ao STF com cada vez mais decisões em suas respectivas esferas autorizando aborto de anencéfalos.
Neste cenário de “ganho de tempo” festejado o que ocorre é que as decisões de juízes de primeira instância contra o aborto de anencéfalos, quando ocorrem, passam a ser objeto de reforma em segunda instância, como é fato sabido no meio judicial e que tem como último precedente decisão de Desembargador do TJRS mandando juíza de primeira instância autorizar aborto de anencéfalo que ela tinha negado. Isto passa despercebido para leigos em seu significado, mas não se pode admitir que eu esteja me dirigindo a leigos por mais de três anos.
A situação, ao contrário do que a mensagem pretende comunicar, não melhorou. Ela piorou e muito para a defesa da vida desde a concepção. Esqueceram o parecer decisivo do Ministério Público Federal favorável ao aborto de anencéfalos na ADPF 54 apresentado ao STF? Está quase tudo bem?
Enquanto isso, a presidência de Brasil Sem Aborto está procurando “apoio científico” no exterior (com emails em espanhol redigidos por terceiros, e sequer no idioma de seus destinatários) e continua, tanto “esquecendo” que o apoio científico de mesmo nível está dentro do Brasil, quanto o fato de que sem defesa jurídica à altura da situação que é essencialmente jurídica, de nada adiantará este suporte científico, pois lhe faltara na melhor das hipóteses o manejo jurídico que se faz imperativo dentro de um processo jurídico, perante um órgão jurisdicional. Está quase tudo bem pensar que o STF é um “laboratório científico” ou meio “acadêmico científico”? Está quase tudo bem dar tempo para que mais um Ministro do STF possa ser nomeado por Lula, possivelmente seu cargo de confiança ex-dirigente da AGU?
No âmbito das audiências públicas da ADPF 54, a partir de setembro de 2008, houve sabotagem de uma defesa jurídica em precioso espaço de 15 minutos amplamente utilizado por assessora de confiança da Secretaria Especial de Nilcéia Freire (que já tínhamos deixado sem argumentos em programa de TV do STF), que estava acertada que seria feita por mim, mesmo que para ser lida por terceiros, onde as questões jurídicas que vão decidir este assunto seriam apontadas de forma mais clara do que realmente deseja o Brasil Sem Aborto, como, por exemplo, deixar claro ao STF sem meias palavras que, nos assuntos que gravitam no âmbito da Convenção Interamericana de Direitos Humanos, ele, STF, ao contrário do que foi dito por Ayres Britto, não é o órgão jurisdicional que tem a última palavra, mas sim a Corte Internacional de Direitos Humanos.
O que aconteceu? Houve simples renúncia deste espaço de defesa em audiência pública no ano de 2008, sem meu conhecimento prévio, sob a falsa alegação perante o Ministro Marco Aurélio de que não havia quem o fizesse. Está quase tudo bem mesmo?
Este clima de “muito a comemorar”, especialmente depois do extraordinário fiasco jurídico no julgamento das células tronco embrionárias dentro do STF, que representou a definição da realidade do que está em andamento e não foi alterada pela sucessão dos acontecimentos; quando, então, sequer houve fundamentação tempestiva da defesa da vida na Convenção Americana de Direitos Humanos, não corresponde aos fatos que se apresentam e que levam à legalização do aborto no Brasil dentro via STF. Este clima de ufanismo deslocado somente pode aumentar a retirada de foco de um grave problema tal qual como ele realmente está definido. Promove a aparência fatal do “faz de conta que estamos fazendo” o que os fatos exigem que seja feito.

Não está quase tudo bem e certamente não haverá tempo para o “muito que tem por ser feito” a não ser que a referência seja sobre correr atrás do prejuízo, como ocorre em outros países, para tentar revogar a “legalização” do aborto neste país.
A quais interesses esta sistematização de conduta comemorativa e ufanista beneficia? Não são os que se opõem com realismo ao desrespeito à defesa da vida desde a concepção tal qual ordenamento jurídico algum noutros países está hoje proporcionando ao Brasil.
No Brasil, a “legalização” do aborto ocorrerá por negligência, no mínimo, e não por falta de recursos jurídicos para impedi-la, pois estes recursos não estão sendo usados intencionalmente.

Celso Galli Coimbra
OABRS 11352

Neste grupo não é admitida a defesa da legalização do aborto no Brasil.
O início da vida humana individualizada, para a Ciência e para o Direito, começa na concepção. Subsídios sobre estas informações podem ser obtidos nos textos e artigos que são colocados nos Arquivos deste grupo.

Endereços de e-mail do grupo:

Enviar mensagem: nao_ao_aborto@yahoogrupos.com.br
Entrar no grupo: nao_ao_aborto-subscribe@yahoogrupos.com.br
Proprietários da lista: nao_ao_aborto-owner@yahoogrupos.com.br
Página Inicial do grupo:


Anencéfalo. O que está acontecendo.

Dar fim arbitrariamente à vida de alguém, chama-se genocídio.

(art. 6, Pacto de Direitos Civis e Políticos, 1966)



Tudo faz crer num jogo antigo do mercado, armado para apenas manter aparências e finalizar com a queima da Constituição da república na Corte que deve ser sua guardiã, o Supremo Tribunal Federal.

Em 5 de junho de 2003,
Cláudio Fonteles foi escolhido pelo presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva para ser procurador-geral da República. Era subprocurador da República em Brasília, e substituiu Geraldo Brindeiro.

Desde Brindeiro até Fonteles, não se via sair das gavetas da Procuradoria-geral da República a quarta Interpelação Judicial, esta de julho de 2000, da sociedade civil representada pelo Dr. Celso Galli Coimbra, em busca de respostas do Conselho Federal de Medicina – CFM, sobre os critérios declaratórios da morte encefálica, Resolução 1480/97, que permite a captação de órgãos vitais únicos da pessoa que, sem a morte cardíaca, mantém o fluxo do sangue pelo corpo e o movimento do coração, é anestesiada para não sentir dor com a retirada de seus órgãos e tudo isso é admitido pelo órgão gestor médico como mero prognóstico.

Então, Fonteles e o Ministério Público Federal conhecem os problemas graves na declaração de morte encefálica e toda a análise da inconstitucionalidade que a envolve. Por isso, houve uma ordem superior de engavetamento desta Interpelação que só foi vencida por este advogado, Dr. Celso Galli Coimbra, em outubro de 2003, que está noticiada com destaque na Folha de São Paulo de 05.10.2003.

No dia 23 de junho de 2004, na CPI do Tráfico de Órgãos, […] foi debatido o caráter homicida do teste da apnéia (desligamento do respirador do paciente por até10 minutos) para fins de declaração de morte encefálica e maior captação de órgãos vitais únicos destinados à transplantação, quando de novo ficou demonstrado que ele podia ser a causa da morte do paciente.

CPI – No Congresso, teste médico é acusado de homicida e abre discussão pública –

Por www.biodireito-medicina.com.br
<http://www.biodireito-medicina.com.br/> – em 7/2004 às 22:13

No episódio de outubro de 2006 relativo ao aborto, os pró-vida que festejam e comemoram encontros para sustentar as aparências de um faz de conta que “’respostas e acções jurídicas estão a ser preparadas”’, afastaram Dr. Celso Galli Coimbra assim que ficou evidente a façanha político-partidária da organização de “Brasil sem Aborto” que ele denunciou após a entrega intempestiva da carta aos candidatos à presidência da república, Lula e Alckmin.

O concepto é pessoa para o Direito com base na Convenção Americana de Direitos Humanos, que integra a Constituição brasileira como norma fundamental, e também pelo Código Civil. O embrião é pessoa que pode reclamar seus direitos e alimentos em juízo.

E responder em juízo à analogia, construída pelo ministro Ayres Britto, entre morte encefálica e o estágio embrionário da vida humana, como uma justificativa para sustentar a prática do aborto, no julgamento da ADIN sobre os embriões humanos, não foi feito.

O advogado melhor preparado para contestar estes pontos não foi consultado.

Advogados não faltam no meio pró-vida de Brasília, mas o que eles fizeram até agora de eficiente? Sequer a oportunidade de oferecer as razoes jurídicas da defesa à vida foi aproveitada diante de Marco Aurélio em 2008

Ayres Britto disse em seu Relatório na ADIN das CTHs que “nada há na Constituição que estebeleça o momento do início da vida humana” e nada foi feito, permitindo assim que tal afirmação ficasse sem contraponto.

Não dá para esquecer estes favores “gratuitos” que os pró-vida  fizeram aos abortistas e aos empresários de clínicas de aborto.

É preciso lembrar também:

Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente:

Art. 7º – A criança e o adolescente têm direito a proteção à vida e à saúde, mediante a efetivação de políticas sociais públicas que permitam o nascimento e o desenvolvimento sadio e  harmonioso, em condições dignas de existência.

Assinalamos que proteger a vida não é eliminá-la por causa de patologias e a dignidade da existência começa por respeitá-la enquanto a vida existir, oferecendo-lhe todo atendimento necessário ao alcance do pleno bem-estar.

É importante destacar que a proteção à vida humana assegurada no constitucionalismo brasileiro não estabelece graus maiores ou menores de perspectiva de vida como elemento imperativo à determinar a vigência da proteção.  Se assim fosse, se fossem determinadas diferentes perspectivas de vida na Constituição, a  proteção à vida humana desapareceria para todos, e não apenas para os anencéfalos.

Hoje, a Advocacia Geral da União ergue-se para defender aborto de feto anencéfalo no STF?

São Jose, 1 de setembro de 2009.

Cristiane Rozicki

A Advocacia Geral da União pode defender aborto de feto anencéfalo no STF?

Disponível em


09/04/2009 — Celso Galli Coimbra

a AGU (Advocacia Geral da União) não é paga com dinheiro público para defender o descumprimento da Convenção Americana de Direitos Humanos que integra o rol de direitos humanos do constitucionalismo brasileiro como cláusula pétrea e, portanto, imune até mesmo a uma reforma constitucional (PECs).  Muito menos é paga para obter — por ignorância ou não — a  legitimação da criminosa Resolução 1752/2004 do CFM, através da ADPF 54, que autoriza a retirada de órgãos dos anencéfalos depois de nascidos e, em seus considerandos, altera maliciosamente a declaração de morte para todos no Brasil para um conceito de “morte” que nunca existiu na medicina: é uma ficção homicida que vai atingir todos os brasileiros com vida e saúde também.

Além disto, a citada Resolução do CFM — uma vez legitimada — “institucionaliza” o próspero mercado do tráfico de órgãos humanos no Brasil, quando obviamente ensejará a negociação do nascimento de anencéfalo para poder retirar-lhe os órgãos.

Falar no “principio da legalidade” de parte da AGU sobre este assunto é anedótico, quando ela defende o desrespeito às normas de maior hierarquia deste país.


Impossibilidade de legalização do aborto no Brasil desde sua proibição constitucional de ir à deliberação pelo Poder Legislativo

Anencefalia, morte encefálica, o Conselho Federal de Medicina e o STF

Celso Galli Coimbra – OABRS 11352


Morte encefálica não é morte

Membros do Conselho de Bioética do Governo dos EstadosUnidos reconhecem incerteza na declaração de morte encefálica

Recentemente, em dezembro de 2008, alguns membros do Conselho de Bioética do Governo dos Estados Unidos reconheceram oficialmente que há suficiente incerteza sobre os cuidados com a declaração da morte encefálica e sobre a questão da retirada de órgãos para transplantes [1].

Conforme já foi provado no Brasil pela via judicial e perante o Ministério Público Federal, desde o início desta década, o fato mais relevante neste assunto, essencialmente jurídico também, é que sem consenso nas fontes formadoras do conhecimento médico internacional, não é possível manter uma declaração médica, com base em meros postulados dogmáticos de  autoridade do CFM, declaração que é do fim da vida de uma pessoa, não de uma simples gripe, e ainda com o objetivo de beneficiar a sobrevida de outro paciente através da retirada de seus órgãos. Portanto, existem interesses públicos e notórios em “declarar” a morte do paciente traumatizado encefálico, esteja ele vivo ou morto mesmo.


Continua em:

Morte encefálica não é morte

Morte encefálica não é morte: neurologistas, filósofos, neonatologistas, juristas e bioeticistas unânimes na Conferência “Signs of Life” de Roma, de fevereiro de 2009

27/02/2009 — Celso Galli Coimbra

A Conferência “Sinais da Vida” de Roma, de fevereiro de 2009, teve caráter médico, científico e jurídico, com participantes reconhecidos internacionalmente como autoridades em suas profissões, mesmo assim a mídia brasileira não noticiou sobre este importante evento para não comprometer o genocídio da medicina transplantadora no Brasil, que é uma indústria da morte bilionária. O constitucionalismo brasileiro determina o direito à informação e não permite o tráfico de órgãos. Quando emfuturo próximo os fatos relativos ao homicídio de pacientes traumatizados encefálicos estiver imposto, pois existentes já são e de conhecimento, inclusive oficial, do Ministério Público Federal (que terá muito o que explicar quanto ao significado da frase “não contrariamos políticas de Estado”), os responsáveis pela morte destes inúmeros pacientes dentro dos hospitais brasileiros, com o exclusivo objetivo de beneficiar a sobrevida de pacientes de médicos transplantadores, poderão responder civil e criminalmente diante das famílias induzidas a erro mortal na “doação” de órgãos de seus filhos e parentes, tanto pela ação como pela omissão, inclusive de informações, desde 1997 neste país.

Celso Galli Coimbra – OABRS 11352


En España (hoy son más de 100.000 abortos anuales) se multiplicarán por dos en pocos años. 250.000 bebés no saldrán con vida del seno de su madre Y los beneficios económicos de los empresarios del aborto crecerán

—– Original Message —–

From: “HazteOir.org” <boletin-admin@listas.hazteoir.org>
Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2009 12:00 PM
Subject: Conoces Derecho a Vivir?

Cristiane Rozicki, muy buenas!

Espero que te estén gustando los mensajes que estás recibiendo de HazteOir.org. Ahora queremos invitarte a unirte a una plataforma, que es posible que ya conozcas.

Si ya te has apuntado a Derecho a Vivir, te agradeceremos reenvíes este mensaje.

Te pongo en antecedentes…

El 4 de septiembre de 2008 la Ministra de Igualdad, Bibiana Aído, anunció una ley del aborto libre, que se aprobaría en 2009. Si esa ley llega a aprobarse, el delito del aborto – todavía vigente – desaparecerá en la práctica de nuestro Código Penal y el número de niños abortados en España (hoy son más de 100.000 abortos anuales) se multiplicarán por dos en pocos años. 250.000 bebés no saldrán con vida del seno de su madre. 250.000 mujeres sufrirán las consecuencias del aborto. Los beneficios económicos de los empresarios del aborto crecerán significativamente.

Ante este panorama, un grupo de ciudadanos decidimos hacer todo lo que esté en nuestras manos para tratar de parar esta masacre. El 8 de septiembre lanzamos un llamamiento a los miembros y foristas de HazteOir.org para recabar sus ideas y sugerencias sobre la campaña que estábamos planificando. Los mensajes de cientos de ciudadanos activos que nos enviaron sirvieron para dar forma a nuestro plan para parar la ley del aborto libre que pretende imponernos el Gobierno.

Y así decidimos lanzar una campaña masiva de información y concienciación sobre la realidad del aborto. Una campaña que vamos a desarrollar en torno al lema de “Derecho a Vivir” y a una página Web – www.derechoavivir.org – que servirá de centro de nuestras operaciones en Internet.

“Derecho a Vivir” quiere hacer llegar su mensaje a millones de españoles. Queremos establecer un diálogo continuo con nuestros conciudadanos que nos permita a todos conocer en detalle lo que significa el aborto. Si conseguimos nuestro propósito – estamos seguros – una mayoría social obligará a Zapatero a retractarse y retirar su proyecto de aborto libre.

Si quieres unirte a este movimiento pro-derechos civiles que va a hacer historia… Si quieres estar informado de las iniciativas de información y movilización que vamos a lanzar en los próximos meses… Si quieres hacer todo lo que esté en tus manos para parar la ley del aborto libre… Únete a “Derecho a vivir” firmando en:


Y si todavía puedes hacer algo más, aquí te proponemos otras formas de colaborar con Derecho a Vivir:


¡Muchas gracias!

Ignacio Arsuaga y todo el equipo de HO